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"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Chinese New Year 2025

How are you celebrating?
Post your food and your fireworks uyghurs.
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I can't remember where I read it, but, I read that the CCP is favorable to communists and will take in refuge commies.


I don't think they're interested in imageboard communists though.


Why couldnt you? Go visit there and marry a beautiful Chinese lady to get citizenship.


Fuck you WMAFtard


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Apparently Romania and the US knew, at the time they accused Russia & China of interference, that the social media campaign for Călin Georgescu which preceded his electoral victory was actually funded primarily by one of the major established Romanian parties. Ryan Grim compares it to all the times the DNC has funded far-right Republicans, ostensibly to have an easier candidate to beat, although some would say that if that was, in fact, the DNC's goal then their results have been very questionable. In Romania's case, the gov't just overturned the election entirely and falsely blamed Russia.


It's ironic that an establishment party funded the campaign of an outsiders party that in the end won the election. It's somewhat questionable whether that actually was causal. At least If you make a legal argument that spending money on political campaigns is interfering with an election, then you create the precedent that will allow small parties to contest every election a big party wins on the basis of having more resources for political campaigning.

If the election wasn't rigged that means it's legit and the cancellation isn't valid. If they have a do-over election that they rig in order to impose a vassal candidate. That's very likely going to cause political violence, because it likely would be a regression to colonialism. We know that will end with an anti-colonial liberation movement driving out colonial overlords. It's the failed strategy that ended the British empire.

I wonder what the goal is, are they trying to sacrifice Romania like they did with Ukraine, in order to impose another war on Russia ?
Do they think the Romanian population would fall for that trick after seeing what happened to the Ukrainians ?

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the world works on looks. looks are important. we human will always fully think and associate people with lighter skin color as looking better, better to look at, and is more beautiful/pretty/handsome.
we all also associate lighter skin color with being more feminine for women consider feminine. we can never change this. not a single thing anyone do and say will ever change this. you can never change how people think like this. man or women everybody think like this.

now then have and obvious answer. for the sake of use call it the “Blond Path". we need to produce white people with blue eyes and green eyes and blond hair and ginger hair. the quota would be 10 times the world population including the world population of whites with natural color hair and eyes. To do this we ignore or erase things that are a hindrance such as marriage, monogamy, family unit, relationship, and romance. Production does not stop there, we also need to group ethnic whites together with the same ethnic whites (Ex: Scotts with Scotts, serbs with serbs, and etc). Although this one is of a different program. This program also require us to get rid of the same hindrance the former program have. Both program do not see heigh, body or looks. As long as your face are not horrendous you are good, so even if your not handsome and beautiful you will still be in the program.

As part of the Blond path and to prevent dehumanization and other such unwanted idea,we will educate people. Specifically we will tell them about that one zoning infrastructure real-estate thing (I forgot the name of it) that put black and brown people in place were the chemicals,paint ,water ,walls and environment in general are doing things to their head (mind and brain) and body. In general everybody need to be educated about racist laws and myth and other such things. Other then that we need to eliminate race science and race bias in science.

In short. The world need to have industry level production of ethnic whites and more importantly whites with blue eyes, green eyes, blond hair and red hair because the world work on looks. But we also educate people so they don’t believe in race science and race biased science.

we must advertise this to every rightoid, boomers, and whites.

I am speaking as a brown.
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I don't mean offense 😅 anyway . I'm your fan your work throughout the history is fascinating. If anything is happening in reality it always has it's causal reasons so anyway life is life and it is what it is . Please do accept my friendship invitation on telegram . Xoxo . If I'm redpilled schizophrenic it'd be fun talking to me 😉


Another day another conspiracy theorist gone completely mad . How the fuck you can control 8 billions of breeding people like how do you control each individual's choices and thoughts


silence those people who keep speaking about "diversity is beautiful", "inner beauty!", and "non-whites are beautiful too!". we will do the breeding program after a red victory, then we can do the program without much of a hurdle. because in truth, actual victory is achieved when we can steamroll those delusional "diversity"-people.


