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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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This thread will detail some of the changes made to the site in the past year, as well as our plans for the future.

New i2p Address
As requested by several users, and in accordance with our general ethos of encouraging online anonymity, leftychan now has an i2p address which can be found here:
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Moderation Changes
* New spam filter - Thanks to the hard work of our dev and admin Zer0-, leftychan now has an effective countermeasure against the automatic bot spam that plagues alt-chans. Dubbed as the 'spam noticer', the implementation of this system has led to a dramatic fall in malicious advertisement threads being posted to the site.
* New mods & dev - In order to better cover european and asian timezones, two more mods have been voted onto the team. These are sindikat, who has previous moderation experience, and jon, who is also acting as a dev and has made many valuable contributions in this capacity.
* Removal of Zul - In line with the rule that if a mod is inactive for over 15 weeks their status as a mod is called into question, Zul was voted off the mod team.

New Roulette Board
After some discussion, we decided on /k/ as the new roulette board theme, replacing /CHAD/. Archived threads from previous roulette cycles can still be viewed here >>>/roulette_archive/
Any suggestions for future roulette board rotations are welcome.
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 No.285223[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Hello /leftypol/, we noticed an under-appreciation for the theory that upholds our political ideologies: As such, we have decided to revive the reading sticky! This thread will be dedicated to the sharing, discussing, and general banter about various leftist thinkers, theories, and political outlooks.

But, other than that, we believe there are other important reads that must be addressed, especially, for beginners and those just now getting into leftism.

Don't forget to check out >>>/edu/ for more reading and discussion!

Common Right Wing Talking Points Debunks

Check out the /edu/ thread at

Also see the relevant leftybooru tag
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yes, marxists.org

 No.484995[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

One Year of Genocide

Continued from >>483169

Updates since the start of the last thread:
The (largely civilian) Palestinian death toll has now passed 42,000. With over 10,000 missing, it's expected that current estimates are lower than the actual death toll, and excess deaths have been estimated by The Lancet to plausibly be upwards of 186,000.

Hamas political leader and negotiator Ismail Haniyeh was killed in Tehran by an Israeli bombing.

Israel sabotaged the international supply chain to put bombs in 3,000 pagers and other electronic devices in Lebanon, resulting in thousands of injuries and several deaths, in a major blow to both Hezbollah and the Lebanese civilian population.

Israel launched an ongoing series of carpet bombings of the Lebanese capital of Beirut, killing several high-ranking Hezbollah commanders. A strike dubbed "Operation New Order" which used 80 2,000 lb bombs took out several blocks of apartment buildings and killed Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah on September 27, and also killed an IRGC commander.

In early October, Israel began launching ground invasions of south Lebanon, which are ongoing and have met resistance. Thousands have been killed, and over a million displaced.

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>so this thing is over now ?
>like for real ?
I'm still catching up to the last couple days of news, and there are scattered things like this I've seen:
My suspicion is that Israel will try to do the same sort of shit they've done in Lebanon, and will continue attacks in the West Bank with Trump support.
I'd love for it to be over, but they're gonna keep doing this stuff. They'll keep occupying Syria and Lebanon, they'll keep attacking Palestinians, and they'll keep pulling the US into war. The only solution is to end the reign of the war criminals (including in the US & UK), try them, and end Zionism once and for all. Without that, it will just keep repeating and getting worse.




Israeli forces are now invading and attacking parts of Jenin in the West Bank and announced a major Operation codenamed Iron Wall/Iron Shield. Yesterday, the IDF Chief-of-Staff said to expect "significant operations in the West Bank in the coming days."


I don't know what to think. By all appearances Trump seems to have bullied Netanyahu to stop. Something Biden was unable or unwilling to do. What Netanyahu has done is not in the interest of Israel by any stretch. So Trump could be acting against Netanyahu as "a friend of Israel" or something.

I think we need to wait and see. It has been a very long time since anything other than copious amounts of blunt force made the Zionists halt. Whatever Trump has to make this happen, it's not violent means. I think it's worth taking note of this development. It would be nice to have more of it.


Jan 18 (Reuters) - Two senior Iranian Supreme Court judges involved in handling espionage and terrorism cases were shot dead in the capital Tehran on Saturday, Iran's judiciary said.

It said the attacker killed himself after opening fire at the judges inside the Supreme Court, and that a bodyguard of one of the judges was wounded.

