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When modern women say modern men are shit they are right, when modern men say modern women are shit they are right. With that being said there are only two solutions. Either everybody can individually build themselves up in value, listen to the advice the other gender gives, and not worry about what losers are doing, or they can stop trying to impose standards that they themselves cannot live up to and just settle for someone who is equally as shit as them. Both options require self-reflection and the ability to take accountability which nobody is capable of doing and why scapegoating has become the popular third choice.


i wanted to get with an average or something girl in the past but the blackpill ruined it


meet authentic african gals. unquestionable tenderness and especially disregarded by people. try universities in case there is no other option


Blame chivalry

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feet thread
also: footwear, shoes, socks, etc.
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Took a walk in the park, saw a girl sitting on a mat on the grass, barefeet, she was curling and uncurling her feet. I wonder if she enjoyed doing that or some ulterior motive. I wonder if she saw me looking. Either way I did not approach her because I'm shy.


Am I tripping or was she on some exhibitionist/luring foot fetishists ish?




just let me dream, like if i had the guts to go up and ask for her info..


Chicks be doing stuff with full knowledge. They might not be looking for actual attention or conversation, just validation from making footfags look in the first place.

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why is she so perfect?
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Why was she so perfect? Well, Lucille Ball (later of I Love Lucy) was a communist. One of the pics shows her CPUSA voter's registration from the 1930s.


>why is she so perfect?
She has food, the thing communists need more than anything.


duno who she is but she will be a perfect secretary general if the USA goes through a communist take over, because everybody know that secretary-general are just event oraganizer and mascot !


>>6888 (myself)
Anybody know what happened to the CPUSA's momentum since then?


Massive FBI infiltration and then taming into Democrat Party lapdogs.

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is lip surgery worth it?
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Stop oppressin viminz incel. kek


Thoughts on taking Ozempic?


I've heard it works but you gain it all back as soon as you stop


toxic, deadly poison from big pharma. definitely worse for your health than obesity.


I hear when you're on Ozempic, you don't digest well, so your breath smells like poop and you poop yourself randomly.. Does Drake poop himself??

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Porn captions about dominating your landlady trust fund bunny. As requested.
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nice find
this should be a real series/genre/tag like how incest is


Congrats you made gooning class conscious uh somehow.


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I Like Ugly B*d Hentai And I'm Not Sorry
Lily likes ugly bastards?

There's females that like the ugly bastard genre. What's your excuse now?

Discuss the ugly bastard question.

Does it disprove the mainstream/orthodox something-pill?


Just find a statistical anomaly bro


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Sounds tsundere


Ok and? Its cartoons not flesh-and-blood.

If we used real life ugly bastards it wouldnt be so hot.

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Share your tips on how to have effective and enriching sex. I'll start. This sexologist Jessica Garner used to be all over Tik Tok before she got canceled.
Her "bottle opening" technique has done wonders for my love life.

You've been having sex wrong all this time, as sexpert explains perfect technique


She also has a lot of information on sex history, how Gen Xers and later generations were left in the dark on sex and have views on it mostly informed by porn. How older generations actually had better sex
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youre being willfully naive.


I agree with Western women being trash but you shouldn't be quick to pedestalize non-westernized women


Research has shown that there is a statistically significant overlap between people who are diagnosed with mental illness and people who deny the existence of God.




idk. Most of our deranged people believe in some sort of higher power

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✨💖 Femcel Humor Thread ✨💖
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>femcel humor
>look inside
>no humor

<just like with 'femcels'


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idk mane, all the crying 'men' here are the funniest part. This is the most fragile shit I've seen outside of WN forums.


>all the crying 'men' here
These men, are they here, in the same room with us rn?

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Did you know that the Tiananmen protests had their origin in anti-BBC chinlet riots?
>The Nanjing protests were groundbreaking dissidence for China and went from solely expressing concern about alleged improprieties by African men to increasingly calling for democracy or human rights.[5] They were paralleled by burgeoning demonstrations in other cities during the period between the Nanjing and the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre, with some elements of the original protests that started in Nanjing still evident in 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre, such as banners proclaiming "Stop Taking Advantage of Chinese Women" even though the vast majority of African students had left the country by that point

This supports my theory that history is driven by sexuality moreso than class struggle. Hell even class arose from some men hoarding resources so they could fuck the best women and the struggle part is competition over who gets to stick their dick in who


So it's all about property & the private ownership of it. Cool. kys


This guy argues that polyamory is the hallmark of failed states and instable societies while monogamy is the signature of stable and safe liberal societies.
He also argues that sub Sahara Africa's political instability is fueled by a large pool of incels that warlords draw from for campaigns.
What are your thoughts?
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most men didn't deserve wives


>t. bitter lesbian


true. assigning a faggot 2 a guy & sealing them together by a gubbermint property contract is worse than a vacation 2 australia. the bourgs will pay 4 this.

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