You need a cute brown girl (or boy idc) to blow your pent-up load into. Doctor's orders to cure your eugenicist brain-rot.


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All of the other bleaching threads in this site are fakes. I hope Trump kills you all.

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I haven't researched it yet, but I just saw this excerpt from a 1978 piece by Paul Goldstein for the LaRouchite Executive Intelligence Report which claims that Jewish Confederate Judah P. Benjamin and B'Nai Brith member Kuttner Baruch were crucial to the formation of the Ku Klux Klan.

There's a Dr. Simon Baruch who apparently was later revealed to be a Klan member, but I haven't delved deep enough to learn much about Kuttner Baruch and what the sources for the claim that he financed it are. Has anyone delved deeper?
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>Elaborate on this? I'm interested to read more about it.
Not that guy you replied to, so bear that in mind.

The Zionists have a tendency to ally them selves with anti-Semitic factions internationally. They do that because they want local anti-Semites to alienate the local Jewish diaspora, hoping to increase the number of Jews that migrate to Israel.

Netanyahu once tried to whitewash Hitler. He said something along the lines of Arab leaders having tricked poor Adolf into committing the holocaust instead of concentrating all the Jews in Israel. So that KKK thing is not surprising. Also if re-incarnation was real that could explain this.


Right, I was asking Eugene for specific sources, examples, etc. of that specific thing happening in the 1800s. This is all before the existence of the Israeli state.


Like I said - those involved in the slave trade had no reason to not support an insurgency to punish the North. The original KKK was a big contributor to ending Reconstruction, and that was its chief purpose. First KKK was narrow in its purpose, since at the time, "race-politics" didn't entirely work. The chief enemies of the first KKK were Northern politicians and businessmen, and their collaborators including freedmen who entered politics. They obviously did not want black freedmen getting any idea they were actually free, but they had no particular opinion on the Jews.

Benjamin would have been the best link from Britain to the South, since that was what he was there to do during the Confederacy's existence. He would have known who to send the money to and how to coordinate the Klan's actions with what London wanted.

What did London really want? They wanted eugenics as the new slave system, and wanted their stamp on it. Eugenics was always a way to thoroughly purge the Americans of any prior sense of themselves.


The later KKK was funded at home and by Germanic elements in Europe, and relied on its very large membership and the explosion of racial ideologies in the early 20th century. It helped them that Woodrow Wilson was an open supporter of the new Klan, and Wilson was huge on promoting eugenics.


Right, but do you have a historical source I can look at, particularly in relation to this line below?
>It's not a conspiracy theory to trade in common knowledge, for at the time, Jewish support for the KKK was not controversial.


Before their mysterious disappearance the Soviets were working on at least similiar to these weapons programs. We know tht at least the U.S. military had much more advanced programs than Timothy Tobiason's books.
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>a "dusty" agent
That shit was defeated a long time ago:

by teflon coating hazmat-fabric,
by duct-taping the hazmat-joints,
by adding centrifugal/electrostatic particle separators on the air-filters, or going full recirculator
by adding a portable shower unit procedure that sprays off the Hazmat-suit with a gamut of solvents and neutralizers before un-suiting.

In the arena of kinetic warfare, the people who make projectiles have largely defeated the people who make armor. But in the arena of chem/bio warfare, it's the other way around, the people making the protective gear have largely won.



Armor has been historically very overrated. It works great for a phalanx fighting barbarian warriors and other phalanxes, but the really effective defensive measures are fortifications and tactics rather than body armor. Modern tank warfare is great against the infantry it was meant to mow down, but it's always been the case that cheap-but-effective killing weapon overcomes armor.

The problem with "unorthodox weapons" is that they don't produce the directed "killing blow" that is imagined towards a target. The advantages of a chemical gas attack are not that it's so super scary, but that it would deliver a cloud of death. If however you look at the Mongol habit of catapulting diseased corpses into a besieged city as biological warfare, that is somewhat effective, though the use of the tactic was only partly "biological". The big gain from it was psychological, because the Mongols couldn't be negotiated with or bargained off like other empires. It was clear when the Mongols came that you would have to fight to live, against barbarians who knew all of the latest tactics and technology for making war, who were not stupid and had a great plan for what they were doing.

