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>he who does not work shall not eat
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You are totally wrong. Read attached pdf.
>Communism is the abolishion of private property.
Communism is the abolition of class. This has been acomplished in Communist China.
>I suppose all the Bentleys driving around Beijing are owned by very hardworking janitors.
You are brainwashed by capitalism to believe that driving a Bentley makes one bourgeois, but this is only so in capitalism production. In Communist China, wealth is not a sign of capitalist exploitation but a testament to the success of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. In line with marxist theory, the value of a Bentley far exceeds any value produced by a janitor. Therefore, it’s clear that those driving Bentleys in Beijing are not janitors but proletarians who play a far more productive role in the economy. If janitors were afforded Bentleys, then they would recieve more value than they produce, which means they would exploit surplus-value from the proletariat; therefore, as per marxist theory, these Bentley driving janitors would be bourgeois in this utopia.


he's right


I think the USSR could have kept reducing the number of hours in the work week and then no one would have a leg to stand on when they talk about stagnation. TBF I think China can start reducing the hours in a working week, not sure why they don't.


>I think the USSR could have kept reducing the number of hours in the work week and then no one would have a leg to stand on when they talk about stagnation.
For perspective the Soviets complained about stagnation when they had over 3% economic growth. Most capitalist countries would consider that a booming economy-

But your idea is not wrong. It's a little bit counter intuitive at first. Lowering work hours actually results in economic growth because it forces improvents of production techniques to make workers more productive. To get more work done in less time. The simple explanation is that by rationing the labor-time, the better tools that speed up the work become the cheaper option.

>TBF I think China can start reducing the hours in a working week, not sure why they don't.

The Chinese don't do anything without coordinating the shit out of it. So they'll queue up the development of more advanced production techniques, then they create the political cadres that get tasked to chase down all the relevant enterprises and prepare them for shorter work days at a higher technical level . And when all their ducks are in a row, they set the hole thing off like a complictaed fireworks show.

I don't know why they do things like that. But it's always amusing when they do, because all the neo-lib econ "experts" come out of the woods to declare with great conviction that it's a sign the chinese economy is about to collapse, and then they're wrong about it every time.


Socialism was always workerist. Why it always sucked. Communism is just some bastard child of that which gives a false promise of no work at some undefinable point.

-isms people are extremely annoying and destructive people in general

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Hello everyone. I'd like to inform you that optimism is dumb. Like, really dumb.
Optimism is essentially a yielding to the most basic temptation - to want things to be better than they are because of attachment, and to then adjust your worldview, to the exclusion of contradictory facts, in order to accommodate this viewpoint. Among those in the trenches this tendency could be forgiven; among westerners, not actively engaged in combat, merely offering analysis, this tendency is unreasonably stupid. It's not wrong for those at a distance to be attached to the fates of others; this is correct. However, it is wrong for those who are at a distance to align their projections with those who are experiencing war up close when those at a distance have an opportunity to detach their analysis from emotion and be more objective.

In essence, if your family and friends aren't being killed around you right this very minute, you don't have to make your projections based on a faith that justice will come. In fact, if you are in the west, it's imperative that you don't make your projections based on a faith that some other will overcome the destructive power of US empire. You don't have to be totally stoic, but your analysis should strive to be stoic rather than being shaped by your emotional attachment to a certain cause. Again, the sin here is not the acceptance that some outcomes are better than others, the sin is not to be attached to the creation of better outcomes, the sin is to allow that attachment to create in you a delusion that the best outcomes are the most likely ones. To combat this sin, it is best to be pessimistic, to presume that the worst outcomes are the most likely ones, to acknowledge that bad things are happening constantly and that this is the reality on which you must shape your worldview.

Pessimism should not be confused with defeatism; this conflation is, frankly, also very stupid. Pessimism is a recognition of reality, a baseline perspective from which being wrong can only be good, and this viewpoint prepares the individual to go up against the worst of odds, understanding without fear that by not doing so failure & death would be the only certain outcomes. By accepting how bad it really is, by accepting that failure is the most likely outcome of anything and death is the only certain outcome, a rational Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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>people with high levels of cynical distrust were three times more likely to develop dementia than people with low levels of cynicism
its over


Its never been more over

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Could any anti-hero help me with a chemistry problem? I need to learn how to extract ricin from castor beans to make poison. If anyone doesn't understand, it's because I'm using Google Translate.


Hello officer,
No we don't give murder advice.

