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It's so crazy how there has been such a paradigm shift to where the GOP is anti-imperialist.
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Lemmin was the best revolutionary hardcore commie politician the leftards ever had. He was the guy who said that we should try to convert every single retard we can & exploit every single crack in the ruling elites to gain as much ground as possible, thus his critique of so-called leftcums for the fact that these shits only narcissistically cared about their self-image of a progressive cuck than an actual praxis fighter against global bourgoid tyranny.

What's the matter with all that? The matter is, even this same lenin, the guy who threatened to leave his communist party & start fighting against it if it did not approve the creation of soviet national republics, didn't see any way to progressively exploit the left zionist movement so even he threw "these prostitutes" out of the RSDRP a whole year before the 1st russian revolution of 1905, where any help would've been appreciable.
Well, fuck. Now add the fact that all these left zionists came to be the actual creators of iϟϟreal & started openly saying shit like "palestinians don't exist" & then everything comes into place.

Another thing: moϟϟad was actually always financing all the specifically pogromian movements around the world in pursuit of forcing all the damn stupid kikes back under the caring rule of iϟϟreal, just like in the good old times of hyperjudea. & it's still failing to achieve that, kek. G-ddamn jews, being too smart, still don't wanna another second king on their asses lmao. Based semites.

why is there no support for opus ffs


>Net approval for Israel has gone down much lower than that among the general population.
Okay, I'm glad you think so too, I came back to this thread to say the same thing, the numbers in OP's report are sus.

And the crazy thing is my IRL friend was talking about some similar stats, but he doesn't read leftychan (I'm pretty sure, he's pretty normie brained) so I think the propaganda machine is running with this study. Which, like is to be expected, I'm not surprised I guess.


>why is there no support for opus ffs
Oh uh let me fix that


Okay you should be able to upload an OPUS file now


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>everyone: I hAtE ZiONisTs
>Actual Zionists:


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We need more banners and a banner thread in general. Give me your pictures for banners and I will bannerfy them
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What Software Do You Use


Gimp (that's the name of the program)


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I never once felt sad for missing out on teen love


I envy you, I used to have the same sentiments but now feel inadequate for not having the proper teen love experience. Even if I get a GF or wife I won't be able to compare to her experience.


same missing crucial love experience


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Solidarity with Ukraine Still Cringe


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What are we to do with the ever-increasing agespan of adolescence?
This is a serious problem in the first and second world.
Why is it normalised to waste away your teens and twenties (AND THIRTIES!!!) in quiet despair and zero technical skills?

Generation X and Millennials have normalised mediocrity in youth.
They even say worldly exposure/attributes in youth are elitist.
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Stop letting other people decide what you are and when you're allowed to move on in life, to a place of their choosing. Simple truth of the world is that these stages of development don't in of themselves have spiritual significance. We mark them to know what our body does and will do, and ask questions about ourselves. Too much self-indulgence is retarded and pointless.

According to them, I'm a permanent child or teenager, but I have many of the same expectations as a 40 year old male would have. My body is failing, there are more years behind than ahead given what I know about health and how the institutions will treat me. I've seen enough to reverse-engineer how it should have went, and found that most of humanity is disappointed with their position on the cursus honorum. It presented to you both unrealistic goals that were entirely in the hands of the institutions, and taught people to ignore basic things about themselves. It taught people to place their priorities where the institutions wanted you to place them, and usually these priorities were intended to destroy people as quickly as possible. Placing sexual intercourse at the "base" was never normal and has disastrous effects. Normally, animals under siege and stress do not engage in sexual activity, and that is how we are asked to live. The key is to convince you that you're not under siege by giving people fake sex and porn, disconnecting them further from reality until the trap can be activated. "Oops, wrong planet!" they will tell you.

Usually teenage years suck, and this isn't just a problem of modern institutions. As you become a legal adult, you're expected to be conditioned to a filthy race that loves killing and torture, and then have to maintain kayfabe that it is totally the opposite for the rest of your life, under penalty of torture. The grace of old age is that, having lived enough, we can potentially say nuts to that, and if we die, we die.

