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File: 1624947406770.png ( 428.02 KB , 600x600 , cheater's lament.png )


>The Market is unavailable for the following reason(s):
You must have a valid Steam purchase that is between 7 days and a year old with no recent chargebacks or payment disputes.

>To remove this restriction you must make a purchase in the steam store


File: 1624957680969.jpg ( 721.92 KB , 736x1212 , Blackbeard_in_POtc4.jpg )

I never had a Steam account and I will never make one. Though /v/ermin flinch and porkies sneer, I'll keep the black flag flying here.


The only thing steam has to offer is Team Fortress 2
Long Live Piracy!


If anybody knows any loopholes or methods to bypass the market restriction, tell me
I just don't have any money to put into the steam wallet


can't you just buy a super cheap game


i have 1 rupee and the cheapest game costs 17 rupees
no way but their way

but i'm not gonna spend any real money to get the restriction unbanned
i don't need to sell my 0.02 cards, let them stay there


Trade your cards little by little until you have enough money


If you mean sell them, I can't since the market ban exists or that would be my goto

If you mean trade them, I don't understand
Where do I trade them to and with whom


>I can't since the market ban exists
Oh that's right I'm a dumbass
>Where do I trade them to and with whom
There's a trade forum, right? I've never done it because I don't wanna learn the complexities of it just to get digital cards


unironically based and cringe at the same time.


>buying games
But why though? I only have steam for TF 2.


Maybe not solely Steam but:
>game is on sale
>game with all the DLC packs costs close to (or exceeds) 60 bucks
Is this bullcrap or what? Paying for the standalone game on sale is like paying for a longer demo.

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