The judiciary identified the judges who were killed as mid-ranking Shi'ite Muslim clerics Mohammad Moghiseh and Ali Razini.

While the motive for the assassination was still unclear, judiciary spokesperson Asghar Jahangir told state television that the two judges had long been involved in "national security cases, including espionage and terrorism".

"In the past year, the judiciary has undertaken extensive efforts to identify spies and terrorist groups, a move that has sparked anger and resentment among the enemies," he said.

State TV said these cases were related to individuals linked to Israel and the Iranian opposition supported by the United States. It did not elaborate.


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Honestly, I'm sick of Trump already. He's just been going around, ordering the drilling of oil (aka destroying the fucking planet) and making a bunch of useless changes – none of which make America better. I'm a democratic socialist, and I believe that Trump needs to be IMPEACHED. Except that would leave Vance, who I'm not too fond of either. Trump has been ABUSING EXECUTIVE POWER, and I just wish he would fucking stop. What do you think about this?


Lol did you just come out of 2017 or something?
The US ruling class have been using their global influence to back a genocide. America is collapsing, and the new administration is first thing up there approving annexation of the West Bank, vowing to keep suppressing opposition at home to the billions of dollars the gov't is shipping overseas while American cities are literally on fire on one coast and under water on the other coast. You don't like Trump? You don't like Vance? Then shoot 'em, shoot any of them, they're murderers. I'd say the same thing to someone who doesn't like Biden. Put your money where your mouth is!


Before their mysterious disappearance the Soviets were working on at least similiar to these weapons programs. We know tht at least the U.S. military had much more advanced programs than Timothy Tobiason's books.


>Before their mysterious disappearance the Soviets
Mysterious ?
The dissolution of the Soviet Union isn't a mystery. It was a combination of internal political and economic errors and the pressure from the arms-race. Mostly the former.

Sorry for going off topic, i don't know much about chem/bio-warfare. I guess it's rational to research that stuff in order to develop antidotes.

It's not rational to use those weapons tho. In the Syria dirty war a few years back there was a staged incident with a fake chem-warfare attack, if i remember correctly . It was supposed to become a pretext for a full on hot-war. But all that shit fell apart because they couldn't fool the forensics team.

There was another thing in the UK called the Skripal affair. There too the UK government made up an implausible story about how people got poisoned, maybe for furthering some political agenda. I didn't pay much attention, sorry for not remembering the details.

The point is that unless you're interested in developing anti-dotes, it's kind of pointless otherwise. Poison was the stealth weapon in the middle ages where it could change political power, but that was before science invented forensics.

However adversarial development can be effective. For example you can make 2 teams do research in a manor where one invents a poison and the other one invents a anti-dote. In a game of one-up-man-ship that could yield a bunch of anti-dotes which you can produce and stock in hospitals, just in case. So if you got an interest in poison, you can channel that into a socially beneficial direction where it protects people from harm. I'm assuming that projects as described already exist but they likely don't advertise them selves, because they don't want to broadcast the location of pandorra's box i guess. So if you want in on that, i guess publish useful science stuff and hope they tap you on the shoulder.


There were at least two or even three fake/false-flag gas attacks in Syria. One in Khan Shaykhun, one in Ghouta, one in Douma (this is the one which had massive OPCW fallout).


Right, thanks for contributing the details.

I always wondered, did the OPCW survive this intact ? As in did the people who demonstrated the integrity to call a spade a spade remain or have they been replaced with yes-man ?


They were whistleblowers, and I'd say the OPCW's credibility has been irreversibly tarnished at this point. The US, Britain, and France even blocked at the UN security council the testimony of Jose Bustani, the first director-general of the OPCW, for discussing the suppression of evidence and cover-up at the OPCW on the Syrian investigations. Bustani himself had his family threatened by John Bolton and was forced to resign in the lead up to the Iraq War.

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TikTok refugees are migrating to RedNote

There are a lot of cute interactions happening on RedNote aka Xiaohongshu between americans and native chinese users as tiktok faces am imminent ban in the US.

The devs there are working hard to get the app translated for english speakers.

Go on RedNote and repost some positive interactions.

keep the comments positive
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was meant for >>487001


Ew, stop posting that faggot


>Unironically is Elon some kind of closet Bolshevik whose actions are calculated to instill class consciousness
he does like rockets, the Bolsheviks also liked those.

But it's unlikely.


>to instill class consciousness
To be fair you have to have a pretty high I _Q to understand Elon Musk but the real question is, can he prevent it at this point even if they tried doing so at all costs?