With the destruction of technical knowledge - you can only fight against a society designed to poison and torture you so much. They really, really don't want you getting any idea that you can build a single thing without permits and approval. The rulers make it clear they do not want a productive economy. Any productive economy has to be destroyed, because it becomes increasingly difficult to with-hold that product from the commoners and especially from labor. While "doping" the commons with affluence can be temporarily Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


I've always said - if you want to maintain technical knowledge, it is helpful to have libraries to reconstruct and re-educate from the ground up, rather than having to scrounge together WikiHow articles. Fortunately, the WikiHow articles are basically "how to explain technical knowledge to someone who is basically autistic". There are people who can swear by them for a lot of things, but it doesn't explain what science really is. It's better than the non-knowledge you get from school and university.


The moment it appears as if a base for education independent of the institutions can flourish cheaply and by mutual support, the institutions will impose full eugenism. That is where we are at now - they're throwing so much screaming, torture, and death in the face of everyone until the minds of humanity are broken permanently. Failed race.


<Focus on you attention on this or that Generation
Don't look what the ruling classes are doing

good effort post


Im well aware of he elites imposing age segregation in the culture.

Its what Ive been saying in >>477879


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How come child labor didn't make a huge comeback
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I mean that adults, particularily men, ise their age and industrial position to justofy their vices spilling over into others.

Also, children are more pathologised for the slightest flaw.

Look at the vast majotity of liability laws used against the youth for the slightest trangeession.

Also mot all children are the same. This is another thing that pople forget.
The tabula rosa law and lack of allowed individuality leads to disasterous results.

Some kids start out sadistic but most others dont.
Some kids may like chocolate, others dont.

The most basic lesson that adults ignore in their own egotism is tgat children are people and have personal diversity.

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Are you butthurt about the idea of kids doing work for pocket money?
Also , teen labor isnt abusive. It was socially expected for teens to work before the 2010s.

Also, school should not be the sole purpose of youth.

This is too idealistic.
Adults are gonna shut this down as "entitlement".
Theyre gonna pervert this into doing those shitty gift card/school credit.

Also, experience is the best teacher.


>I mean that adults, particularily men, ise their age and industrial position to justofy their vices spilling over into others.
I don't know what this means but it sounds like you don't like industrial workers ?
Which is kinda sus given that you are trying to shill for child-labor

>Also, children are more pathologised for the slightest flaw.

>Look at the vast majotity of liability laws used against the youth for the slightest trangeession.
>Everything a child says, does, prefers is diagnosed as age-depeensent.

I doubt this has anything to do with your strange "age-bugbear". This is class society going bad. The ruling classes are turning to increasingly more tyrannical population controle mechanisms, and they're also trying to extend the reach to children as well. Another facet of this is the over categorization of people. The counter cultural tendency for this is going to be wild.

>moral philosophy is stagnanting

No the societal malaise is caused be late-stage capitalism.
The problems come from the top of society.


>This is too idealistic.
Not at all, it's very shrude and politically calculated.
Parents will be in favor of this, because it means more income for their household.
Employers will be in favor of this as well, because it means a greater supply of educated and highly skilled labor.

>Adults are gonna shut this down as "entitlement".

You can't think correctly because, adults vs children, is not a real dividing line between competing interest groups. The people that will oppose waged-education/skill-training are those that make money of the status quo.

>They're gonna pervert this into doing those shitty gift card/school credit.

Once you have taught students "Fuck you pay me" fake points won't cut it anymore.

>Also, experience is the best teacher.

Technically speaking education and skill-training is something people experience. I know this isn't a real argument, but then again neither is your boilerplate sloganeering.



You are willfully misinterpreting what Im saying.

Education is experience but not as practical as you think after a ceratin level.

Also, how am I not "thinking correctly" when I say that paying students for learning is gonna incur the accusations of entitlement?

Are you living aunder a rick?

Once again, imageboards proving their lack of self awareness.
Then they wonder why they cannot get alomg with "normies".

Paying wages to students is just a small filter away from "child" labor.


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collectivise the means of reproduction. The traditional solution where you could marry at most one person at a time solved everything at once. it paired people off to similar smv rank. this meant while unattractive males would get unattractive females which is a slight loss, but they would get to reproduce which is 99% of the value anyway. i rather have an incel takeover where the rankings are shifted. Ultimately normies are inherently immoral and instead of pretending to have some moral value to shift power from them, might as well just be a villain from the get go and focus on ripping away all their power.
This is the only type of marxism that I support. Redistributing (virgin) women to men so that all men who desire have an equal access to a partner is a moral imperative. Until cloning is cheap, we should have state assigned girlfriends.

