I come to you today to convey what I deem an urgent message regarding the tumultuous times that lie ahead. In brief, I have substantial reasons to believe that we are on the precipice of a significant escalation in censorship on a global scale. Indeed, I regret to inform you that this troubling trend seems to have already commenced. For those seeking to bypass these oppressive measures, I encourage you to focus on the tools and guides that follow.
For various reasons—some of which must remain undisclosed—I urge all to swiftly acquire fundamental skills to counter what I categorize as mid-level censorship tactics. Below are some points I can share to underscore the gravity of this situation.
Firstly, the United States made a genuine attempt to ban TikTok, an app that, while initially intended for lighthearted dance videos, has now evolved into one of the fastest avenues for disseminating information. It is worth noting that despite the attempted ban, my investigations (details withheld for security) have revealed a marked increase in censorship compared to the period prior to this initiative.
Moreover, I suspect that the Tor Project anticipates a rise in global censorship, which may jeopardize the Tor network's capacity to circumvent these mechanisms. However, I am constrained from disclosing further information on this matter.
Additionally, it has come to my attention that several social networks are actively suppressing links and discussions surrounding tools designed to combat censorship, such as Linux and Distrowatch.
Here is a concise list of essential tools, predominantly free software, that I recommend:
1. An affordable laptop or desktop.
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