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File: 1701730861476.mp4 ( Spoiler Image, 12.72 MB , 1308x720 , GTA VI trailer.mp4 )


Who else is hyped as fuck for $2 billion worth of triple-A slop?
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if GTA 6 is trash, what would u do?

i would cry


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I wouldn't give it another thought because haven't cared about GTA since SA


This is 100% going to be another Cyberpunk 2077 moment


Either that or it's gonna be a banger.


Are they still working on it? I thought it was kill.

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General for all Nintendo Games and Nintendo related discussion!
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Gotta go with my boi Bumper.


Had to reverse image search, cool pick


I remember watching some goofy kid on YouTube analyze the colors of the letters on that image to try and convince me that Waluigi was in the game. He also discovered a bug with his Action Replay cheat device. The bug made him believe that there was a hidden Waluigi course that got cut out of the game. There was also some weird purple square on the file selection page that he pointed to as proof that Waluigi was in the game. My friends and I all thought his level of delusion was the funniest thing in the world. Then we discovered we were clowns because we were always rooting for a sports team that was clearly going to lose.


They always win.


Is this EDP445?


All right, fine… It's been 18 years, and I'll finally admit it! As much as I loath this insulting trash game for daring to call itself Mario Bros. (and the trend of dumbed down trash games that followed in its wake), Koji Kondo at least managed to belt out another irresistible banger for the main stage theme.

It's a testament to a composer's skill that I find myself getting this theme stuck in my head all the time, imagining that it's some nostalgic theme from a much earlier Mario game. But no, in fact it had the great misfortune to be attached to this turd. Well done, Kondo-san.


Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Battle 22. Clunky gameplay, god tier soundtrack. I listen to it frequently.


I would listen to it while I go for a walk, but the below freezing weather where I live is not my kind of thing.

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Knew that my criticisms wouldn't be taken seriously on /v/, so I came here.

What had made the initial POSTAL 2 have integrity was how it laughed in the face of moral panic—whether on the conservative side against video games or book-banning, and later on the acts of organizations such as PETA.

The modern day's conservative moral panic is mainly focused toward the LGBTQ+ and immigrants. POSTAL 4 had an amazing opportunity to comment on these things(we already had an entire group dedicated to getting rid of books in the last game), they side with the moral panic narrative by only telling a story about the rabid SJWs.

The terrorists in POSTAL 2 were also done quite well; they could be found everywhere on the map(the grocery store, the mall, behind RWS) to show how ridiculous the narrative of "terrorists could be anywhere" that justified the Patriot Act was. They could have played it this way, too. They could have had random trans people hiding among the populace looking to cut your dick off. They could have had a mad university professor trying to hypnotize a local college campus into having gay sex. They could have had the book burners show up mid-way through that, but then target Postal Dude midway through because "Hey, look at those buttons on his clothes! Those are a secret symbol of the queer agenda! I saw it online!" and then have them target him as well.

Instead, POSTAL 4 just uses the cheap conservative joke that its ancestor would have tore to shreds and loses its shine because of it. It feels like if a modern sitcom writer tried to make a POSTAL game without understanding any of the bite that made those games special. I'm not going to pretend that they were fine art or anything like that, but it was a special component.
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Are you chastising me for playing games? Consumerism? I'm sorry to annoy you but I can't tell exactly. I'm aware that even piracy is ultimately not revolutionary, if that's what you're telling me, though that could be putting words in your mouth.


It's GamerGate's fault.


>It's the fault of dozens of trash tier video game publications colluding to release attack articles on games enthusiasts all on the same day in response to being called out for corruption.
Uh… huh?


Postal 4 gameplay mechanics


What about em?

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Whether real-time or turn-based, probably somewhere around half the games in the strategy genre implement unit promotion in some form or another. But is it even good game design?

In the best-case scenario it gets implemented in a way that doesn't cause snowballing (Pikmin, which doesn't feature 2P versus play anyway). However, in pretty much all instances it has the effect of discouraging sacrificial play as a tactic, in effect reducing the overall depth of a given game. I'm starting to think this may have been the genre's Original Sin. What do you think anon?
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Promotion in Freeciv / other early Civ games is mostly important from a defensive perspective, because unit defenses are calculated multiplicatively. For example, an unpromoted Phalanx on a hill tile that is fortified, under the civ2civ3 ruleset, will get 2 defense base * (1.5 for the hill) * (1.5 for fortifying) = 4.5 defense. That same unit with one promotion will instead get 2 defense base * (1.5 for the hill) * (1.5 for fortifying) * (1.5 for Veteran promotion) = 6.75 defense. I think promotions also apply a multiplier to attack but it's not nearly as impactful as defense since most units don't have any additional sources of attack bonuses.


>real people.
mostly fake.


>so much time and effort invested into a unit that you act irrationally to avoid losing them
Is there a name for this sort of thing in SRPGs/strategy games with promotions? I don't play a whole lot of strategy games but I feel like there should be some kind of standard terminology for phenomenon.


this is actually my greatest issue with strategy games and games in general. youre being led to perceive the game as something completely detached from what was happening before the round and what would be after, which is supporting short term investment thinking in gerenal. its kinda weird seeing arguments like this on this board tbh


Sounds like you don't like games anon.