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He really likes to dab he just has trouble doing them.

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 No.457563[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Last one is full and the worst thread on leftychan must be contained.

In recent news: Ukies done a successful counteroffensive in Izium, Z gang now in shambles. Biden promises even more money for Ukraine. Putin meets Xi, Erdogan, Modi and others at the SCO summit.

Pro-Russia sources:

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Yeah, I got that, I just assumed it was Russian Pravda at first, hence why I was surprised. I didn't see the .ua after the .com. It would be weird if Russian Pravda phrased things this way.


Does the language game pay off ? As in, is it really worth it to call governments one doesn't like "regimes" or like in this case say "seize" instead of "liberate".

Are we doing it wrong by not calling Ukraine "the democracy abandoned Bandarist neocon backed regime" or something like that ?


… I mean, personally, "seized" and "liberate" are both perfectly accurate in this case. Like, I don't see that as particularly propagandistic - Ukraine objectively has a better claim to that territory than Russia does. Russia's best claim for reason to be there is security concerns, and that still doesn't entitle them, legally, to control of the territory or anything like that. I wouldn't even have commented on it at all if I hadn't mistakenly thought that the linked article was from regular Pravda instead of Ukraine's Pravda. It would be weird if Russian Pravda wrote it that way, but it would be weird if Ukrainian Pravda didn't.


>I mean, personally, "seized" and "liberate" are both perfectly accurate in this case. Like, I don't see that as particularly propagandistic
Clearly these words are not synonymous, but i can't really be bothered to pick this apart.

>Ukraine objectively has a better claim to that territory than Russia does.

The Russians did a referendum, and while you can criticize that on the basis that it did not include people who fled the war, or that it was held while the Russian military was present, it's still more democratic than Ukraine's abolished elections. Technically Ukraine doesn't have a government until they hold elections.

>Russia's best claim for reason to be there is security concerns, and that still doesn't entitle them, legally, to control of the territory

The US invaded Ukraine via a covert war, you know the CIA arming and training groups like Azov. I don't know enough about international law to say for sure, but i think the Russians can claim that this was the US attempting to mass forces on Russia's boarders which technically is an act of war.

I think that it's pure ideological distortion to say this was a war between Ukraine and Russia. Nato poured so many weapons into Ukraine that it would best be described as a Russia-NATO proxy war. International law prohibits proxy wars too, so not sure where that leaves this.

Then there is the matter that some regions of formerly east Ukraine declared independence from Ukraine, that is something people can do. Democratic self determination and all that jazz. Lets not forget that the Ukrainian government was doing heavy discriminating against some parts of the population. You can only claim governance over people that are enfranchised. But wait there is more. At some point the Ukrainian military began shelling residential areas, they claimed to be part of Ukraine. I'm sorry but I don't really see how that tracks. I think that's the point when Kiefv relinquished it's claims. Governance by artillery that's not really a thing.

My preference was east Ukraine becoming a new country, instead of this war. The western governments would have needed to officially recognize it for that to happen. So i do get why this is fantasy-land.
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>not calling Ukraine "the democracy abandoned Bandarist neocon backed regime" or something like that ?
Maybe you don't. I refer to Zelenskyy's govt. as "the Banderite regime".


Party declaration:

The American Communist Party (ACP) is an organization which aims to reconstitute the historic Communist Party USA, which has become corrupted by federal agents and liberal forces. Look no further than Joe Sims, who supports the genocidal Democratic Party. It was launched in July of 2024, in response to the events of the 32nd Convention of the CPUSA. At this convention, party leadership subverted and betrayed democratic centralism and the freedom of critique which is supposed to follow from it. They claimed to be a genuine Marxist-Leninist party, but the leadership doesn't even follow their own rules. The CPUSA delayed all elections and without a vote made a resolution that they’d basically just campaign for Democrats. Just a bunch of boomers sitting around and writing articles about identity politics rather than organizing.

Already the ACP is far more successful than anyone would have expected from a brand new baby party. They are building reputation locally, taking care of their own communities and making areas safe for children and families to enjoy. Diplomatic ties on the international level have already been established. ACP has garnered more attention in the past couple months than the corrupt, decadent CPUSA leadership has in decades. A huge number of the CPUSA clubs across the entire country had a huge part in making this happen. Will you join up?

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is he still around?


Is there any more info?

From >>486980 it just looks like one literally who quit.