If you understood biological war as poisoning the water supply, that's always been effective. When no one can trust the water or the food, it heightens every paranoid thought a human would have. But, as a killing blow, people will eventually secure their food and water supply against it. They're not blind to how this is done by the truly monstrous empires throughout history. Poisoning the water works best when the rulers of the society are wholly alien to the ruled…
…and that's why you have fluoride in your water, you dumbshits. The most effective biological warfare is waged by terror of the rulers against the ruled, rather than by rival states. An intact state teaches its people to be on watch for anything that would be fatal, rather than teaches them to panic and hide under a desk in repeated drills to condition the kids to believe this is normal. It is not normal. It was never normal. Yet, it was not Soviet spies that told teachers to do this, or American spies who told the Soviets to do the same to their own. The rulers of those Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


The point I'm making is, the means to make chemical "kill shots" have only been worked out in the past couple of decades. The ruling doctrine is to use the threat of these weapons to cow the population to accept any terror, rather than use them. In this way, behavioral modification, which is the true purpose of the war drive, can continue. If such weapons were regularly deployed before they were "fully operational", the intended targets would develop countermeasures. That is why they need a "just so" condition to begin the deeper democide, if they want that. If you have those conditions, then you don't need any wonder weapon. They'll just draw the names of those selected to die. Machetes would be enough. But, the purpose of all of this war material, kinetic or otherwise, is "behavior modification". If war were too evident, it would be too terrible to contemplate. The trick for the rulers is to keep the people invested in these narratives and theories for just a little longer, so the siege can wear out the condemned. That's been the game plan since the 1930s. Humans don't know anything else by this point.

Eventually it breaks, but the people always have nowhere to go. What will happen, out of necessity, is public disengagement with all of this. The people will live an increasingly grim existence, believing correctly that there is no hope, and there is no end. The people selected to die will die eventually, while for the victors, their victory is "just so", like nature ordained it. The ruling theory doesn't allow any other victory. But, we already see that the ruling power doesn't actually have anything "special", and they are degenerating utterly in their minds. They have all gone insane up there. Eugenics cannot fail. It can only be failed. And so, we're stuck like this basically forever. There will be a new situation by the end of this century, and all of you are idiots for letting it happen, but it's done now. I have no sympathy for any of you who aided and abetted this. The eugenists will be used up and thrown away like everyone else, and I will never understand the people so eager to go along with this faggotry. But, that's what has happened. If the people want anything out of this life, they're going to have to give up any notion that there was any "us", or shared coexistence where we tolerate the eugenists. You fucking kill the eugenists and don't stop until they end this faggotry… except, they won't ever stop, to the bitter end. ThatPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


So, I figure, as the situation worsens over this decade and the next, those chemical kill shots will be deployed en masse, and the world will be a roiling death pit. That is the world eugenics made for us, because they believed unlimited torture could "change the world". Since the people won't just "stand and die", they're going to do the one thing they can do and spite the Satanics to their dying breath. Hate. Hate. Hate. There is no reconciliation, no "going back to normal", no more grand narratives. That is all those of us selected to die can do. If there is any way this is stabilized, it will only come by acknowledging that humanity lives in two worlds forever apart, and they had best stay out of our world. We are done with the lies and more lies, and every fag posting more snark has only confirmed that there isn't going to be any other way this ends. It was too much for them to allow us to have even simple things, and this has gone on for too long. Hate. Hate. Hate.


Excerpt from "The Poor Man's James Bond Volume 2 Chemils In War book by section
"After a careful study of this matter and a close
resulting from its uses an analysis of the casualties produced in the war. we now know the facts concerning the effects of gas and see that much of the alleged horrors of gas warfare were pure propoganda, deliberately disseminated during the
World War for the purpose of influencing neutral world opinion, and had little sincerity or foundation in fact."