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You know I'm surprised that there hasn't been a thread for this upcoming game yet, but the latest gameplay trailer has came out and good fucking god, it looks fun as fuck

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This is like the only episode I've watched

It looks kinda cool, but I don't really care about graphics. Seems like they focused a lot on that.


The reason I'm really hyped is because of the setting and the entire aesthetic. It really does feel and look like actual futurist soviet silicon valley, and not some boring, westoid culturally appropriated "soviet" aesthetic of dirty brutalist-dieselpunk where everyone wears a shitty ushanka and says "gomrade xDD". Just the little touches like the USSR stamp of quality on machinery, the unique atom-punkish robots, the wast amount of SCP like monsters within the facilities or one of the trailers playing a short tune of techno-remixed Stalker (the movie) theme. Also the gameplay looks fun - apparently they are trying to focus a lot on melee being viable which sounds interesting.


I completely disregarded this game after I learned the devs sabotaged it with assfucking DRM, but it's really interesting reading up about the media reaction to it now in the context of the Ukraine proxy war. NATO-aligned rags have been using this as a target in their propaganda campaigns against Russia, berating the game for "Putin connections" or the devs for not distancing themselves enough against Russia. The devs made the very foolish mistake of responding by placating these jackals with statements of condemnation and such. It's a parade of Russophobic racism and McCarthyite bullying.

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Share you best outcome from playing the game!

This was my best so far. My strategy was to first get the military under control, then do land reform and set up the economy, hold an election with as much legitimacy as possible, and finally to build up stuff like medicine, education, and infrastructure. It went alright for the most part, but the IMF is going to kill the country later, much like what happened in Yugoslavia.

So what did you do? What worked for you?
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interesting. I can't open the link, did you set it as public?


lol try now
i made it public, but they need other permissions there as well


I don't want to keep derailing this thread but I have some suggestions (if you are open to suggestions), would you mind posting an email or opening a new thread?




The look of your game reminds me of Timewave Zero Software.

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I understand that in a competitve game losses are inevitable. I know that. Losing is always a possibility in a game.

but jesus fucking christ, when the losses start mounting. Self-loathing doesn't even begin to describe it. Losses are guaranteed but victories never are despite how hard it feels like I'm trying and all I want is a sign I'm progressing and doing better.


In competitive gaming there is always a sort of Conservation of Fun principle: one side's rewarding victory is often the other side's source of frustration. That's why it's always best to match people with similar skill levels, so that they can each give and take each other's fun in harmonious balance.


i know that fps competitive is filled with hackers


>i know that fps competitive is filled with hackers
That's only a problem because the morons in the games industry are retarded control fetishists that can't just let people play with their toys the way they want.

The dichotomy between players and hackers is false. Inventing anti-cheat software and turning it into root-kits that infect your OS like a type of malware was also retarded.

The only thing they had to do was sort player in to groups with similar play-behavior.
For example sorting people according to skill-level and making different servers for newbie, intermediate, enthusiast and superhuman skill, would have fixed the problem. The sorting could be done via server-site player metrics. All the "cheaters" would be sorted into the superhuman skill corner where they would bother nobody with their bot-competition.

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Whenever I play PUBG Mobile I feel the revolutionary spirit of the proletariat to overthrow the capitalist or colonialist pigs and establish a Marxist society


Was this post sponsored?


I'm still never even sure what pubg is :(


The prequel to deadspace


PUBG Mobile is free, and so is the Steam/Epic version


It's only free if your time is worthless.

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Have you managed to free yourself of your nostalgia biases? Let's perform a test. Think of some games in series or franchises that you you experienced first as a kid before trying out earlier entries. Are you capable of recognizing any of the earlier entries as superior games?

My first console was an SNES and I had to think a bit on this one. From my perspective it seemed like games were on a general improvement trend with technology in the early '90s. It's hard for me to think of SNES games that weren't better than their counterparts in previous generations. But I will freely admit that Super C and Gradius II are much superior games to Contra III and Gradius III.
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indie games that mimic the 16 bit era are often more fun than AAA games. lack of loading time, lack of being forced to go online, lack of skinner box mechanics, lack of bullshit. Hell I even enjoy ncurses console games like picrel more than a lot of AAA shite


> (technical regressions are unusual, i wonder why that happened)

If I had to guess, some key components of the code were proprietary and had to be ripped out due to ownership disputes or patent trolls.


>If I had to guess, some key components of the code were proprietary and had to be ripped out due to ownership disputes or patent trolls.
That seems plausible, but for example Half-life 2 had decent physics and the source-engine (not sure about the name being correct) is open-source. That's like over 20 years old so even if there were patents, those should have run out.

For the last 10 years or so the visual improvements had a diminishing returns. Some visual improvements like ray/path-tracing could be worth it in the long run, because it looks nicer while reducing software-complexity. But the question remains why haven't they gone for better environment simulation like doing some chemical and electrical interactions. Also basic botany and biology stuff. That would make it easier to build coherent worlds.


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>For the last 10 years or so the visual improvements had a diminishing returns
Amazingly a while back we hit a point where graphics started to get worse. At least as far as I'm concerned. Chromatic aberration and bullshit of the sort is stuff I always turn off without even giving a chance. Games looked and look better without it.


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