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Violence begets violence. Our struggle should be peaceful.


this is heaven for me.
just lather her hindquarters in baby oil and marinate my sausage


I'm going to jail


back to org faggot


go back to reddit


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What Would’ve Happened Next?


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Marx taught us how to do material analysis by looking at societies and economics in motion. I'll endeavor to apply this to surveillance capitalism.

We'll take the perspective of the other side. There are essentially 3 search engines.

Number One is the hustle-search. It's a search engine that allows scammers to search for consumer-victims based on what kind of psychological weaknesses can be used to trick them.

Number Two is the snoop-police-search. This is a search engine for finding people with dissenting political views, and it also serves the vital function of enabling wife-beater cops to find out in which women's-shelter the soon to be ex-wife is hiding for example.

Number Three is the massacre-search. A search engine for finding the designated human sacrifices. For example the Zionators are getting their murder machine target data to eradicate the human-shield-ethnicity of the Palestinian population and of course students from American/European universities, from this type of search engine. Obviously it's also going to be used by other ethically-challenged groups, like religious nuts taking out abortion doctors or people that frequent gay-bars. Or neocons taking out journalists and whistleblowers, to ensure freedoom and democrazy. The legislators that fail to understand that privacy has to be an absolute right, have blood on their hands.

Lets contrast with an ordinary web-search that finds web-pages. If you have a webpage you want your auto-generated click-bait at the top of the search results. To shove your generic page above all the relevant stuff, to the top, you use something called SEO (search engine optimization). For the 3 previously mentioned search engines you want the opposite type of SEO. That puts your 'page' near the bottom of the search results.

SEO has ruined websearch. The same will happen to the rest of surveillance capitalism. There are powerful incentives to feed this machine bogus information that favors your advantage. For many people it will become a matter of survival.

To elaborate the coming paradigm. Think about ad-blockers those deny the monster the ability to steal your information soul, but it still knows that you are there, it knows that some of it's pray escaped, it will keep hunting and harassing you. The next evolutionary stage will be add-fantasy. Adds are no longer blocked, instead it willPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Data poisoning can fuck up training of AI models as well. There was also that browser extension that intentionally clicks on all the ads in the background, but doesn't show them to you, so that they cannot know if the ads are working or not. I forget what it's called because I never used it tho.


>There was also that browser extension that intentionally clicks on all the ads in the background, but doesn't show them to you, so that they cannot know if the ads are working or not.
Interesting concept. I'm not sure i fully understand it tho. Clicking every add is obviously not genuine behavior. This probably would only work if most people were using it, so that they couldn't just filter it out of their data-set.


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>Data poisoning can fuck up
It's not gonna come from adblockers or anything based like that.

Surveillance capitalism will eat it self Ouroborus style. Once generating convincing enough personal data becomes cheaper than actually collecting personal data, the jig will be up. They'll probably start padding collected data set with generated data, eventually, it'll be mostly padding.

I read somewhere the spook agencies are buying these personal data sets. I wonder if at some point the news will be warning people to beware of a dangerous suspect that has a hand with 11 fingers. And the talking head in the news won't even flinch, on account of being just as fake as the news.


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>goon battles
Can we leverage this for leftism somehow? Also isn't this a positive development since it's people sharing porn amongst each other instead of it being fed and dictated by the exploitive industry?


#wankchat #wankbattle


this whole op is so embarassing


>🔥🔥🔥 commie girls get me so hard
<Do you submit to superior communism?


Porn addiction isn't going to help our cause


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 No.479880[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Continued from >>477700

Updates since the start of the last thread:
The (largely civilian) Palestinian death toll has now passed 31,000.

The US Senate, with Biden's support, passed a bill to authorize more than $14,000,000,000 in military aid to Israel.

The International Court of Justice made an interim ruling in South Africa's favor in their case accusing Israel of genocidal acts in Gaza, deeming it plausible, Nicaragua signed on to the case.

Houthi rebels in Yemen have attacked cargo ships in the Red Sea in an attempt to disrupt the supply line of Israel's ongoing carpet bombing campaign against Gaza, resulting in the sinking of the Rubymar. The Biden admin has responded to the Houthis with a retaliatory bombing campaign, killing multiple fighters and at least one civilian. An attack on the True Confidence in March then yielded the first 3 civilian casualties of Houthi attacks.

