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I don't know exactly how I feel about you people; I haven't lurked long enough. I definitely don't like the "woke left". For me that boils down to a collage of the pronoun people, the alphabet people, the cancel pigs, the "blame whitey" crowd, feminists, and a few other types like that cuck Destiny. Regardless, I'd say we both want a world where we don't have to deal with each other.

Why not build an alliance forged in mutual hate? We could work together to separate ourselves from a system we are forced to share, and never have to see each others ugly faces ever again. No more squabbling for power. No more chafing under each others dumb rules. You can have your "communism" over here and we can have our "fascism" over there, and never the twain shall meet.

Can we be frenemies?


The purest and most blatant manifestation of Fascism as a political system in the world today is Zionism. Theoretically, I do not care that much about what any individual believes ideologically, I prefer a broad workers' movement based on shared class interests. The problem here is partly that Fascism is class collaborationist, undermines class politics with politics of identity, and the ideal of a fully militarized ethnostate is one which reaches towards the very worst things which exist today and seeks to replicate those things. I would have no problem with Fascists if it wasn't for all the Fascism.


You already live under fascism, why aren't you happy?

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 No.468[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Share you feels here.
No bully
also feel free to share your feels in the /leftcel/ thread at https://9chan.tw/leftcel/thread/2696
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>no reply after four whole minutes


All women are whores.


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tired but i don't wanna go to sleep


I was airing out my room and a fucking pigeon took a shit on the floor when I wasn't there!!



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>still plays Pokemon
>owns a Switch
>watches bumfuck geopolitical lib garbage videos
>has no job
>is glad Assad is gone but doesnt mention Israel when talking about how the Middle East situation
>but doesnt want a Turkish passport because he'll have to enlist in the Turkish army
>praises Finland or some other Nordic country for, in his words, 'solving homelessness'
>still mad about people not getting vaxxed
why are libs such [SLURS]?
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


>why are libs such [SLURS]?
They repeat whatever nonsense they have to to fit in with their peer group. Just like you.


>Assad dictatorship was good


Iran is next you faggot.


Democracy biz nude, Putin, Russia raped in the 90s=10 years of democracy, US democracy, Elon Musk, we wuz democracy, Trump dictatorship, Europe democracy, more billions to Hugh Crane and Israel


Death to European union libism, inshallah amen

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 No.5577[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

First Incel News General archived here:
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Do you mean based?
And I don't know what's so bad with this type of equity sharing. It's literally how any property division works why is it different when you're sleeping together.
Feminists are trying to pretend like this is still the Victorian era, when women couldn't work or own property. But every modern women works now and don't stop when they have a kid. So they're not "sacrificing" anything.
If they want claims on martial property they're going to have to pay into it.
This will dramatically change dating in China and it will be more equitable. There won't be this loneliness epidemic like there is in the states. Since there won't be any way for women to use their pussy to raise their socioeconomic status so they won't throw themselves at Chad until they're in their 30's after it's too late to find someone.


No. What I mean is that all the problems caused by female hypocrisy in the West are also present in the east.

>There won't be this loneliness epidemic like there is in the states. Since there won't be any way for women to use their pussy to raise their socioeconomic status so they won't throw themselves at Chad until they're in their 30's after it's too late to find someone.

You sweet summer child.
You really think that anti-gynocentric laws will stop women from "leveling" the playing field?


>This will dramatically change dating in China and it will be more equitable.


Anon thinks China will not suffer backlash from roasties for this


Yes, modern women completely rely on the state to exploit men for them. If the state says the party's over, it is.


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Publicly funded gold diggers?

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Incel culture is the sibling to Tumblr's fat acceptance movement. They're functionally and relationally equivalent.

