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Should I start a carnivore/raw primal/high cholesterol ,high-fat diet?
I know how terribly unhealthy this all sounds but it also sounds hyper-masculine and caveman. I know some bodybuilders have 40 eggs a day and theyre fine(inb4 Gaston)
a Builder of Communism must be strong and manly!
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It will raise your testosterone and kill you at the same time. You will die from a heart attack while masturbating furiously.
IMO it's worth it.


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I thought this was already the diet of the average Argentinian?


Thoughts on diets?

- Pescetarian diet (only seafood in an otherwise vegetarian diet)
- Mediterranean diet (plant-based diet, focusing on unprocessed cereals, legumes, vegetables, and fruits - also, moderate consumption of fish, dairy products (mostly cheese and yogurt), and a low amount of red meat - and olive oil)
- DASH diet (rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy foods)
- Vegetarianism (practice of abstaining from the consumption of meat (red meat, poultry, seafood, insects, and the flesh of any other animal). It may also include abstaining from eating all by-products of animal slaughter)


>10. European Union (28 countries)
How are they gonna mash all that up? What about the poorer countries in the EU?


mf watched one liver king video sybau fr

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 No.15840[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Ask your /fit/ related questions here.

Beginner's Health and Fitness Guide, aka "the /fit/ sticky"

<Previous Thread

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Post results. What is your routine? I am still struggling


I'm going slow and steady on 5/3/1 for Beginners. I've been pretty susceptible to either burnout, interruption or other issues last year so it's a good routine for me. It avoids getting btfo+rekt all the time, which fucks up anything else you were doing.
Currently tracking on par with the recommended progression of 2.5kg and 5kg (upper body and lower body respectively) per 3 week cycle.

My legs and back have always been better due to a mix of sports, and posture exercise in teen years.


>androgynous fuckboi asesthetic
Is this over for me bros? I don't wanna reinforce the idea of leftists being gae twinkie fags, it's enough as it is already.


Should steroids be avoided?

>I Asked 100 Gym Goers if They'd Take Steroids
"Is it actually possible to ever do steroids safely?
"Uhm… No… It's impossible, unfortunately. Otherwise, I think a lot more people would be doing it."
>"The tren stories, in particular, people develop homosexual-like tendencies, they will have insatiable libidos, which is a pretty typical outcome, but often this leads to a diversion in sexual appetite, their increasing escalation of intense and extreme pornography to achieve that dopamine hit."
>clips of Ronnie Coleman twerking
Is this real?? This might explain the gay posts online..

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


>Should steroids be avoided?
Probably, roids aren't worth it, they have a reputation for causing a lot of health issues.

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 No.2221[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

How do you dress? What are you wearing today? How should you dress, as a Marxist? Which trends are proletarian and which are bourgeois?
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Why Suits Are Disappearing
Why I wear suits all the time




What an embarrassing zoomer moment.


Is it weird if you dress up but others don't?


Clothing is just peaces of fabric, it's not going to be weird unless you make it weird.

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Any of you like modeling in blender?
I'm really amateurish at it but I recently made these two and felt like sharing them somewhere. and what better place to share than on lefty pol.
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two more renders, got rid of the roughness map and decreased the roughness untill it shined properly


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>animation thread
>still using decrepit inefficient GIFs
Anon, I…


tips on using blender on a shit pc?


make low polygon art that way your view port won't slow down.


Bumpin for interest

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 No.5237[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Comrades let's have a thread for martial arts, combat sports and self defense. Striking, grappling, all styles welcome (except fake ass shit). Let's talk about training, techniques, fights, fighters, etc. Here's a fun fact: One of the many achievements of the soviets was founding their own combat system, sambo, which proved to be extremely effective and is still widely practiced today. Also, Judo orange belt here (AMA if you want)
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They feel fucking awful to me. I have no idea how anyone can do high kicks wearing them.


How do I learn to video related?


Watch Naruto.


That guy got knocked out because the lower part of the back of the head is very susceptible. But you can do that with a hook-punch which is less risky.

The second guy in the video used a fancy spin kick, which is very risky. It's easy to block (just keep the elbows up) and usually ends with a knee in your groin and loosing your balance. His legwork was pretty good tho.

The ultimate show-off move that's actually effective is back-flip into cartwheel, where you hit the other guy with both feet in the head. Smacks harder than a heavy-weight boxing champing even if you're a twig. Just gotta train to be a gymnast for about 10 years to pull it off.

Realistic street fighting advice is prioritize not getting hit and watch the other guys feet, if he lifts one foot off the ground just shove/pull him and he'll fall over.


Become a hot-headed youth with an inferiority complex and you too will learn the irresistable urge to "prove" yourself in an idiotic exchange of consensual violence.

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keep mine in check so
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 No.3179[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

How many drugs have you used recreational/medicinally?

After listing them out, the numbers make lose all hope in society
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why are gangstalking me, are u an ogre mod?




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>omg! yoikes! propagating against getting drunk on your feefees is le wurst sort of ideological sickness ever to affect the pong subculture! pong subcultueur is all about being a shitty slave to substances & their producers, right?????? fuck you mom!!
>screeches about hipocrisy
>tells someone to get bent
Who the fuck is even being bent here in the mind of this coping cuck?

Based faggot.

>Massive over-generalization! There are thousands of synthetic cannabinoids with wide ranging effects, safety profiles, and duration of action. Most aren't a good alternative to weed, but if you're looking for unexplored terrain in the world of drugs, this is the spot!
<vidrel is what they don't say about the limitless unexplorability of that land


Can somebody tell me if BitPharma is legit?

Where do I go on Tor to order?


tor.taxi then you can find markets
This is the website you want if you want to check reviews

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 No.752[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post all obscure and underground imageboards in this thread, the chan must be at least half-dead so no archived chans. >inb4 'hurr durr don't put muh sekrit klub in the limelight'The population here is low as it is, there's also a large overlap between this chan and others.I'll start:Dreamch.netArisuchan.jpUboachan.netThere was this one I faintly remember and I think the theme was either dinosaurs or lizards…
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what are some active/large chans with movie/tv discussion?




>what are some active/large chans
You jerk.
Maybe tvch.moe, I literally haven't checked


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They officially changed their name to Nukechan for their anniversary.

Also, really fucking loving their feeds and overboard modifications. Really puts leftypol/leftychan software to shame, but it's also perfect for a slower board where you want updates on a certain thread.



Besides racing & golf? Is there another richmen club hobbies that should be abolish?

Hoarding absolutely.

Hoarding stamps? Nope. Airsofters? Nope. Roleplaying? Nope. Cosplaying? Nope. Drama? Yes. Gambling? Yes. Coping? Yes.

Is there anything else?
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I think they should ban everything I dont personally like


i hate uyghurs and minorities :DDDDD


>no fun allowed
This is one of the reasons why commies have a bad rep. Stop being killjoy faggots, you can be a communist and still have fun.


Chill out xi


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No cosplay allowed? :O

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picture and video request thread


can anyone give me that one picture of a guy standing beside a missile launcher inside a spaceship looking down at earth being bombarded?




anyone have the super smash Bros intro with Stalin and Hoxha and everyone? All comrades join the battle? Drive failure

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