Trade unionists in Scotland and England have blockaded major UK arms factories.

Canada, Australia, and the EU have started to resume funding to UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugee aid. Members of the agency have stated that Israel employed torture when interrogating them.

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Nope, but this is still really disgusting stuff.


I feel like it's gotten worse over time.

You used to be able to get some information from sources like that, you just had to reverse their spin in your mind.

Some time later they began omitting so much context that it became empty, people talking about events without saying anything.

At present it sometimes feels like watching these can be a mind-danger. Like a Greek mythological creature that has a negative effect on people who just look at it. I wish i know how this got so spooky.


CNNN pissed me off so badly with this bullshit.
Like I used to watch major cable news networks like this to at the very least keep my pulse on the fifth branch of the government and the hegemonic state of our society, but. I'm not even going to so much as bother with them now. It's so blatant and apparent at this point they might as well have just got on camera and said "WE ARE LITERALLY AN APPARATUS OF THE STATE AND CAPITAL" Their in the exact same category as Fox news now to me.


They literally just went on air and started fucking lying.



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 No.457563[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Last one is full and the worst thread on leftychan must be contained.

In recent news: Ukies done a successful counteroffensive in Izium, Z gang now in shambles. Biden promises even more money for Ukraine. Putin meets Xi, Erdogan, Modi and others at the SCO summit.

Pro-Russia sources:

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How realistic is the worry that the US would deploy troops after the election ?

The logic that such an unpopular move would be postponed until after an election is sound. But there have to be other constraints, like can the US really commit to a hot war with Russia ? That would be the first direct war between big nuclear powers. The US is also engaged in geo-political struggles in the Middle east and Asia. It seems rather unlikely that they can fully commit to any one of these 3 fronts without significantly yielding ground on the other 2.

<If the Russians are successful, a bigger war in Europe will be avoided. If not, with the introduction of US forces, Europe will be plunged into World War III.
The tone in that line is indeed a bit melodramatic, but there seems to be some truth to it. If the US were to send troops that would create a huge escalation. If the Russians win it kinda depends on what you expect the Russians to do after. They have build all those fortifications in East Ukraine, and it looks like that's the line they intend to entrench. So if that's correct the situation probably would settle down. Of course if you expect the Russians to advance westwards and push into Poland or something like that, that would mean a major happening. Tho you'd have to explain what they could gain, what could justify the extraordinary costs of such a move.


Aside from Turkey, the US is the only other nato member with a standing force big enough to oppose Russia. It seems really unlikely they would though because absent conscription it would mean cleaning out every other us base in the world to do it and would require months of ferrying them to Europe. The Russians also have the ability to hit any staging or massing area in the theater, meaning the Americans would be taking casualties before ever even reaching the front line. That's not even taking into account how massively Russia is currently out producing nato on weapons and ammunition. Even if Uncle Sam snapped his fingers and the entire usm appeared on Russia's doorstep, they'd be out of bullets in a matter of days.

That being said, just because it's an incredibly risky and stupid move doesn't mean it's impossible.


>Aside from Turkey, the US is the only other nato member with a standing force big enough to oppose Russia.
If you are talking European security infrastructure, you can't just draw a line on the ground an then mass forces on either side that stare at each other menacingly. Peace is created by making all factions have a vested interest in peace, and military power is just for mitigating the residual risk.

>That being said, just because it's an incredibly risky and stupid move doesn't mean it's impossible.

I guess that's true.


So some fuckers in my tiny mountain town posted a cascade of flyers for "victims of the Russian invasion" at my local civic center, which also serves as a children's school. Hilariously most of the text on them isn't even in English, it's in Cyrillic. As if we're such great allies (Amerifat here) that we should all just presume to be able to decipher Cyrillic and understand a Slavic language now. I'm honestly gobsmacked to still be seeing propaganda of this level at this point, over twos after the proxy war began and when the Ukrainian regime is now facing imminent defeat. Most private citizens have given up their disgusting virtue signaling at this point, leaving only non-profits/NGOs left to peddle their propaganda. My question is this: who the hell is this still working on?