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>No idea how anyone can take "THE PLAGUES ARE JUST MADE UP!" as the lesson of COVID.
>They lied about a lot of stuff, but the deaths and medical bills were real
If somebody tells half-truths the simplest strategy is to just assume everything they say is a lie. It's not the best strategy when you "game this out" but it usually ends up in the "strategy-success-pile". I'm astonished you'd find this reaction surprising. The cost of believing a lie usually is much higher than missing out on a truth.


>If somebody tells half-truths the simplest strategy is to just assume everything they say is a lie. It's not the best strategy when you "game this out" but it usually ends up in the "strategy-success-pile". I'm astonished you'd find this reaction surprising. The cost of believing a lie usually is much higher than missing out on a truth.
Except a lot of what they lied about was stuff like saying "masks aren't effective!" early on, over-stating the efficacy of vaccines in preventing the illness, downplaying the contagiousness at the start of the pandemic, and then downplaying the death rate as they ended shutdowns in the US, and continuing to downplay it after Biden was elected.
If someone lies to me about what kind of plane is in the sky, and I see the plane there and it's different from the kind of plane they say it is, at no point is it rational for me to then conclude that planes don't exist and aviation is fake. I had COVID, most people I know had COVID, some people I knew were hospitalized for complications of COVID, at least one friend's grandparent was killed by COVID, and tons of people died of it. Unless you were living under a rock at the time and didn't know anybody or catch it, it would be completely insane to come to the conclusion that it didn't exist. It's not critical thinking, it's some sort of weird mindless pure reaction where someone somehow got accidentally reverse psychology'd into disregarding their own eyes, medicine, and all evidence just because the US gov't lied about some stuff, even though some of the gov'ts deception was downplaying how bad the very same disease was.


This """bird flu""" is just a cover story for herd culling to raise prices. Farmers always destroy their crops/livestock if they can't sell them at a price that's profitable enough. Now they "test" the birds for "bird flu" and find that SHOCKINGLY, some of the chickens they keep cooped up in disgusting, toxic factory farms are unhealthy. Their test is rigged to come up positive for a % of birds tested, then they just start culling. Bonus if the big farms can force their competitors to do the culling instead.

Of course if you truly believed this bird flu virus narrative, the culling is still nonsensical. Why not just quarantine the birds and let the virus run its course? It'd be much cheaper than culling millions of them. That's one clue for the believers that this is BS. Here's another: if this bird flu virus is so virulent and harmful and spreads to humans, then why did it take so long for this bullshit announcement to come out? Clearly it's not containable and should have been spreading to humans immediately.

>They lied about a lot of stuff, but the deaths and medical bills were real

The deaths were real and they were iatrogenic as well as simply relabeled flu cases.


>The deaths were real and they were iatrogenic as well as simply relabeled flu cases.
Or maybe the flu deaths that year were relabeled COVID cases. Did u think of that?
Maybe they made up influenza to sell vaccines. Oooh!
Adding in "relabeled" flu cases there is especially funny because you'd have to multiply the worst flu epidemic of the 2010s 9x to even almost get the amount of COVID deaths in 2021 alone. Of the worst flu outbreaks in US history, only the Spanish Flu outbreak of 1918 got numbers like this. Unless this was one of the worst, if not the worst flu outbreak in US history paired with a total systemic pattern of medical homicide, the explanation that it was "iatrogenic" deaths paired with relabeled flu deaths makes no sense. Flu deaths even in years with high flu mortality would barely be a drop in the bucket. It doesn't meet the requirements for scale.


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>Except a lot of what they lied about was stuff like saying "masks aren't effective!" early on, over-stating the efficacy of vaccines in preventing the illness, downplaying the contagiousness at the start of the pandemic, and then downplaying the death rate as they ended shutdowns
Governments can lie about things like a secret weapons program because that is stuff that doesn't directly touch the lives of their citizens, and it usually won't have any consequences. But they can't lie about things that touch the lives of their citizens without burning the institutional trust that enables them to have authority.

