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/dead/ - dead

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File: 1608528323671.jpg ( 80.34 KB , 422x422 , welcome.jpg )


Welcome to /dead/, the endless magical nihilist gulag. This is not 8/grim/, but it is the continuation 8/grim/. Think of it as partly an /r9k/ for anti-capitalists, partly /dprk/ with skeltals, and otherwise whatever you make of it.Now in amazing Techni-nocolors!Rules:1. Global rules apply2. Please keep /r9k/-tier >tfw no gf shitposts to one thread (&gt&gt11). Capitalism is only one of the many, many reasons why you don't have a gf.3. Meta posts belong in this thread4. This is a #SAFE space_ for anarkiddies and nihilists; cheka yr authoritarian privilege fam


I'm impressed that you have managed to come up with a style that's even worse than the site's default.


I get that this is all supposed to be super dark and gloomy and stuff, but the text is practically black-on-black over here. Please make it at least a little brighter or something.


&gt&gt64It looks perfectly fine on my monitor, but I'll look at brightening the overall text.EDIT: Alright, how's it look now?


&gt&gt65Much better. Thank you.


The gray/black flag its the Agorism flag."Anarcho-Nihilism" isn't even a thing.Stop using the Agorism flag, please.


&gt&gt163On the contrary lad, Agorism isn't even a thing. Nihilists were responsible for fifty years of terrorizing Russia and assassinated a goddamn czar; Agorists haven't done anything, just like every other "anarcho"-capitalist variant.


File: 1608528345999.mp4 ( 685.92 KB , 400x246 , 1467670171972.mp4 )



&gt&gt223Fuck "Stupid" was the fucking shit.




&gt&gt349I honour the dead. Praise be to the Devil Finger.


I believe this sticky should be redone since the board descriptor is vague and confusing. Also, /drpk/ is no longer active.

As I said in >>>/gulag/4962: 8/grim/ was originally for grim and morbid subjects (e.g. horror, gore, skeletons, etc.), but wasn't as serious as 7/grim/.
Then, you have /dead/ which was "a chill anarchist and nihilist /GET/ with skeletons" before "n1x" left for 0ch then vanished from the internet.


Also is /dead/ going to the top bar?


>then vanished from the internet.
n1x didn't vanish.


Agorism isn't Anarcho Capitalism.




File: 1608528396913.png ( 22.38 KB , 506x190 , nomicrodosinghere.png )

are there still any at least somewhat active anarchist imageboards out there besides /dead/?


GETchan, said you all went to zero chan. Is that why this board is so slow. Where is zero chan? I did a search of it but nothing came up.


0ch has been dead for a few years now….


libcom forum


0ch has been gone since March 2018¹ and n1x chose not to endorse any particular board after it went down.²
¹ https://web.archive.org/web/20180304062617/https://0ch.io/
² https://archive.arisuchan.jp/r/res/896.html


File: 1608528410979.gif ( 76.89 KB , 310x266 , 8f3818a39c3881fc7ff6fcff06….gif )

When you read the OP's pic what kind of a voice does the skeleton have when you read it?


Like the voice on zombo.com


Oh god why does this board still exist. I should have deleted it when I had the chance.




Maybe this is where I can post and not get banned.


I hope

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