I drove by a marine base building (West European country) and there was a Ukraine flag hanging outside one window


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He was a rich kid who used to fuck prostitutes and fell in love with an Irish whore. Said whores are better partners then traditional women. He pushed the line about destroying the family while most working class men wanted to feed theirs.
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>He pushed the line about destroying the family
Did he even say this?


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Lmao cry more tradcuck. His treatment of family and w*men was the most based thing about him. Family unit is a matriarchal institution by design.

He didn't even say anything new, even the Greeks knew that wife is only for business, while prostitutes are for genuine companionship.


>even the Greeks knew that wife is only for business, while prostitutes are for genuine companionship.
Haven't you got that the wrong way around?


lmao, no

google Aspasia

free men never rated family life, not in Ancient Greece, not in Victorian England


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>used to fuck prostitutes
>fell in love with an Irish whore
>Said whores are better partners then traditional women
>He pushed the line about destroying the family

Kollontai told retarded cunts that one of the first things they should do is to accept dicks gettin depussy on another side from them. & fucking cunts, being fucking retarded traitorous spooked cunts, were the most afraid & the most militant faggots who tried to stop the liberalisation of marriage & sex in the *mperial society. Zhenotdel actually endured hundreds of casualties in its existence by trying to do allat.


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So I thought here and now would be a good time to tell you I'm uploading parts of my book that I have completed. You can find them at:


I have up to chapter 13 written of the third book, and the whole of the second book. Maybe you all can provide feedback (and anyone saying snark will be given the fag tag).

It gets pretty depressing but I saw Chapter 13 as one of the more uplifting, since I basically say the way out… if only humans wanted such a thing. We've always known that, but all of the build-up to that is where we would really have to go. It's a pity humans will never think like that, not now.




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Not your personal blog and not your personal adspace.


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why is she so perfect?
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Meds are a capitalist weapon to enforce the ruling class ideology


shes so adorable.
All shes missing is cat ears


I doubt you all do not have a GF. Consider,
1. There is always a difference of opinions among philosophers in general.
2. You can not really ever prove you do not have a GF. Photographic evidence is hardly sufficient o prove absence of a GF.
3. From a different point of view maybe you do have a GF.
4. Perhaps the situation only looks the way you argue it but due to a difference in temporary conditions or perceivers there is a different matter of judgement.


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Why is she so perfect?


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Minutes turn to days, I look at the clock, 1 pm, I look again 2 pm, I look again 4 pm, Days are empty and they go fast, Its almost been half a year and its still going faster, Its rushing to age me, I can feel ageing hitting me harder as i rot, I am now 24, In a split second ill be 25, Then 26, 27,28,29,30, Then i will be a wizard, Its truly peculiar how this is, Were born to die, And for what?


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You won't necessarily be a wizard.

What are you doing today?

>We're born to die, and for what?

I can answer that question if you'd really like to know.

If you do, here are the answers:
1. To die. You've answered your own question.
2. To emerge again in the cycle of life and consciousness, a hellish accident.

You see, a man dies, but life does not end until life ends. Like goes on, ever recycling 'dead' parts back into this horrific stream of living existence. In reality, the stream is what exists; you are a product of imposed limitations, a consciousness bound to a limited form, programmed to see itself as separate from all which surrounds (and enters) it. This is ultimately a delusion, but it's a delusion which is imposed upon matter by life itself, and there is an extent to which, so long as you breathe, it is a necessary delusion to your being. However, to recognize it for what it is is also necessary; it is a delusion.

When you die, you will not be fully immune to the cycle. Myriad forms will spring from the remains of your flesh, eventually, and those too will gain consciousness. Your best bet here it to try to ensure that your remains are sealed in something fully weatherproof somewhere that no one will find them. This will at least buy you some time away from the cycle, and you should perceive this as valuable; the longer that you are dead, the more relief you will have from this miserable agony which you call life.
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>we're born to die
You are born to live you faggot.


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I wouldnt, If would, Describe reasons.

The goverment and healthcare system keeps letting me down, Why should i?

As a pussyfree man myself, Id betray my whole nation like it betrayed me just to have a chance to get a girlfriend, What has it ever done for me? Get bullied here, Ridiculed, Abandoned by the healthcare system, Denied XRAY, Denied this, Denied that, Denied meeting the right doctor. I dont even celebrate national day, This country is shit anyway, Is it even my country if i dont get pussy in it? Nah its not!

