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Why did this game suck so bad? Capcom had just finished making Mega Man X2, arguably one of the best platformers in the entire Mega Man franchise.

And then came this turd… Sure it looks and sounds great, but mechanically it's full of problems. It inexplicably gives Mega Man a giant sprite (like 50% larger than Mega Man X or Mega Man's size in the NES games), and consequently is full of shallow platforming and somewhat frustrating, claustrophobic action. It also only lets you play four levels at a time (reducing replayability), and for some reason they chose to completely ignore the finely tuned weapon charge mechanics from the Mega Man X games and gave you a gun that takes so long to charge up that you mostly don't want to bother ever charging it at all. I've always had a hard time understanding why this game turned out the way it is.
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I suspect it was a carry over of game design for arcades were you had to put coins into to play so making it insanely hard was a profit motive to keep people putting coins in the machine.


From the perspective of making a free open source arcade game. I wouldn't even conceive of levels. But rather a treadmill. Game-play elements are placed onto the treadmill in the front. As the player moves forward the game-play elements are interacted with and when they reach the back of the treadmill they disappear. From that perspective it's natural to consider procedural generation with a element of randomness. Instead of perfecting level design, it's about tweaking the procedural generation. The treadmill principle also works with multiple dimensions of movement, just like canned levels.

>I suspect it was a carry over of game design for arcades were you had to put coins into to play so making it insanely hard was a profit motive to keep people putting coins in the machine.
Seems about right. But there probably are players who see this as a feature, you know something to chew on.


If you're describing a game that plays infinitely until the player concedes from exhaustion, there's a reason arcade games largely dropped endless play after the early '80s. Part of it surely had to do with players hogging machines for hours after paying only a quarter, but it's also grounded in a good design principle. Most arcade games after the early '80s targeted about 30-40 minutes, it's too much to stay focused on a tense self-contained action experience for much longer than that.


>If you're describing a game that plays infinitely until the player concedes from exhaustion, there's a reason arcade games largely dropped endless play.
I had not considered that, since people don't run on a treadmill until they collapse from exhaustion either. But i can see your point.
>players hogging machines for hours after paying only a quarter
Ok but that doesn't apply to a Foss game you play on your computer.

>it's also grounded in a good design principle. Most arcade games after the early '80s targeted about 30-40 minutes

So how do you achieve that ? People replay levels over and over too, so that's not really sending a natural halting impulse. Treadmills have timers that beep. There has to be something better than making annoying sounds ?


>So how do you achieve that ?
Just don't make your game too long, it's not that complicated.

Maybe I'm still not clear on what I meant though. It's not about total time played in a session, it's about restricting the overall time of a complete playthrough of the game. What happens in for example a single-credit clear, especially in an arcade game which can't be paused, is that you're challenging yourself to focus at a high level for the entirety of the game experience. As you get closer to the end, with more time passed, few mistakes made, and the challenge ever increasing, an experience of thrill and reward is created that doesn't happen in any other game genre. But it's also stressful. When your hardcore action challenge is too long, it starts to feel like a chore near the end because it's too hard to stay focused for that long.

It is a bit tangential that we're having this conversation in a Mega Man thread though. I include "arcade-like" in the discussion because Mega Man games don't really have the arcade endurance structure I'm describing. They have a lot of hard stops (Mega Man 7 has quite a few intermissions for dialogue), and the player themselves can take a break and come back at any time thanks to password or save systems.

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>The Market is unavailable for the following reason(s):
You must have a valid Steam purchase that is between 7 days and a year old with no recent chargebacks or payment disputes.

>To remove this restriction you must make a purchase in the steam store
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If you mean sell them, I can't since the market ban exists or that would be my goto

If you mean trade them, I don't understand
Where do I trade them to and with whom


>I can't since the market ban exists
Oh that's right I'm a dumbass
>Where do I trade them to and with whom
There's a trade forum, right? I've never done it because I don't wanna learn the complexities of it just to get digital cards


unironically based and cringe at the same time.


>buying games
But why though? I only have steam for TF 2.


Maybe not solely Steam but:
>game is on sale
>game with all the DLC packs costs close to (or exceeds) 60 bucks
Is this bullcrap or what? Paying for the standalone game on sale is like paying for a longer demo.

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Currently stuck here. I kinda wish the special world wasn't as easy to find, because I don't wanna back out until I beat it but I got bored of trying this level.


<playing proprietary slog from the infamous copy-monopoly-take-down mafia.
may i suggest 2 FOSS games

Similar to Mario, but it has a portal gun
Well polished plattformer featuring Tux


Super Tux has turned into complete garbage these days, with the devs removing any semblance of risk-reward dynamics by taking out the lives system. Now they expect the players to collect the coins in every level… just because they're their and the player is assumed to be a perfectionist who finds that interesting. If you're gonna recommend a Tux platformer, at least say Super Tux Advance.