The only real difference of note is how one takes an activist approach while the other promotes resignation.
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>that sidecrushing was triggered by the mention of some kind of incel culture whatever that is, not @ the fact that there is an ever growing number of social retards who were mindraped by the global neofascist
Where do you think incel culture comes from? Incels fool! And wanting sex is not fascist. Touch grass homie.
>I don't lament, I laugh @ them.
You laugh a little too hard me thinks.
>Never in this shitty life could I imagine being a sex slave who literally thinks that getting access to somewhat differently built genitalia than his will suddenly give him any meaning in life.
<I don't think sex is important because I'm a closeted homosexual autist.
>The diff between the involuntary celibatards & other people is that incels, specifically, think that their existential idiocy is caused by not sticking their le peenie into someone else' le howlie. Blah blah blah all incels want is sex and all sex is is getting off. Blah blah blah these men are just pathetic horn dogs and other liberal feminist clichés
They want sexual intimacy, and sexual intimacy is one of the most beautiful human dynamics ever. Entire genres of literature and art are dedicated to it.
>Again, getting sex (the mechanical interoperation of 2 or more genitaliae) will NEVER fix your situation you nuts! NEVER!
You know this how exactly?
>No? The plain harsh truth of the matter is that you can literally murder every single one of the dick carriers currently living & keep the next ones only for bio-matter,
This was typed with Cheeto powder stained hands.
>What the fuck is here to be even afraid of? Implying women wouldn't live like they always did but without generally boring, plain, unfullfillable, undesirable, unneeded, unwanted, painful, dangerous & even outright deadly sex
Ummmmm I was talking about the instability millions of angry young men could inflict on society with violence or even just refusing to work. You really don't need to drag your kinks into this.
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youre being delusion


>Incel culture is the sibling to Tumblr's fat acceptance movement.
Why is that a bad thing?

>They're functionally and relationally equivalent.

Not really, one is entirely predicated on social acceptance and is inalienable. Overweight people could potentially lose weight, although I am sympathetic that they are largely the product of their environment.


Fat acceptance is based. Prove me wrong.


Leftism is muh science and jewish psychoscientiststs deciding what particular idpol should be cancelled next. Incel culture is the purpose of nature regarding a low-status man.

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 No.677[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post anything regarding sex robots or dolls here.
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I didn't know there was lore behind this VTuber moment


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>A mother has claimed her teenage son was goaded into killing himself by an AI chatbot he was in love with - and she's unveiled a lawsuit on Wednesday against the makers of the artificial intelligence app.

>Sewell Setzer III, a 14-year-old ninth grader in Orlando, Florida, spent the last weeks of his life texting a AI character named after Daenerys Targaryen, a character on 'Game of Thrones.'
>Right before Sewell took his life, the chatbot told him to 'please come home'.
>Before then, their chats ranged from romantic to sexually charged and those resembling two two friends chatting about life.
>On February 23, days before he died by suicide, his parents took away his phone after he got in trouble for talking back to a teacher, according to the suit.



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Czechpedo calm down

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 No.4391[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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She will never exist in oure form if shes born


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post R9K culture


That's Walmart Core.

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i feel rly bad because i was going to this girls curiouscat to recommend songs because i have like 3 friends and their music taste differs so much from mine

and like she was calling me “the music anon” and i was hey i got a friend who actually likes similar music, or rather, who likes this genre of music that my friends don’t

and then she went “get out of the shadows let’s be friends” i didn’t really want to but i went and did it, sent her a DM hello i’m the music anon tell me what you think about this /sends a clip/

then she literally ignored the song and just asked some whatever questions like since when was i following her, and i said since september, and that i was following her because my feed was boring since all my friends acted like boomers on twitter, taking themselves too seriously or being g*mers, and also that i didn’t have any friends to send certain songs to

then she asked me “how old are you” and i said “29, only got 1 more year to live sadly” and she said “well that explains the boomerisms”

then she ignored me again, and not just on DMs she never even answered 2 twitter replies i sent such as when she posted that “parents if your child listens to synth pop and post-punk they’re LGBT” and i replied like “what if i like dark wave which kind of mixes both”

and now i feel even weirder because she’s like 18 and i’m 29 with a fake twitter photo (that picrew crap) because i hate taking selfies (last one i posted was in 2017) and i’m wondering if she’s avoiding me because she thinks i’m some kind of internet pedophile???

not gonna lie feeling like shit i miss when i just had a pal to send songs to
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Where's the songs?


>3 days
>still no songs


Do you have any This Ascension albums you can share? I really like August Rain by Trance to the Sun and read somewhere this song was very similar to their music.


>i’m wondering if she’s avoiding me because she thinks i’m some kind of internet pedophile???

relax, brother. She does not think that, otherwise she would had just blocked you long ago. It is just that zoomers tend to behave that way online, they ignore each other sometimes.


>It is just that zoomers tend to behave that way online, they ignore each other sometimes.

Bruh, enough of the genpol.
Millennials, Gen X, and Boomers also behave this way online.
I've had experience dealing with people on hookup personal websites

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