Is it even your country if your countrymen dont stand up for you to prevent you from being bullied? Is it even your countrymen if they keep belittling you and making fun of you?

Is it even your country if you get no say in what you want to do in said country? Is it even your country if you have to pay taxes to get nothing in return not even an XRAY at the doctors office if it was needed?

Heck idgaf about nationalism for the shithole i live in, Wait a whole month to meet a doctor so i can be rejected for the help im needed, nah this isnt my country, Fuck this country, The russians can just go ahead and invade it, Idgaf anymore.
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mo. you think civil war is gonna be glamorous and bring about the utopia you always wanted.

America is too entrenched in capitalism to reconsider.


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No not really. Americans were always aware that slavery was a big deal. The only people who ever actually denied what slavery was were the eugenists, who needed to wipe out history of anti-slavery, democratic ideas. And so, they were going to promote "unlimited abolition". It's all very British and very Germanic.


What really tickles me are Eurofags who want to keep making America "European". It never was that. Has a large non-European population, and part of the country's "ideology" was getting away from everything that made Europe suck and turn inward to cannibalize itself periodically. The only time Europe really "worked" was what the US and USSR set up, since they were actual states worth a shit instead of the farce Europeans usually run. It is easily forgotten how barren Europe was, and how unevenly it was developed, until the 20th century. Reactoids simultaneously bitched about industry while taking credit for things they never did. Britain had more in common with the Americans than Europeans and was the chief vampire squid. Developing capitalism in Europe was almost always something the British wanted to see because it opened up the continent to manipulation, to fomenting revolutions that would keep the continent fighting itself and buying moar opium. They love selling opium and filth.

We've seen what Europe has to offer the world, and it's shit. Instead of being good little vassals for non-retarded polities, they insist on telling us how to think. Lenin might have made something out of it, except for the European fetish for fascism.

America's greatest problem is that, for all it possessed, it wasn't allowed to be anything but what the mother country wanted it to be, when it had all of the things necessary to break free from history's trap. Every time a lowly Burger got ideas that this country could be something other than porn drugs and slavery, "those people" stepped in to make sure history was corrected. What Americans were subjected to for the past 50 years is more thoroughgoing than anything that has ever been done - a total breaking of the mind and will, ritualized child abuse as the main social engineering policy. That's what it took to demolish America completely, and we see the results. The world won't do anything with it but what it's always done - find more wars to kill poor people and bray about how we should smell their farts and love it.

I don't say this out of "patriotism", but because god damn, look at the mess that Europe is making of the world when we listen to them. I have yet to see most Europeans even comprehend what they have done or what has been lost, and for all of their braying, they don't know their own history. It's been rewritten so many times because of said love for fascist faggotry that they don't knoPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


TLDR Eugene figures out that the psychotic overlords of the varying empires all had their idiosyncrasies while brutalizing the world.

Just don't let it turn into hatred towards the masses.


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Whatcha' eatin'
Whatcha' watchin'
Whatcha' playin'
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>Whatcha' eatin'
Street food at first Friday
>Whatcha' watchin'
Live local concert
>Whatcha' playin'


can someone explain the joke to me?


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>Whatcha' eatin'
Green Chef Vegetarian Meal
>Whatcha' watchin'
Dark Crystal series on Netflix
>Whatcha' playin'
The world ends with you


You could've attached any image and yet you had to choose that one.


what am i supposed to do


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America has zero, I repeat, ZERO revolutionary potential.
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Well shit World War 3 might actually happen, I mean there's a non-zero, significant chance that it will. And the only possible upside is that we will see communism emerge from it, hopefully stronger than ever.

But there's also a huge chance of a nuclear apocalypse happening. So I would rather see a revolution than WW3 but revolution doesn't seem to be on the table right now.


