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ITT: we discuss the Anarchist Library, good texts found on it and ways we can help the library.https://theanarchistlibrary.org/For example, did you know that you can easily edit the texts on the site? It's the pencil icon in the infobox. While reading I take notes of the obvious scanning errors and correct the text when I am finished.
67 posts and 23 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


join the discussion, don't just read it
prolle strolle in words with me


It was very rambly, but I think I do. It's true that we shouldn't focus really on "free will" vs "determinism", at least until we answer what does "self" even mean.
>ike it decides how to mediate the various residues, the output of the myriad desiring machines
This part especially speaks to me deeply. We aren't just "our brain", we are our guts (who also might mediate the decision making), hearts (same), microbiota (which has huge impact on brain. I can't underplay that, it influences how Alzheimer, etc develops), and so on and so on.


Hey, do we have a single jannie right now? We need someone to re-pin this thread, and the rules thread too.


Just asked on /meta/ wait a little


This thread was never stickied tho

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would you use it, or is /dead/ a sufficient space

>pic unrelated
57 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>but leftist
I wouldn't even say that.



Lmao wow things are even worse than I thought. What a dumpster fire


1. Why is that thread bumplocked?
2. Is there really even a single person on this site that does not have some kind of adblocker installed?


1. it got bumplocked because space_ is probably not happy about the mods rebelling, and also because the thread is pretty much a giant pile of shit
2. most people on this site probably use adblockers but the principle of serving ads on bunkerchan is what most people are probably not happy about. I think the thread also mentions possibly implementing captchas.


Way better just using an irc server if people here really wanted to talk shit

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I'm not going back to work. What are some good illegalist books?
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join my shitty riot chat and talk about lockpicking with me
its time to be able to let yourself into wherever you want (results may vary)


share more please


How useful is lockpicking really? Also somebody write a decent guide on carding please


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Been here for a while. I think you mean the Tor links?

http:// darkfailllnkf4vf.onion/ - Verified onion links, recommend setting this as your home page
http:// dreadytofatroptsdj6io7l3xptbet6onoyno2yv7jicoxknyazubrad.onion - Check the carding/fraud subdreads (/d/carding)
http:// torigonsn3d63cldhr76mkfdzo3tndnl2tftiek55i2vilscufer6ryd.onion/index.php - Hacking
http:// cryptbb2gezhohku.onion/ - Hacking
Sadly none of them are as big as Torum was
http:// rutorzzmfflzllk5.onion/ - For Russian speakers

Do what I did anon


cant remember if this guy is kinda retarded or pretty good
i think iirc i read some stupid jolly roger hacker or opsec text file thing that this site linked to and it was like… just bad. But thats a diff author so… i think this guy is cool if i remember right, but take it all with some salt

also to add to links, i love this place

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Welcome to /dead/, the endless magical nihilist gulag. This is not 8/grim/, but it is the continuation 8/grim/. Think of it as partly an /r9k/ for anti-capitalists, partly /dprk/ with skeltals, and otherwise whatever you make of it.Now in amazing Techni-nocolors!Rules:1. Global rules apply2. Please keep /r9k/-tier >tfw no gf shitposts to one thread (&gt&gt11). Capitalism is only one of the many, many reasons why you don't have a gf.3. Meta posts belong in this thread4. This is a #SAFE space_ for anarkiddies and nihilists; cheka yr authoritarian privilege fam
21 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Like the voice on zombo.com


Oh god why does this board still exist. I should have deleted it when I had the chance.




Maybe this is where I can post and not get banned.


I hope

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feeling bored, might kill some presidents later idk


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D you people think that Donal J. Trump browses /dead/?







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what the FUCK was his problem?


his daddy was a priest


somebody hurt his horse or something idk


h-hey you're my best friend right, could you please ask my waifu on a date for me?


n-nooo not my horsey

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I am a marxist that became nazbol after reading most of marxes works

Do I fit in here? I am not just a nationalist tankie, I consider myself post left.
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is this a joke?


Democracy is an hierarchy


>Post-left is leftists
>democratic party
this is just leftists, as opposed to libs
post-left is not leftist


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>Comrade No. 876 [Reply] [Last]

I am a marxist that became nazbol after reading most of marxes works

>Do I fit in here? I am not just a nationalist tankie, I consider myself post left.