If you are thinking about copying something you have seen in a TV series, always remember that TV is fiction. They do not give instruction-manuals on how to do crime on TV.

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What is the egoist view on infidelity? I have a LDR gf that I love and would like to marry, but I'd like to fuck sluts on the side. Am I a piece of shit?
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Isn't it profoundly anti-egoist to ask what the proper egoist view is before doing something


Jfc just read Sade


not if you consider other egos as an extension of your own, such that asking them questions and receiving answers to those questions amounts to nothing more than a self-dialogue

>t. transcendental metaphysicist, panentheistic, cosmic solipsist egoist




most people treat relationships as automatic entitlements of adulthood.

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Nothing to do in here, nothing to do outside.
Therapists offer empty advice. Most people can't relate, or are too frightened to admit that they relate to this feeling of emptyness. Their behavior is understandable; if you say how you really feel, people call you a downer, they act offended that you could feel so bad, they act offended that anyone's experience could differ so much from their own. The social consequences of honesty are often effective at encouraging lies. You get ostracized if your experience doesn't line up with the expectations others have cultivated for how the world works. If you aren't motivated by the things they expect everyone to be motivated by, they don't believe you. So people hide it, most of the time, they try as hard as they can to push it down so that even if they feel the same way that you do, the impression given is that you are alone.

When the acceptable outlets for this fail, as they often do, there is no accepted course of action. There's just emptyness. "Depression" as it's popularly defined today doesn't even describe it - people today think depression is a brief interruption to an ordinary pattern of self-worth. That sounds like a joke, but it's what polite society accommodates. There's no room for people who never feel good about themselves or about anything else, but there's also no room for meaningful action. Try for a peaceful exit, and people will act scared and maybe throw some empty platitudes or already-failed advice at you. Express a will to use your lack of desire to live constructively, and people who claim to want change will turn away. For them, every desire for action can only be accepted at the stage of catharsis. They are such aggressive do-nothings that they can't even fathom that anyone would do anything else. You're supposed to value your life… you're supposed to sit around consuming slop, pretending like you don't just want to die all the time. The "happy" life, the "constructive" life, is to still work but to accomplish nothing, to fear death because you are waiting to die.

It's so strange to me.
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My friend, you can only live by turning away from the institutions and recognizing they were never yours. Yes, you'll live while being choked to death while assholes go hog wild plundering everything you would have valued in a better world. Tyring to fix what is unfixable, which aided and abetted the problem, is a Sisyphean task. It's not that the institutions are passively incompetent. They're designed to make the world this shitty, but when you try to better yourself, oh boy, they're on the spot to make sure you fail. It's always like that if you were selected to die. If you're selected to live, you literally can't fail. They'll throw you in a sinecure if you're worthless, and that's where people like Yud and the technophile cultists come from - incompetents given a sinecure where they can tell us how smart and great they are. Many such cases!

Knowing the truth doesn't liberate you, but it is very liberating to no longer lie to yourself about the world or what your eyes see. The hard part is that when you make that decision, you really are cast out of the world, and the institutions REALLY don't like you. That's when it moves from the passive excuses to overt humiliation and contempt if you dare try to work with them on anything. They don't want us to have ANYTHING. They don't want you to have a textbook and will destroy your books if you're "not allowed" to learn - unless those books are full of lies and intended to poison and retard you, while the "smart people" are pulled aside and given the cheat sheet to guarantee success. That's how these fucking Fabians and Germanics roll. Stupid, stupid people who love the smell of their own farts.


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It's hard to believe that a mentally cogent person is spamming this shit, unless they were trying to make people dislike Christianity…


Most cynicism/depression isnt actual acknowledgemnet of the futility of human endeavors.
Its just frustrated idealists.

Society uses activism as the metric of maturity.

They especially use it to guikt trip young people.

"If youre not a liberal by twenty, you have no heart."

Yet, when young people are involved in activism, elders mock/patronise them.


Protestants are the most rabid idealists in the west right now.

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So when did leftypol become so reactionary and behind the vanguard of resistance? Total fed op. They never shut up about the climate boogaloo and want to make COVID a thing, when anyone of the left who wants to live is fighting bitterly against COVIDism.
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>the only based lefty state is of nationalist revolution origins
The absolute state of the orthocummies.


>They fucking wrecked that site, but they didn't wreck it by not suppressing germ theory hard enough.
feels true

>China is nominally communist, but obviously extremely capitalist with some trappings of SocDem-ism remaining.
I wouldn't be so sure, chinese communist theory is not that far off orthodox marxism as it might appear at first. They maintain that it's only possible to make the change to a socialist mode of production irreversible if the capitalist mode of production has exhausted all the material conditions that allowed it to reproduce it self. That's definitly a possible interpretation of what marx wrote.