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Agricultural societies children are needed to work the fields and therefore you make as many as you can. In industrial societies children can also work yes, but the economic balance tips deep into the negatives since the child barely gets paid anything and the mother can't work when the child is really young. As a result of this people have fewer kids. Also infant mortality was reduced significantly trough vaccines and improved hygiene etc. This of course significantly reduces the mothers workload at home. The workload is also reduced by things like Singers (1850) sewing machine which made making and repairing clothes way faster. Same with other machines.
So now we have a situation where women are doing exactly the same things as men because for the first time in human history they're not forced to get tied down with kids and taking care of the house while the men work. Now women are doing their own work and getting paid for it. Now especially middle class women who were better educated and worked as teachers, nursers or with telephones or telegraphs. Were starting to look around and wonder. Well wtf were doing the same shit but our rights are worse in terms of pay, marriage, education possibilites etc. Simply because we're women. And so the women started to campaign for equal rights and largely achieved them. A large contributing factor to this was women were independent members of society now with their own capital. Capital equals power and you simply can't have to groups of people doing the exact same things and the other having half the rights the others did.
To handwave the liberation of women which was largely enabled by the industrial revolution and which women fought for as a sort of corporate conspiracy to get more money seems a tad silly to me. You can make critiques of modern day feminism and how it absolutely sucks at appealing to majority groups like men and at times even promotes male hating. But in my opinion your analysis regarding the beginning of feminism seems a tad crude.
I also don't agree with the premise that the sort of trad wife lifestyle is a sort of default which women deviated from. The whole men work women take care of the house was only born during the beginning of the agricultural revolution. Before that people lived largely in communities. Women scavenged and men hunted. So I would argue the whole women don't work thig was actually a deviation from the baseline and now that women and men can both work and are equPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>now that women and men can both work and are equal now we have returned to the natural state of being
there is sexual division of labor retard

you said it yourself: hoes are disproportionally over-represented in education, healthcare, and paper-pusher jobs

>I also think women fighting for equal rights support this argument

w*men don't fight for equal rights dumbfuckoid

where have you seen w*men fighting for female conscription and longer jail sentences?


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>And the only possible upside is that we will see communism emerge from it, hopefully stronger than ever.
Get a load of this communistcel.


Off topic, love seeing the cage reacts. It's like I'm rotting on Lookism/.me again.


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Every day I fantasize about dropping everything and being a travelling vagabond / hobo. This slaving life just isn't worth it anymore. Permanent camping trip with a little work so I can eat doesn't sound so bad.


You have to be rich or resourceful tradesman to pull that off.


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 No.4391[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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>talking to a screencap
>being literally false


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 No.677[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post anything regarding sex robots or dolls here.
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I totally agree with this. I missed the boat on AI erotic roleplay and I never got the chance to use it to coom properly.


This is problematic because what about us poors who can't afford great rigs and don't have social media clout?


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What is wrong with Pasquale? Like actually…

Yesterday I made a post half-jokingly how the West should be destroyed for the human race to survive. The post was deleted. I then posted it again and it was deleted within 30s.

Now if you post anything about nuclear war, Pasquale deletes it within 10s, no joke. Can't even mention nuclear war in the Posadist thread or post a news article where Medvedev threatens the West with nukes.

Pasquale thinks I posted it to get his attention and is literally losing his shit in the /meta/ thread because he thinks a post saying "Western capitals should be nuked" is somehow a personal attack against him.

He is literally schizophrenic.


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The schizo had a moment of lucidity and deleted his own posts cause he realised how mentally unstable he is and how it looks.


he has hrt brain


I went ahead and moved this to meta because it seems more apt being there.
Carry on…


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>The schizo had a moment of lucidity
It's not a moment, they do it constantly.
They're flaming, and then cowardly covering their tracks when someone's smart enough not to bite.


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A person who thinks they are untouchable:


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 No.456057[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Let's get a general thread about FIRE (Finance, Insurance, Real Estate). Include topics about crypto as well.
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What is "the halvening" and why should I care about it?




Purplepingers an Australian man, releases a list of vacant homes and encourages squatters to occupy them.


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If you have a mortgage, you do NOT own a home!


This is a video from a 'YT influnsor' that is trying to get people to buy stonks from some random company. But before he's trying to rope you into buying fictional capital. He's bringing up a theory on reading tea-leaves i mean the 'stripper index'.
<If the strippers gets less income line will go down.
He basically ends his economic theorizing on god the market is mysterious and nobody can know his divine intentions predict anything.

Why are these people so obtuse, the capitalist crisis cycle is not hard to understand.
<If capital invests there's going to a boom.
<If capital does a investment strike there's going to be a bust.