By the way the biggest lie related to covid was the omission that it had been predicted many years in advance, in exceptional detail, down to problems like hospitals lacking ventilator equipment. Given that foreknowledge we could have implemented decent public healthcare policies, and covid would have been a "nothing burger" that hardly killed anybody and only severely harmed very few. A decision was made to ignore the warning and let millions die.

If it had swung the other way and governments had implemented good public health care policy based on the scientific projection. Good governance of this type would have increased public trust by a lot.

>If someone lies to me about what kind of plane is in the sky, and I see the plane there and it's different from the kind of plane they say it is, at no point is it rational for me to then conclude that planes don't exist and aviation is fake.

You need a electron microscope to see a virus. I too looked at the scientific publications with the covid e-scope pics and yeah if you understand how to look at those it does make the virus as real as seeing a plane in the sky. But many people aren't plugged into the scientific sphere. To them it's not a objective measurement, to them it's a story where somebody claims to have seen a strange flying machine.

>I had COVID, most people I know had COVID, some people I knew were hospitalized for complications of COVID, at least one friend's grandparent was killed by COVID, and tons of people died of it. Unless you were living under a rock at the time and didn't know anybody or catch it, it would be completely insane to come to the conclusion th
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TikTok refugees are migrating to RedNote

There are a lot of cute interactions happening on RedNote aka Xiaohongshu between americans and native chinese users as tiktok faces am imminent ban in the US.

The devs there are working hard to get the app translated for english speakers.

Go on RedNote and repost some positive interactions.

keep the comments positive
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was meant for >>487001


Ew, stop posting that faggot


>Unironically is Elon some kind of closet Bolshevik whose actions are calculated to instill class consciousness
he does like rockets, the Bolsheviks also liked those.

But it's unlikely.


>to instill class consciousness
To be fair you have to have a pretty high I _Q to understand Elon Musk but the real question is, can he prevent it at this point even if they tried doing so at all costs?


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He really likes to dab he just has trouble doing them.

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Yoon Suk Yeol (emphasis on the suck) has declared martial law, out of the blue. Probably because he's loosing power, his approval rating tanked, there's scandals surrounding his wife and the opposition is blocking his political programs.

The pretext he gave for the martial law was "eradicating the pro north Korean communist forces"
If only there were communist forces about to topple the wannabe dictator of BRoK
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Red - NOW: Authorities in the Republic of Korea (ROK) are attempting to arrest impeached President Yoon Suk Yeol for the second time over his brief declaration of martial law in December. Up to 1,000 police officers have been deployed, currently attempting to enter Yoon’s residence.


Vietnam should invade South Korea as revenge for when South Korea joined in on invading Vietnam.




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In the document, the complainant stated, “JK Kim Dong Wook (John Kim) relinquished his South Korean citizenship to acquire Canadian citizenship, making him a foreign national. According to Article 17 of the Immigration Control Act, foreign nationals residing in South Korea are prohibited from engaging in political activities. Violators may face penalties.”


We need Communism, but fuck being outside the ruling class in a Communist society.
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>Are you sure that these "Greek tyrants" actually were tyrannical ?
That was exactly the point of the sentence you're responding to. Like democracy, autocratic rulers were sometimes capable of doing nice things for their demos. Michael Hudson points out in his recent book The Collapse of Antiquity that many of the Greek tyrants of the 7th century where dissident aristocrats who exploited anger against the nobility to seize power, and then instated populist reforms which would later pave the way for the development of democracies. Alternatively, you could have despotic tyrants like Dionysius of Syracuse who overthrew the Syracusan democracy and established a terror regime of cruelty and vindictiveness. The point is that you should define forms of government based on how the governing is done, not their outcomes. Especially when invoking the ancient, original definitions.


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>IP theft
Spookiest spook that ever spooked.