And yet for some reason we're supposed to care about the hot takes of some nobody stream whore.


Yeah tbh this seems pretty insignificant.


I'm talking about the nobody stream whore who's head of this "party".

 No.485932[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Syrian rebels enter Aleppo three days into surprise offensive
Insurgents had recaptured territory around Syria’s second city with civilians including children killed in fighting

Islamist insurgents have entered Syria’s second city of Aleppo in a shock assault, eight years after forces loyal to Damascus seized control of the city.

Fighters from Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) began a major offensive earlier this week from their base in the Idlib countryside, a slim strip of land in Syria’s north-west. It took only three days for the fighting to reach Aleppo, with insurgents capturing territory around the city’s outskirts for the first time in four years as Syrian government forces pummelled rebel-held areas.

Turkey’s Anadolu state news agency reported on Friday afternoon that the insurgents had entered Aleppo, while unverified images and video circulating online showed armoured vehicles and armed uniformed militants on its streets. The Associated Press said residents reported hearing missiles striking its outskirts.

The fighting over the last three days had killed 27 civilians, including eight children, David Carden, the UN deputy regional humanitarian coordinator for the Syria crisis, told Reuters.

The rebels have rapidly recaptured dozens of towns and villages in the Aleppo countryside, seizing a military base, weaponry and tanks from Syrian government forces, while some Turkish-backed Syrian rebel groups based elsewhere in north-west Syria joined the fighting.

The UN said Syrian government forces based in Damascus carried out at least 125 airstrikes and shelled areas across Idlib and western Aleppo controlled by the rebels in response to the offensive, killing at least 12 civilians and wounding 46 others, and displacing 14,000 people.

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Initially surprised there was anything left tbh not that I should have been, obviously there'd still be, like, AKs and bullets like you attached at the very least and probably other stuff


After the Syrian government folded. Israel launched a frantic bombing campaign to destroy the big ticket items like tanks, helicopters, AA-radars/launchers and so on. I guess they destroyed 50% to 75% of that stuff. But they probably only got 10% of the smaller items.

Like you said, it's probably more than automatic rifles. Likely are mortars, rocket-pods, light cannons (for point defense or mounted on pickup trucks) , grenades and perhaps drones.


Israel bodied Iran and its entire axis. Now with Syria fallen there's an open corridor for IAF sorties to take out Iran's nuke sites a la Osirak 1981


>Israel bodied Iran and its entire axis.
Yemen's still hitting Israel even as the US and UK continue to bomb Yemen on Israel's behalf.

>Now with Syria fallen there's an open corridor for IAF sorties to take out Iran's nuke sites a la Osirak 1981

The last time Israel (or possibly the US, see Daniel Alwan's possibly opsec-breaking post) attacked Iran directly, they struggled to get close enough to hit much, and that seems to have been down to Iran's own air defenses - Assad didn't do much of anything to impede them, an approach which, in retrospect, some would say was a mistake.


>Israel bodied Iran and its entire axis.
Isreal has mainly bodied bloodied children in Gaza.

>Now with Syria fallen there's an open corridor

Those linchpin theories usually don't pan out.

>for IAF sorties to take out Iran's

Iran seem to have a potent air defense system these days. The last time Israel attempted an air-raid, was a few months ago. They fired fighter based long range stand-off weapons into Iran. By all appearances those ran into a veritable air-defense buzz-saw and very few targets were actually hit. After that Israel called off the followup strikes they had previously announced.

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Yoon Suk Yeol (emphasis on the suck) has declared martial law, out of the blue. Probably because he's loosing power, his approval rating tanked, there's scandals surrounding his wife and the opposition is blocking his political programs.

The pretext he gave for the martial law was "eradicating the pro north Korean communist forces"
If only there were communist forces about to topple the wannabe dictator of BRoK
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Red - NOW: Authorities in the Republic of Korea (ROK) are attempting to arrest impeached President Yoon Suk Yeol for the second time over his brief declaration of martial law in December. Up to 1,000 police officers have been deployed, currently attempting to enter Yoon’s residence.


Vietnam should invade South Korea as revenge for when South Korea joined in on invading Vietnam.




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In the document, the complainant stated, “JK Kim Dong Wook (John Kim) relinquished his South Korean citizenship to acquire Canadian citizenship, making him a foreign national. According to Article 17 of the Immigration Control Act, foreign nationals residing in South Korea are prohibited from engaging in political activities. Violators may face penalties.”

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