>37 posts and 10 images omitted.
>sAgE No. 1697

>Comrade No. 1912 >>1788

>Post-left is leftists who are ready to leave behind the democratic party plantation
Comrade No. 1913 >>1795
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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is this a broken bot? why the fuck is the cia using our backwater for testing

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wuts ur fav z0r?
mine is z0r.de/17
its sooooo wunny when he goes : AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


This stinks of newfag.


fam you don't know z0r whats wrong with you?
are you some kind of fucking ZOOMER?




omg fuck this is memories


i remember dying while watching https://z0r.de/229 on repeat like 10 years ago

these were simpler times

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Hello comrades! Black Rose Books, a small anarchist publishing house based in Montreal, is hosting a conference onsite and online celebrating life of Peter Kropotkin. It will take place from February 5th-7th. A commemorative will take place on the 8th, the 100th anniversary of Kropotkin's death. If you would like to submit a presentation for the conference a working title, abstract, and a short description of yourself (preferred but not mandatory) is due November 22nd. We have allocated approx. 1 1/2 hours which would include group activities and discussion periods in addition to the presentation. Current submissions include university professors, independent authors, and activists from a wide variety of countries around the world.


Sounds interesting


I might even try to write a small thing, but I also got a giant amount of uni stuff to do, so well see
thanks for sharing anyway op


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I started reading Mutual Aid and damn, even birds have friends and shit, so why don't I??


well bird are cute and can sing, how bout you?


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You're right I'm a worthless piece of shit

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What do you think of the LSR project? It's got Stirner and Reich so I assume it would be of interest to us, but it's mostly in German and I don't speak that language so I can't tell what it really is about.


looks like it's just a website hosting a bunch of texts by these three people

also otto gross > wilhelm reich


It's mostly this Laska's essays, but only a few are available in English:
http://www.lsr-projekt.de/poly/ennietzsche.html - Did Nietzsche know of Stirner?
http://www.lsr-projekt.de/poly/eninnuce.html - Why is everyone afraid of the big bad egoist?
http://www.lsr-projekt.de/poly/enmarsden.html - Was Dora Marsden an egoist?

The German has more essays, some that seem interesting, like Stirner as a teacher, Stirner and ancaps, there's even one about Otto Gross.


Read some of their stuff on la Mettrie, and apparently it's a project with the goal of constituting a second enlightenment, or 'Enlightenment 2'.
Their premise is that although the enlightenment started as an european philosophical project in the 18th century and was developed through the 19th and the the first half of the 20th century, it was never completed due to not reaching it's goal (freeing the human from his self-sustained immaturity). But unlike the Frankfurt School, who thought the reason for this was the make-up of enlightenment theory itself, leading to it's own undoing (the relations created by the enlightenment were the grounds upon which it became impossible), LSR argues that enlightenment can be understood as going through different phases of development, with each phase seeing popular but wrong theorists overcoming one unpopular, but ultimately actually right theorist (18th century: Mettrie against Rouseau, 19th century: Stirner vs Marx, 20th century: Reich vs Freud).
According to LSR, studying Mettrie, Stirner and Reich and the controversies between them and their popular enemies will yield th philosophical grounds for a second enlightenment that actually fulfills it's mission.
How does that make any sense? I don't know yet but I'll keep reading some of that stuff since I got nothing better to do.


Keep us posted fam


Sure. I've read 5 of their articles on La Mettrie so far. They all were very similar in that all of the described the biography of Mettrie, talking about how he published 'the human machine', the book his is today most known for, very early in his philosophical career. The human machine is a very radical early materialist text, arguing that everything originates out of matter, including the psyché. Afterwards he had to flee several times from different countries, until he was invited to the philosophers court of Frederic II. LSR now argues that the works he has written here are his actually interesting material, because works like 'The art of lust' are different from other enlightenment philosophers of his time in that they were nihilistic instead of mormative.
I haven't read those books yet (they are currently already borrowed out at my local library) but from what the LSR author describes La Mettrie saw the main factor that was keeping people from truely enjoying themselves (specifically their lust) was their own conscience, which was forced into them by their sorroundings through the transmission of social norms. However La Mettrie apparently also differentiated between a healthy, satisfying desire and a desire that's also influenced by the conscience, only that the lust derived from this desire is not satisfying, because it only exists as the destruction of the conscience and is therefore still tied to it. From this point on La Mettrie was basically hated by the philosophers of his time, because they felt the whole moral nihilism thing was bad optics for the enlightenment, so he got cancelled.
I guess the parallels to Stirner are quite obvious, and I'm really interested to read the actual works by La Mettrie himself, so it might take my time to read the next texts of the website.
I also read 2 stirner articles,the one about nietzsche knowing stirner and 'Die Negation des irrationalen Über-Ichs bei Stirner', or 'Stirner's negation of the irrational super-ego', which tried to interpret Stirner as an 'anarchist' 'pedagogue'. The idea here is that Stirners concept of 'Der Eigner' or 'the owner/unique' could be used as the groundwork for an education that doesn't have the implementation of certain values and norms into a child as it's goal, but the support of the child in developing itself into a unique one. If there is interest, I can go deeper hPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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