The point I'm making is, the means to make chemical "kill shots" have only been worked out in the past couple of decades. The ruling doctrine is to use the threat of these weapons to cow the population to accept any terror, rather than use them. In this way, behavioral modification, which is the true purpose of the war drive, can continue. If such weapons were regularly deployed before they were "fully operational", the intended targets would develop countermeasures. That is why they need a "just so" condition to begin the deeper democide, if they want that. If you have those conditions, then you don't need any wonder weapon. They'll just draw the names of those selected to die. Machetes would be enough. But, the purpose of all of this war material, kinetic or otherwise, is "behavior modification". If war were too evident, it would be too terrible to contemplate. The trick for the rulers is to keep the people invested in these narratives and theories for just a little longer, so the siege can wear out the condemned. That's been the game plan since the 1930s. Humans don't know anything else by this point.
Eventually it breaks, but the people always have nowhere to go. What will happen, out of necessity, is public disengagement with all of this. The people will live an increasingly grim existence, believing correctly that there is no hope, and there is no end. The people selected to die will die eventually, while for the victors, their victory is "just so", like nature ordained it. The ruling theory doesn't allow any other victory. But, we already see that the ruling power doesn't actually have anything "special", and they are degenerating utterly in their minds. They have all gone insane up there. Eugenics cannot fail. It can only be failed. And so, we're stuck like this basically forever. There will be a new situation by the end of this century, and all of you are idiots for letting it happen, but it's done now. I have no sympathy for any of you who aided and abetted this. The eugenists will be used up and thrown away like everyone else, and I will never understand the people so eager to go along with this faggotry. But, that's what has happened. If the people want anything out of this life, they're going to have to give up any notion that there was any "us", or shared coexistence where we tolerate the eugenists. You fucking kill the eugenists and don't stop until they end this faggotry… except, they won't ever stop, to the bitter end. That
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