More nuance exists of course, it also depends on what they are investing into. Investment into the productive economy and labor productivity improving machines, nets a better economic performance than say spending on imperial conquest that doesn't pan out. The exploitation rate also matters if that's too high and the population experiences demographic decline that also dampens economic performance. That said the 2 previously mentioned simple rules are good enough to get some idea.


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you're too cute to die


Y-you think I'm cute? 🥺🥺🥺


stage one: cute twink

stage two: goblin transhumanist

World is a fuck

die when you still in condition so that young girls would be touching themselves while looking @ your pics. Dhat's how you make propaganda boys.



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Technology destroys traditions and cultures. There's no way to time travel back to the 1600s. There is never going to be a group of unplugged smartphoneless bored normies who get together and have a folk festival where you can dance
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lol now post physique


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Great essay, comrade!


>AI is gonna make humans obsolete post number 1234567890

Peoole think AI is technomagic.
Whose gonna make the parts and software for them?


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>Peoole think


So you think you are a worthless NEET? Let's see what uncle Ted has to say:
>The people whose behavior is fairly well under the control of the system are those of the type that might be called “bourgeois.” But there are growing numbers of people who in one way or another are rebels against the system: welfare leeches, youth gangs, cultists, satanists, Nazis, radical environmentalists, militia-men, etc.

NEETs are rebelling against the system! We are part of the rebellion! Ted is based!!!


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Simpsons haven't had a cultural impact since 20 years ago.


South Park and Family Guy overtook The Simpsons around 2006


Simpsons wasn't that great after season 7.
Those shows fell off a while ago too but I guess it's all "meta humor".


Most shows on mainstream cable networks are in their zombie era at this point. Nothing new or original it's all been done before. I mean in fairness to the writers if you know anything about scripting everything is basically a rehashing of the same 4 or 5 narratives, but, at this point capitalism has just produced so much entertainment there's nothing really left to dig for.


Gen X/Millennial screenwriters are stuck in the edgelord meta humor stage.


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Working hard turns into health risks imagine that


Somewhat true, but most of the health damage stems from the negative stress related to subjugation and powerlessness, not the actual labor effort.


It's all in your head bro


This. Most of the industrial toxicity is from coworkers, supervisors, and customers.


It's all in your head bro


Work sucks busy some one has to do it.
If we want a functioning society anyways.
Not saying it has to be a capitalist mode of production but even under communism labor will have to be performed.


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I have a conspiracy hypothesis.

There are a lot of junkies that have a substance addiction, unable to kick the habit.

Most addictive drugs are complex molecules, that makes them distinct enough that they could be cleared out of the bloodstream via the body's immune function. Something similar to a vaccine would teach the immune system how to do this.

These junkies would get a temporary immunity to a particular drug, that lasts long enough to break the addiction cycle. It wouldn't work on everything, Alcohol for example is addictive but not a complex molecule, and can't safely be immunologicaly targeted. But most Junkies could just be cured by getting a single anti-drug-jab.

I suspect that this direction isn't being vigorously pursued because it would also work against many pill addictions that are making the pharmaceutical industry a lot of money.

What do u think ? Am i on to something ?


It's been done with opiods

Don't do this, are you stupid?


The immune system regulates cells, not molecules directly. Cells are about a dozen orders of magnitude larger than molecules. Organs like the kidneys and liver focus on molecules.


>It's been done with opiods
I see we're reading the same science news

>Don't do this, are you stupid?

Don't worry i don't intent to. I don't have a drug addiction, besides perhaps caffeine, which is harmless enough.

I did complain that this field of study isn't being pursued vigorously enough, i thought that would imply that it's not something anybody could use atm.

I know, i wasn't going to attempt to explain the extra steps with attaching marker-proteins and so on.


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Seeing how more and more people are leaving .org by the day and we are growing in popularity we should do something fun as a group and raid some nazi forms and target some nazoids.
I unfortunately am a brain let and lack knowledge of Nazoid forms other than 4chan so does anyone have any good ideas for any targets?
7 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


You need to go back to .org


Litrally why?
Only org fags are anti fun retards.


>Lets go raid some Nazi forums for fun.
>No you are the giga autist not me.

Imageboards never cease to amuse with their projective immaturity.


Dogolachan would be a good target


Come to a Brazilian imageboard

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