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/777/ - Weapons and War

"An oppressed class which does not strive to learn to use arms, to acquire arms, only deserves to be treated like slaves" - V. I. Lenin
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It has been decided that the new theme for this board will be the discussion of weapons, warfare and military history.
As ever, we ask you to stick to the rules, including remembering to clearly mark any posts generated by AI as being so. Enjoy!

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Cobalt-60 could be made by irradiating a regular cobalt with an alpha neutron source, possibly?

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How overrated is this shotgun, if at all?
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Can shotguns shoot nets? Nets would probably be better at taking down a drone


how would you set up a net if you're mobile? they have their place for stuff like a window but you can always be canvassed in a giant net


oh you mean can shotguns shoot nets out of the barrel: no. Net guns exist but they're only good out to a few yards. I don't think a net shotgun is possible due to drag limitations and ability to actually deploy the net instead of it being a flaccid tail behind some shot. The shells would also have to be ludicrous in size. Not worth the effort just destroy the drone or begin the difficult task of developing an illegal signal jammer.


If you can make a shotgun shell that operates like a flakcannon round with a proximity fuse, that deploys the net when it senses it's near a drone, that might work.

Since the net isn't deployed right away there would be no problems with drag. And it would retain useful range and accuracy.

I wonder if it's possible to modify the formula for silly-string to give it better tensile strength and use that as the "net".


The benellis are absurdly reliable, the marines are known for breaking a lot of stuff, but even they can't make one of these stop running. But it's more expensive than they should, and if aren't LE/Military they come as barebones as it gets, the mossberg 940 is also very reliable and costs half

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Moved to >>>/b/154890.

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- Guns You Can Buy General -
Post guns that you want to buy or have already. Eurocucks welcome as is discussion of regulation.
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I like how they make AR-15s that look like this. No idea how reliable they are though.


The saber is a great starter rifle that enables you to practice on the platform while also having enough for ammo. If you're super budget though I'd recommend a pistol caliber carbine in 9mm that's not an ar9. Don't buy a .22lr because those are just toys or for niche small game like squirrels and shit. Buy a real gun then if you are too poor keep 200rds of ammo for your real gun then buy a 22 for practice. There's some 22lr bolt carrier groups you can get to practice on an ar platform too. There's almost no reason to buy a 22


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Nice get lol. Anyways these look cool but lack modern amenities. You'll end up replacing the carry handle anyways so just get something like picrel so you can get a red dot later. Good starter red dot like holosun or sig romeo for about 100-150. Red dots are more user friendly than irons and even the cheap ones are good enough to make it inexcusable to not have one. PSA runs good deals on full guns with red dots and magazines that I'd jump on if I were you. You need at least four magazines to be 'ready'.


Appreciate the advice, anon :]


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I want this bullpup conversion for the ruger 10/22. The original is one of the best 22 rifles on the market, and cutting the length down by almost a 3rd makes it a good option for a trail rifle.

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I love John Lennon edition.


>understanding the only communist rebellion in history as another local capital-liberating event

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>From 1914 to 1918, Germany and Austria-Hungary produced up to 680 million shells and the industries of the Allies France, Britain, Russia (to October 1917), Italy, the U.S. and Canada, produced up to 790 million shells (the statistics vary greatly). The U.S. produced between 30 million and 50 million of these shells.

<[2023] - European Commissioner for the Internal Market Thierry Breton suggested that Europe could now make some 400,000 rounds annually. Estonia’s Pevkur, speaking at a November media roundtable, put the figure between 600,000 and 700,000—and said it would reach one million rounds in 2024.

So what happened? Were European countries in the early 20th century just built differently? Even France, who had much of its industrial regions occupied by the Germans, were producing 200,000 shells A DAY by the end of WWI. That's half of current European annual output in a single day.
Why are Europeans struggling to mass produce something as simple as the artillery shell, even though they managed it just fine 100+ years ago?
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this is largely correct. the idea behind a lot of neoliberal doctrine regarding this is the false bourgeois theory of "absolute and comparative advantage". It would support the idea that since the US handles shell production and steel, it would actually be negative to develop your own manufacturing. It is this same ideology driving globalists to keep Llatam an agrarian shithole. Read:
The Russian case

General historical critique




>just get shells from the US
Ukraine tried that, didn't go so well.

I agree with this to an extend, but some parts of comparative advantage theory are not wrong. Like climate dependent crops for example.


That's because the West and NATO rely on air supremacy and not on heavy use of infantry and artillery. It's not a problem for the West. It's like complaining the West is not producing enough arrows.


>rely on air supremacy
That works until you pick a fight with an opponent that has competent air defenses

>It's like complaining the West is not producing enough arrows.

<implying artillery compares to bows and arrows
nothing survives an artillery barrage, so that comparison doesn't work.
20th century industrial warfare is crude by modern standards but you can't say that it's not effective.

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How come post-Eastern Bloc countries not full of guns?


I think there's a question of how the survey data was collected. Would you tell anyone if you had an illegal rifled firearm it the survey was "anonymous" or not? I also wonder if the guns were acquired by criminal organizations over time post 90s. It was trying times and the cool makarov you found might have saved your son and/or daughter from whoring on the streets for another week.


I wouldn't take this data at face value.

I imagine this survey only takes into account registered guns (or else how would they know they exist?), and there are a lot of unregistered firearms in barns, bunkers and attics all over eastern europe. The countries at the very top of the graph have long traditions of citizens militias, sports shooting and hunting, which gives reason for firearm ownership to be recorded and licensed. The top countries also have low populations which help them to achieve their status. Serbia meanwhile inherited most of the EXTENSIVE Yugo stockpile and was also involved in a war fairly recently. Guns are everywhere after wars.

I am surprised by Czechia though, that country has the most liberal gun laws in Europe. Firearm ownership there is even less restrictive than in some US states. I thought it would be higher.


<How come post-Eastern Bloc countries are not full of registered guns?
there, fixed it.
After the neo-liberal shock-doctrine in 90s people stopped trusting the government.


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A great follow-up question is: how are they still getting ammo? Is there a significant stockpile circulating in the market or is there illegal manufacturing? If so, what extent?

Do you turn in your brass to get reloaded for a fee? Where would they get primers? Are you at risk of Ivan's pissin' hot reloads? Perhaps new ammo is purchased illicitly from serving military.

With the ammo situation, is it common to practice shooting or just possess the equipment?


>>1438 (me)
further more, what are the implications for collapse in countries without a history of private arms ownership? and how might communist learn from post soviet private weapons acquisition? This of course is less relevant to the US, Canada, Mexico, and Brazil where access to weapons illicit or not has a more clear path.

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