>If you're gonna recommend a Tux platformer, at least say Super Tux Advance.
Today i learned Super Tux Advance exists.
thanks for letting me know


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Speaking of Mario, what's the deal with this game? I've always really admired its creative level design, and then it occurred to me recently that it was made as a sort of advertisement for a technology expo. How could they put so much effort into that?


AIR this game's got the same case as Quake 2, which is not Quake in the first place.

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Thread for Undertale and Deltarune discussion! Post theories, art and bad AU's!

Official Websites:

Official Twitter (news may get posted here):

Toby's Twitlonger on Deltarune:
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I love how the font change implies that he can do a perfect impression of Papyrus on command.


My theory is that he's pulling a Homestuck and making the characters bland on purpose to critique the fandom he created with the last game(hence why the Snowgrave route had so many motifs of romance throughout), and hoping he somehow makes that interesting despite retreading old ground.


I just can't feel anything for Berdly yet like some people do. Characters like Scout TF2 are interesting to me because they turned their little brother syndrome into a skill and some sense of kindness in life(no matter how selective and warped), meanwhile Berdly's just kind of stagnated. He's 15-16, so I'm certain the rest of the story will have him finding that thing, and if he does I'll enjoy watching.


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I have the urge to voice him but can't come up with any material at the moment, anything the people want to see?


>little brother syndrome

Whats that?
Also why do people always assume the worst of younger siblings?

IMO, older siblings get way too much sympathy

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Is it bad that my favorite class of games, arcade games, were the original nickel-and-dimers? In fact, why haven't we seen a resurgence of arcades as the video game industry has continued to struggle with the falling rate of profit?
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Isn't it a ripoff to have to pay each time you play?


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What if the game is just that good?


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Because returning to an arcades style business model would make the falling rate of profit even worse.
Arcades machines of the 1970's, 1980's and some of the 1990's were built around a minicomputer architecture. Meaning that they was no single processors doing everything like in modern computers.
That's why they all required their own hardware for the most part. You couldn't just buy a new arcade game and plop it into your old hardware. Every arcade game was written for it's own custom hardware.
The Sega Saturn was the last console to be built with a minicomputer configuration and it was notoriously hard to program for and failed spectacularly in the market.
No that everything is on a microcomputer architecture there's no need for big bulky arcade units with one off boutique internals.
Round One is bringing back traditional arcades but most of their machines are rhythm games with huge novelty inputs like drums, turntables or mini dance floors that can detect if you're moving your body correctly. Things that can't be replicated in the home easily.


>Is it bad that my favorite class of games, arcade games, were the original nickel-and-dimers?
You probably like those games because they have very tightly focused game-play mechanics. The arcade business-model was kinda mid, not the best but also not the worst, you got to play games and you got a social gathering place. In these days computer technology was so bulky and expensive that it was either that or nothing. The only real downside to arcades was that people payed money an never ended up owning any games.

>In fact, why haven't we seen a resurgence of arcades

That might be coming tho, i've seen a youtuber talk about a arcade store owner opening a second venue, i think they just charge a small entry-fee and then all the games are free. It's mostly retro stuff but they are still building new games too apparently. For modern games there is arcade potential too: Good quality fully featured VR-gear with "full-body immersion" like a strap-in walking simulator rig and full body temperature/kinetic simulation, that stuff costs about the same as a arcade cabinet way back when. It's also very bulky too. All in all very suitable for arcades.

Whether there will be a retro and VR arcade revival, will depend on some factors:
If this becomes a open technology scene, with a organic culture that freely shares technical expertise, and builds on top of free open source technology models, it'll take off. But it could also just become a corporate walled-garden trying to build a locked down franchise model, that will completely flop. Because this has to be tinker friendly for it to not be a sterile environment with lots of out-of-order arcade booths, guarded by disinterested under-payed corporate serfs.

Btw: the Soviets had publicly funded arcades that worked like a public library. Tho most of their games were WW3 simulators, because most of computer scientists that build those, started out as technicians in the military.

>the video game industry has continued to struggle with the falling rate of profit

I think the video game industry struggles more with the falling rate of spending power of the masses. Capitalism diverting more surplus towards war and militarism lately is what's squeezing the entertainment industry. The falling rPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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that Chad Gendo tho

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Looks like people are finally getting a little sick of monopolists' bullshit. A California court just ruled in Epic Games v. Google that Google has engaged in a variety of anti-competitive behaviors with their smartphone app store. This all came to a head when Google removed Fortnite from their store because Epic Games tried to make their own independent revenue without Google's approval through in-game microtransactions.

