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File: 1699674822125.jpg ( 274.78 KB , 1179x1586 , 20231111_104801.jpg )


This is a good demonstration of women

>He's fun yet 'problematic,' so I'll fuck him whenever he wants

>But his opinions clash with my own retarded worldview, so I won't settle down with him
>(he dodges the bullet)
>Whoever gets sloppy seconds and an LTR with me must share my faggy effeminate worldview
>But those guys don't make my loins tingle, so they'll get once a week duty sex (maybe)
>Many such cases

Leftybros ngmi
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Hello, I fucking hate w*men.


tbh the tristian guy sounds like a douche.

So what if your gf has male neighbors?

You cannot control who your neighbors are. And its hard to move places conveniently.


>now I exclusively have sex with emotionally unavailable older men
and you guys said the red pill was wrong about men's worth increasing as they get older


Actually the red pill is wrong about male sexual value increasing with age.

Those older men have more capital is all.


Heh, you must secretly want to fuck woman

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1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


Aw yes
>'having 1 girl is too close to having 0 girls'
Sure sounds like something a guy who doesn't fuck would say


your pic has ten commandments tho


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>Omg if you dont treat women like princesses, you must be an incel
Sure thing, faggot


>being this autistic
oy vey


Its half cringe.

Some of the commandmemts were good but theyre ruined by the others.

"Be irrationally self confodent", "flort with other women in front of her", this is all machismo antics.

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Whatcha doing this val's?
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This isn't r9k the website.






I'm re-gifting because I'm not that invested in this one desu

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Were hormone injections and bottom surgery a scam all along?

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>tfw the government put me on a list so i only match with BPD chicks on dating apps


Are you ok


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That's happens because you were raised by your single mother to not have boundaries with women which made raising you a lot easier for her.


>male incompetence is all caused by single motherhood

I swear this meme is an overused defense mechanism against feminazi school of thought.


>omg sweetie if you don't play by my wantz & rulez then ya got some "male incompetence" issues
A cunt will always defend gender system relations shit even if it has no dick to exploit. What a fucking joke of a being.

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>bodycount of 40 at 18 yo
Do zoomer women really?
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Thats an outlier.
Most post-millennial females are selling feet pics or doing webcam sessions.

This wouldve been more common in the 1970s than the 2020s.


Nah. Girls are less exually active now.
Starting at twelve was the norm before the 2010s.

Before stranger danger, kids used to play doctor alot.
They could even solicit adults.


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>They could even solicit adults.
Bruh that's just you.


>as usual, rejection of historical realism

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Should women be drafted?
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Based Ukranian chicks.


We had preteen males as soldiers bfore World War 2.

Yet the idea of an adult female fighting is considered blasphemous?


>Imagine if just 300k w*men died - there would be fucking chaos. But when 500k men die - nobody bats an eye.

>Majority of men are just dumb as fuck (betabuxes can't be smart persons tbh), dumbfucks think of military service as if they are living in an ancient city-state or something lol.

Men are idealists. Always trying to philosophise anything into divine performance.


even if this did happen, they would have women do the light work.
Men would be pushed to the front line more.


If your definition of child marriage is getting married at fifteen then lol at yourself.

Also, instead of abortion we should sell preventive hysterectomy to teenage girls.

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Supreme Court has voted to overturn abortion rights, draft opinion shows
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Whoa, I wrote this and it's weirding me out on how prescient it is.


This cannot be good.

I wouldnt say young people dont care about politics. Theyre just not as emotionally invested because they have lives to live.Politics is usually an elderly pasttime because theyre old and out of service and desperate for relevance.


middle aged people are kinda douchey un general. White suburban ones are the worst though.
Elderly and young ones are completely fine.Its the middle aged that are a main problem


wrong. your "prescient" scribblings are umpteenth conjectures based on personal cultural bias.


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Leftypol have their own r9k. In the form of Sex & Relationship Threads.

Pic related.
These guys say ahit like tgis amd stay. Mean while, I get banned for criticising the entitlement for sez/romance.

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What can we do to overcome male loneliness in the modern era?
Is pic related the solution?


why does society always wanna resort to martial recreation for young men?


Professional managerial class
Private military company

Is it connected?


Lonliness will always exist as long as humans are treated like commodities. It's a fundamental reality of capitalism.

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Submit your nominations.
I'll start, I present to you:
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Nice try Xiaomi


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Kek i didn't know even it was from Xiaomi.
I just image-searched for "marxist mascot" and then modified what came up.

Tho I wonder why the image search associated Xiaomi with "Marxist".


I like to dance. I'm taking break dancing classes right now.


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