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>The buffalo shooter was a /pol/tard and an incel.
Thoughts? /pol/ is freaking out about getting shut down now. I….can’t see this happening because 4chan is too big, maybe just /pol/ will be deleted?
17 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


How fucking in denial can you possibly be in? Jesus Christ.


Yeah, well it has precedent with 8ch getting shutdown due to the NZ Christchurch Mosque Shooting.


No, if you buy one through legitimate means they'll trace you up to return it.


why the fuck does every white 18-21 year old try to grow a beard? if you have pubebeard at very best all it does is make your face look dumpy and round
>>111 you haven't already?


>you haven't already?
No, just a handgun. I poor.

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How South Korea’s Yoon Suk-yeol Capitalized on Anti-Feminist Backlash to Win the Presidency
The fire rises.


It's just a shame he's a neolib and hates best Korea. We are yet to see a true /leftcel/ candidate as prophesied.


I thought NK ans K were on pretty good terms considering their history


He wants to ask the US to put a load of their missiles in south korea. He kinda glows tbh.



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After the failure of the first vote for the creation of an /r9k/ board back in January, the second vote (after the 2 month cool down period) has passed.
Leftychan /r9k/ should now be here to stay permanently, and hopefully we can get it back to how it was on the /777/ board. I've missed you guys.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


What up uyghas.


File: 1649374225259.jpg ( 204.03 KB , 1024x682 , 1648062742-0.jpg )

How South Korea’s Yoon Suk-yeol Capitalized on Anti-Feminist Backlash to Win the Presidency
The fire rises.


Why did you post this twice fag?


I-i-i-i-it was a mistake sempi.


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Well now I have to keep bumping this thread to get the eye sore out of the way.

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