They're letting capitalists have a longer leesh as long as they devellope the productive forces. But if they threaten to harm social-outcomes or undermine chinese devellopment goals, the cpc acts as decisive as historic communist movements have. In the west most capitlists turned towards neo-liberal parasitic behavior that drains the life out of societies. If that's universally the case for capitalists and the chinese cull them one at a time, at the pace they go bad, then at the end of this process what's left standing, will be the chinese workers, the chinese communist party and a handfull of ethical capitalists. Spending well over a hundred years in socialist transition mode just to make sure it can't ever be undone once it's finished, is probably the most hardass thing anybody has ever done, but at the same time they are spilling very little blood doing it. When they're done with this stage they'll likely have a domminant socialist planning system with a small legacy market, and nobody will contest it because every capitalist that they crushed along the way, will have been caught doing really reprehensible things for maxing wealth and power. Their slow path might also make their system accumulate the features that immunizes against every possible attackvector the bourgoise can come up with.

That said, it obviously it's not a done deal, and the future is not yet written.


Did they? Dang. Still not as bad as China.

>I wouldn't be so sure, chinese communist theory is not that far off orthodox marxism as it might appear at first. They maintain that it's only possible to make the change to a socialist mode of production irreversible if the capitalist mode of production has exhausted all the material conditions that allowed it to reproduce it self. That's definitly a possible interpretation of what marx wrote.

Yyyyeah, but I mean, why'd they start with Maoism, warm up to the west, distance themselves from the USSR, and switch, then?
4D chess? I just don't believe it. I could be wrong.


>why'd they start with Maoism
that's how you clear out imperial overlords with a bunch of peasants.

>warm up to the west distance themselves from the USSR

Hm you seem to be asking whether the Sino-Soviet splitt was a mistake.
It's hard to say what the alternate time-line would have been.


Those are revisionist countries. Virology and vaccination are bourgeois ideology. Hope this helps.

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I love the dark web. It's so liberating and refreshing
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>Millennials project their frustrations and vices onto their juniors


Have you paid a visit to Naughty Kids forum?


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why did Mad Thad betray his viewerbase like this?

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Ted Kaczynski died in Prision at the age of 81

<According to the Federal Bureau of Prisons, Kaczynski was discovered unresponsive in his cell around 12:30 a.m. ET. He was to a local hospital, where he was pronounced dead..
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I mean, there's a question to be asked of just how innocent anyone really is - maybe an idiot is innocent, but a university professor? What excuse do they have? Don't they know what's going on? I'm not saying they're the worst offenders, they obviously aren't, but there's a degree of willful complacency required in order to be a "respectable" intelligent person.



Most politics is just addiction to drama. People dont like peace nor sincerity.
Is it ay wonder why wrestling and aggressive professional ballsports are allowed but kissing and holding hands in public is not allowed?

Everyone thinks of themsleves as some demigod-warrior in some cosmic battle.


Ted Kaczynski couldve built lodges in the woods amd offer teaching there to free the youth from college industrial complex.


>Ted Kaczynski couldve built lodges in the woods amd offer teaching there to free the youth
He was kinda crazy, hence why it probably would have resulted in a deranged forest people cult, doing retarded terrorism adventurism.

But if you subtract the crazy, you could make it into a technology design philosophy that is crude and simple on purpose.


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It's transgenerational, too. How fucked are we?
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>>345jokes on them, im already autist by growing with a computer as only social link


Autism is good tho. The negatives are pretty much entirely null if everyone in the room is also autistic.


>Autism is a superpower

Im so fucking tired of hearing this.

As someone who has it, I think its the ultinate curse. Even cancer would be better.
Glorification of autism is coping for lack of childhood adventurism.


This so much. I would never wish this on anyone.

Of course, "autism" is a political diagnosis. If the diagnosis was brain inflammation or something other people did in the past, that is something that allowed the "retard" agency to change his situation. "Autism" is absolute autism score 0, the creation of living abortions. They don't want you to have anything, ever.

So much of "autism" is nothing more than a description of the most abject slave, a living abortion, a ritual sacrifice, and nothing more. They don't care what actually happens within us, or want us to exist at all. They only want a world of people as Satanic at them, who live for the thrill of torture. That's "normal" under eugenics.

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