>That's not true at all. The average soviet citizen waited decades for housing and automobiles while party members got the best houses and cars right away.
You are overstating your case a little, the delays weren't that bad. However you are not entirely wrong the soviet system didn't do particularly well for consumer items. You definitely can't organize the production of consumer goods like heavy industry. You are entirely wrong about Soviet housing tho, that was a massive success. Capitalist countries that had a wealth and development level comparable to the Soviet system had over 50% of their population living in slums. The Soviet apparent blocks were small and the massive cement housing units were dull and dreary, but they had reliable electricity, heating, fresh water, plumbing and some degree of personal space. Slums didn't have that and mostly don't to this day.

>lol that's the lefty equivalent of believing Hitler was

What the ? Oh i get it, Hitler must be compared to Stalin. It's ideologically mandatory, no matter how nonsensical.

>It's the only way to do it if you think about it. Giving the MoP directly to the people just means nobody will work and the project will not even get off the ground. Having an ultra-authoritarian state turn the citizens into slave laborers is the only way to get any productivity at all after private property has been abolished.

<Public sector economy is slavery
Now you're just trolling.
It is somewhat true that the Soviets never reached the communist goal of organizing the economy without wage-labor, but that isn't slavery. Your grasp on economic relations is dogshit.

>Inequality between worthless peasants perhaps but not inequality between the worthless peasants and the people running the state. That is the wrong metric to fetishize anyway. You would prefer that everyone has a bicycle rather than have a Mustang and let your neighbor have a Ferrari?

It's true that Soviet cars were boring and less sophisticated, but the Soviets had amazing public transport. I'm not convinced this difference was caused by economic ideology. Russia is geographically enormous and maintaining a nice road system that would have genePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>Only after they scraped communism and allowed private property again.
They allowed capitalist elements because bribing western capitalism by letting it exploit Chinese workers for a few decades was preferable to fighting off imperial invasions.

>Even then most of china's "success" is down to slave labor

Labor conditions in china were bad but it's improving. Labor conditions in the west have been better but it's deteriorating.

>IP theft

"Intellectual property" is nothing more that monopoly privileges. All the neo-liberal economists that went to China in the 70s to proselytize the free market, guess what, the Chinese took them by their word. >>486952 is correct.

>and the same short sighted fiat currency manipulation that is fucking over the west

I think it's true that China does have the ability to controle the exchange rate of their currency, and they very likely do use it, probably to keep the prices of their exports stable. However that doesn't compare to what the US has done with it's controle over the world reserve currency.


>That was exactly the point of the sentence you're responding to. Like democracy, autocratic rulers were sometimes capable of doing nice things for their demos. Michael Hudson points out in his recent book The Collapse of Antiquity that many of the Greek tyrants of the 7th century where dissident aristocrats who exploited anger against the nobility to seize power, and then instated populist reforms which would later pave the way for the development of democracies. Alternatively, you could have despotic tyrants like Dionysius of Syracuse who overthrew the Syracusan democracy and established a terror regime of cruelty and vindictiveness. The point is that you should define forms of government based on how the governing is done, not their outcomes.
Maybe i'm being extra dense, but isn't the dissident aristocrats seizing power to pave the way for democracy, a desirable outcome ?
I guess what i'm saying here is that i don't understand how you distinguish
<how the governing is done
<their outcomes.

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 No.481775[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Who are you voting for, anon?

So far, the top candidates are:
Jill Stein (Green)
Cornel West (Independent)
Claudia De la Cruz (Party for Socialism and Liberation)
Joseph Kishore (Socialist Equality Party)
and now "Based Chase" Oliver (Libertarian)

and then there are some unserious candidates nobody likes.
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This author makes a lot of dogmatic assertions without arguments to justify them and I couldn't take her seriously after she brought up "misogyny".


Trump announces Massad Boulos as adviser on Arab and Middle Eastern affairs

US President-elect Donald Trump says Lebanese American businessman Massad Boulos will serve as a senior adviser.

During Trump’s election campaign, Boulos repeatedly met with Arab American and Muslim leaders.

Boulos is also the father-in-law of Trump’s daughter Tiffany.



Statement from Cornel West on the ceasefire


Does anyone still pay attention to this clown?


… It's a good statement. I watched it.

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