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Jesus fuck. This is painful to watch. How can someone be this pathetic I'm astonished

If he was my son i'd kill him and then commit sui what a disgrace
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>My Day in The Life Not Filming on Set
nice pussy


Looks like your average porn addict tbh. Any decent looking man with self respect wouldn't do this.


There's another one.


Anybody heard Emily Willis had a stroke and got in a coma and may possibly never walk on her own again?


another dumb femdom thread

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Circumcision is a Fraud is Hosting a Web Page with FOIA Documents on Circumcision
Also, circumcision general thread. I think it's male genital mutilation.
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Actually Kellogg's cereal was a venture started by his brother.


He also promoted eating plant-based(got slop) over meat because eating meat would give people sexual desires.


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Libs, radlibs, fascists, etc. getting FUCKED by STRONG LEFTISTS.

Image content description: solo bald female masturbating, fishnet stockings


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Some inspiration:


Isnt that Israel does to America? Taking away taxpayers money to give to foreign "allies"?

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Incel culture is the sibling to Tumblr's fat acceptance movement. They're functionally and relationally equivalent.

The only real difference of note is how one takes an activist approach while the other promotes resignation.
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>What the fuck is here to be even afraid of? Implying women wouldn't live like they always did but without generally boring, plain, unfullfillable, undesirable, unneeded, unwanted, painful, dangerous & even outright deadly sex with some laughable mobile dildos attached to disgusting puke-inducing mutated human bodies that are called "men".
yes, hoe, I wonder why the elites are so worried that there are less betabuxes available kek

who needs them anyway, right? after all, Chad will surely settle with your Beccy ass, and not dump you when you're past your expiration date




>Not getting laid gives me meaning
>This is my last post guys, I promise


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>that sidecrushing was triggered by the mention of some kind of incel culture whatever that is, not @ the fact that there is an ever growing number of social retards who were mindraped by the global neofascist
Where do you think incel culture comes from? Incels fool! And wanting sex is not fascist. Touch grass homie.
>I don't lament, I laugh @ them.
You laugh a little too hard me thinks.
>Never in this shitty life could I imagine being a sex slave who literally thinks that getting access to somewhat differently built genitalia than his will suddenly give him any meaning in life.
<I don't think sex is important because I'm a closeted homosexual autist.
>The diff between the involuntary celibatards & other people is that incels, specifically, think that their existential idiocy is caused by not sticking their le peenie into someone else' le howlie. Blah blah blah all incels want is sex and all sex is is getting off. Blah blah blah these men are just pathetic horn dogs and other liberal feminist clichés
They want sexual intimacy, and sexual intimacy is one of the most beautiful human dynamics ever. Entire genres of literature and art are dedicated to it.
>Again, getting sex (the mechanical interoperation of 2 or more genitaliae) will NEVER fix your situation you nuts! NEVER!
You know this how exactly?
>No? The plain harsh truth of the matter is that you can literally murder every single one of the dick carriers currently living & keep the next ones only for bio-matter,
This was typed with Cheeto powder stained hands.
>What the fuck is here to be even afraid of? Implying women wouldn't live like they always did but without generally boring, plain, unfullfillable, undesirable, unneeded, unwanted, painful, dangerous & even outright deadly sex
Ummmmm I was talking about the instability millions of angry young men could inflict on society with violence or even just refusing to work. You really don't need to drag your kinks into this.
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youre being delusion


>Incel culture is the sibling to Tumblr's fat acceptance movement.
Why is that a bad thing?

>They're functionally and relationally equivalent.

Not really, one is entirely predicated on social acceptance and is inalienable. Overweight people could potentially lose weight, although I am sympathetic that they are largely the product of their environment.

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>i mean my late boyfriend was a classical fascist.
>omg im so sorry for your loss, whatever their politics.
>thank you. i miss him.

So dear chuddies how about those state-mandated brown roasties of yours? Them still being kinda busy huh? KEK
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Because I'm done with your fucking faggotry of joyful unprincipled existence which you manage to lead while also spewing "radical" "progressive" retardation to keep the appearance of having intellectual agency. No fucking wonder you leftardian historical manual drunk abortion of shitfuckery of all colors are long bitchslammed into the fucking dustbin of history of hypocritical faggotry where you fucking belong. And you are there forever.

That's a lot of cope, cocksucker. Leave it to yourself next time.

Kill yourselves. Thank you!


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what is your obsession with brown people?


You're the faggot for falling for someone's anonymous online roleplay. I'm a porn addict and many online porn spaces are filled with trans who need increasingly weirder/extreme porn to get off


>look inside


Anyone unironically applying the term "Ultra leftist" To themselves is going to be unhinged.