Setting aside that smartphones are trash game machines and this lawsuit is basically one scumbag company vs another scumbag company, are we about to see a turning point in what electronic stores are allowed to do to their customers?


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Is Valve next?


>implying the US government would ever properly regulate big tech


Funny enough, this ruling came from a jury in San Francisco, the Belly of the Beast.


> A California court just ruled in Epic Games v. Google that Google has engaged in a variety of anti-competitive behaviors with their smartphone app store.
Keep in mind that Epic games lost a virtually identical legal battle against Apple.

>are we about to see a turning point in what electronic stores are allowed to do to their customers?

One way of looking at this situation is that Google got punished for having a slightly more open Eco-system than Apple. So at the moment it looks more like we can expect more apple-type walled gardern shit.

Of course Apple might get forced to tear down that wall. There was an EU ruling that requires Apple to allow third-party app stores. That'll be a few years until this goes into effect, so i guess we have to wait and see.

ATM you have to install a custom Rom or learn how to use a Linux phone if you don't want to get fucked over.

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How does a game this good get unnoticed?
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They rebooted the servers not too long ago with a few bug fixes, which is an interesting development. Guess they figured out that killing games server off in a cycle makes people pre-emptively avoid server games. Might as well try reviving games people already have.


>What does this have to do with leftism?
I refuse to believe that being in a state of arrested development has anything to do with politics, class struggle, etc


<What does this have to do with leftism?
>1 result


>Ooo look and me. I'm a robot pew pew pew.
>Ooo not I'm a vampire hunter slice slice slice
>Ooo now I'm spiderman… Swing swing… Wait let me update my skin, gotta collect them all

Entertainment is how porkie keeps control anon

Keep being entertained


It's a AAA service game of course it's vapid. I wasn't even applying merit to the game itself, I just found the fact that they booted the servers back up interesting from an economic standpoint.
>entertainment bad
Real entertainment is proles entertaining other proles. You are a smooth brain for not seeing utility in it. But that's not even within this thread's scope.

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 No.203[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What the hell was gamer gate? Did any of y'all participate in it? Was it a good thing or bad thing?
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The culture industry having the effect of mentally fucking up the people that work in it, is not controversial. And celebrities doing radical shit to them selves for attention, fame and fortune is not new either.

Nobody bats an eye if people think a celebrity lost it, but somehow this doesn't apply equally depending on their identities.


oh fuck off cunt

this thread is horrendous - a bunch of spiteful norgmoid right-leftoids dogpilling on some loli enjoyer.

when enjoyer OWNED them, reactoids descended into the beast-like incoherent bloodthirsty ramblings

arguing about ellen page is a massive step up compared to that absolute embarassment


There's clearly more than that though, and people were able to focus on the subject and spoke with some dignity. Nearly every reply at least a paragraph or more long and aimed to say at least one non-boilerplate thing to expand beyond the boilerplate. Isn't it wasteful to fail at least that bar?
This shit is what people in the 1920's thought 2000's slang would sound like.


>spiteful norgmoid right-leftoids dogpilling on some loli enjoyer
pls go back to getchan.


gay, at first most of GG was lib anons (at the times) bitching about idpol before idpol and the crappy gaming "journalism" who would it as buzzwords. I should have to reexplain this so many times to the same twitterfag base.

>attack helicopter
it was just an old shitty tumblr meme.

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You DO use a gaming chair for getting your gaming on, right?
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I'm annoyed that it's called a gaming chair when the chair isn't actually part of the game. As for kneeling chairs, i tried one once and it kinda sucked, what do you get out of it ?

No this thread was probably restored from backup or subject to some other kind of website technical work, and during that process the IP count wasn't carried over.


>what do you get out of it ?
I mean it does feel weird at first but it didn't make the nerves in my back pinch like other chairs I've used. Also I can do a mild situp while at loading screens and such.


So you get health benefits out of it, i guess that's as good a reason as any.


I game bitches with my gaming cock


>I play with female dogs using a male chicken.

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halo's campaign wipes the floor with most sp arena shit from the 90s. Not everything needs to be built around bunnyhopping autism or mp.


Damn normie.


>Vidya industry is bigger than ever, having outgrown every single form of old media (movies, music, books, etc.) other than TV, and has continued setting growth records every year
It kinda sucks, because about a decade and a half ago I was deadset going to start working in the industry, but parents and boomers scared the shit out of me so I ended up doing logistics.
Now it's a billion dollar industry and logistics is being automated.


Monopolies = shittier AAA games = more attention on indies. Let the giants asphixate at their altitudes, it'll make a whale fall reef.


>Monopolies = shittier AAA games = more attention on indies.
I want to believe, but is it really so ?

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