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>still plays Pokemon
>owns a Switch
>watches bumfuck geopolitical lib garbage videos
>has no job
>is glad Assad is gone but doesnt mention Israel when talking about how the Middle East situation
>but doesnt want a Turkish passport because he'll have to enlist in the Turkish army
>praises Finland or some other Nordic country for, in his words, 'solving homelessness'
>still mad about people not getting vaxxed
why are libs such [SLURS]?


>mad about the housing crisis
>hopes the House of Representatives collapses
>yet has no clue on what to replace it with
>just fake-deep platitudes like "nothing lasts"


>why are libs such [SLURS]?
They repeat whatever nonsense they have to to fit in with their peer group. Just like you.


>Assad dictatorship was good


Iran is next you faggot.


Here's the killshot, single mothers predict how bad crime is in an area NOT POVERTY!
>The proportion of single-parent households in a community predicts its rate of violent crime and burglary, but the community’s poverty level does not. Source: D.A. Smith and G.R. Jarjoura, “Social Structure and Criminal Victimization,” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 25. 1988.”
This alone should repudiate feminism in the minds of anyone, left or right. And the high single motherhood rate is the direct result of feminists' sexual revolution that encourages women to be promiscuous which inevitably leads to bastards.
Anyone that's traveled outside of the US can attest to this finding. While no poor area of a city or town is safe. They are not these Falluja style war zones that say Baltimore is.
Eliminating single mothers goes a long long way to eliminating poverty for workers. And it's in the best interest of children, which feminists and women pretend to care about.
These studies were aggregated on https://www.fixfamilycourts.com/single-mother-home-statistics. Here are a few other highlights
>“After controlling for single motherhood, the difference between black and white crime rates disappeared.” Progressive Policy Institute, 1990, quoted by David Blankenhorn, “Fatherless America: Confronting Our Most Urgent Social Problem,” New York, Harper Perennial, 1996, p.31
>Effects of Fatherlessness – Teenage Statistics
>63% of all youth suicides,
>70% of all teen pregnancies,
>71% of all adolescent chemical/substance abusers,
>80% of all prison inmates, and
>90% of all homeless and runaway children, came from single mother homes.
>Bob Ray Sanders, “Hey Y’all, Let’s Fill The Hall (Of Fame), Ft. Worth Star Telegram, Oct.28,2007
>Mona Charen, “More Good News Than Bad?”, Washington Times, Mar.16, 2001 (citing Bill Bennett, “The Index of Leading Cultural Indicators: American society at the end of the 20th Century., New York, Broadway Books, 1994)
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wwho should be allowed to vote? chikdren or single mohters?


this is what really think of childrem


chikdrum are backbone the of society


chikdren and the of scene whereas adults have power to instead


witohut chikdrum there is no future

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 No.694[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

4chan /r9k/ is full of them, why don't we have any?
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>and there are plenty of anons who would happily tell female posters to kill themselves until they kill themselves.
Yes. Only a complete degenerate would state their shitty race of any kind to further their agenda, cuntfaggots with their cultural privilege especially.

>And to borrow from ancaps, there could be a Non Aggression Principle implemented
NAP is the ideology of an individualist who doesn't want to answer for their actions, especially if these actions do harm to the others. kys fag
>Speaking of ancaps, what if the female posters were right-wing, then wouldn't it be okay to bully them?
Ye faggot, go on with th@ lmao & try to bully a rightoid (= individualist (= narcissist)) cunt who was also enabled her whole fucking life, let's see how that would turn out.


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Would Leftism be more popular if egirls promoted it?

What if it does? Remember when Taylor Swift fans registered to vote en masse after Taylor told them to? What about viewers that give their hard-earned money to their favorite Twitch streamers? What about people earning enough from their OnlyFans to buy their first apartment?


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RIP OP (they changed their mind)


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Thoughts on the egirl question?


If you're serious about using webcam whores to get more traffic your movement isn't sincere.

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Post and discuss using your imagination/delusion/fantasy.
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I wish to breed these male beauties


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Discuss midlife crisis:
What Is a Midlife Crisis?
Signs of a Midlife Crisis
Common Triggers for Midlife Crises
Coping Strategies and Support Systems

What a Midlife Crisis Is and How to Get Through | FHE Health
Millennials Midlife Crisis Statistics - Survey Data

What is it like to experience a mid-life crisis?
What is a mid-life crisis? What are your thoughts on this?
Does almost everyone suffer some form of "mid-life crisis"?
What is the earliest age to have a "mid-life" crisis?
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I think midlife crisis is mainly a cultural thing.
Quarter life crisis and teen angst is more genuine.

Midlife crisis is just adults who refuse to identify with their role of adulthood and feel entitled to reparations for losing their spark of youth.


Also, Millennials having a midlife crisis is gonna be totally delusional.

They think being in their thirties means it's all over for them.
They get too pissy about new slang and new tech.


Good, poor normieuyghurs shall hang (from their private lamp posts).

fuq328 what the hell's with captcha today?

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