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 No.2970[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Perhaps it has become your goal to be more charismatic, uninhibited and sociable.

Let's have a thread where we ask questions and give advice to improve exactly that.
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There is no trick, you just do it. I can go down all the arguments
>fuck what everyone else thinks, that will only hold you back
>good guys will give you cudos for trying, even if you fail
>you will gain experience and will be better when the next girl comes around
yada yada, you just do it. You are not a creep for showing interest in a girl. That's the most normal thing. And perhaps one day a girl might interpret your advances as creepy, just accept that. This land mine type of mentality that turns you into an in-active pussy is exactly what differentiates men from boys. Just accept that there are going to be girls who will interpret your advances as creepy, despite the fact you weren't actually being creepy. If she feels that way about you, accept it and move on, but don't let it stifle you. That's not even worth discussing since this girl gave you plenty of signals she felt comfortable with you.

I will give you a piece of advice. Make flirting with others something normal to you. Flirting is just playful jabs and you can do it with anyone. If that becomes second nature for you, it won't feel off or artificial once you are doing it, because you are actually interested in the person.


Whenever I do get into political disagreements with people I know in my real world, I've gotten quite good at the "being compassionate and respectful, knowing they're only like this out of conditioning" part, but when they do ask me questions, my mind tends to freeze up and I only know the answers days after the fact. Is this something I can overcome, and if so, how?


This picture is only true within Burgerland. Go overseas and you'll see that a stable man that can provide is considered a catch, and what's passes a pretty in the states is considered ugly almost everywhere else.


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So this is what they were talking about the NutSoys ripping off their entire culture off the US. What a fucking fascistic degenerate, holy shit. It's like even his pores are soaking wet with hatred to everybody who ain't abiding to the officially approved image of a true real citizen & an Uhmæreekuhn patriot.

>average person
>has a wife, a nice job (oxymoron), a house, & some genetic slaves of his printing in his private property
So >60% of the US population aren't average. & if they don't belong to this category, then it is their fault, of course.

This shitty pornographic pic of a mooscleey retard who's on the school's bueraucracy favlist for his ball-kicking for their prestige kissing with some shallow ass-shaking whore is just an icing on the cake: behold, the socially approved cultural law abiding ubermenschen are about to create a family unit in support & continuation of our bæst of the bæstest social system in the history. & if somehow you don't belong to this system, then it's only you to blame for that. Kill yourself you genetic dead end low status off the mark mentally ill freak, look how casually your mere existence is shattering muh fair world hypothesis when I dedicated my whole pseudo-life to fit into it. Boo-hoo-hoo.

>Thoughts on pic related?

You may already be fucking dead but who the fuck cares. Go back in time, take back this shit & don't you ever bring such fucktardation here again. Where did you even find this wipeoff holy fuck.

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The response is a perfect illustration of why successful people rarely try to help or give advice to unsuccessful people. It's not because successful people are selfish or morally bad people. It's because unsuccessful people are usually fucked in the head, refuse to take solid advice, and will hamster their way into believing that being unsuccessful is somehow a good thing.

But you keep doing you anon. And enjoy the results as well

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Hello comrades. ITT we talk about what we are doing to improve ourselves. I'll go first:

I am trying to quit smoking. This is probably my sixth attempt but I am going to try and take it more seriously this time.

I have been cutting down for the past few months and had gotten down to 3 cigarettes a day but when I tried to quit earlier this week I ended up buying a pack at the end of the first day and smoking the whole thing that night out of anxiety about quitting.

I am a drug addict in recovery and this leaves coffee and kratom as the two substances I can use. The kratom seems to help with cigarette cravings or at least incentivizes smoking because I feel sick when I smoke on it. I might try NRT too. I am going to try and get back into running too since that helped me get off heroin the first time.
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Okay. If the problem is memory there are lots of things you can do to improve recall, just look it up.
If the problem is explaining it, I can't help much. My guess is its some sort of anxiety that you should examine on your own or with a professional.


I mean, I have this irrational fear that they're going to punch me in the face, even if they're someone I'm on good terms with.


I thought about taking smart drugs but I keep forgetting to purchase them at the supplement store.


>taking drugs
Drugs are the representative democracy of your psyche. You give away all of your political power to the fuckers, they take it, give you some limited dividends in the form of heightened ability to appear as a normal person & then desert you later, leaving you with nothing but a crave for the return of them.
So you have to exploit that.

The problem isn't in some kind of material deficiency in your organism, but in the way the circumstances of your existence are wiring your psyche, which in turn, of course, leads to all sorts of deficiencies in the workings of your brain, which in turn… yeah, completes this cycle. So don't give any hope to drugs alone: if you can't exploit their short-term lmao benefit to start to actually unfuck your mental condition, then taking them may very well fuck you up even further (& considering you are on this board, you know full well that it always can become worse).


This is correct, but if that anon were to learn how to make those "smart drugs" him-self, it wouldn't turn into chemical dependency chains. Though I don't know how realistic this is, some compounds are hard to synthesize in a diy setting. But in principle there is a way out of this dilemma.

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Let's have a fun little family tree thread /hobby/You can whip one of these up in MSpaint in about ten minutesI'd like to see what all of yours look like
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oof, hope you get a red flag like your parents someday


It's weird burgers knowing so few about their families and even their grandparents. I could tell you anything about my great-grandparents and cousins and cousins of my parents and so much family lore


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I think it's more aboot selective amnesia.


it's because most burgers are ghouls and that leads to most of them hating their families and having no curiosity about them or caring to remember shit about them


Maybe that's because the fascistic tyrants from that family unit you, @ birth, were hopelessly assigned to, are literal fucking undeads who after decades of abuse, mental torture, physical punishments and constant devaluing of your existence in general despite even all of the trying to prove your selfless loyalty to them totally deserve the ticket to the fucking communally owned auschwitz where they would be dismantled "alive" (since these fucks don't even live in any sense of the word) into spare parts for the pig food? And even this prize is in no way deserved by these black holes of human existence?

inb4 that one brainraped to death conservacuck:
>huuuuuuuuuh!1 how dare you not to luv ur saint sacred mommydaddymatripatriarchs you fukcin gawdles wæstern leebrul????!

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I'm looking for hard science fiction about realistic bio-tech.

Any suggestions ?


Gah, wish I could give you recs about this. My ex would probably know, but he doesn't talk to me anymore.


Ribofunk story collection, by a guy with an Ital*an name


Thanks I'm going to check that out

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Anybody else masturbate? If you don't I think you should give it a try. It's pretty fun and it feels really nice once you get the hang of it. I bet even Stirner enjoyed stroking the ol' unique property if you catch my drift
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I try and balance it out. Usually I only jerk off every two days or so. Nofap people are nuts but I do think constantly exposing yourself to degenerate pornography and jerking off constantly can desensitize you.


I haven't gotten there yet, and I don't think I'm going to. I think I'm Aleister Crowley mode. A lot of people thought he was some kind of cultist, but I think he was just really horny.


Jerking off to your own imagination is the golden mean


masturbation is a sin, a sin which only destroys our souls, also, when you fap and coom, you slowly die inside, the enemy laughs as you're but a pathetic faggot who'd rather coom than do something usefull with that time

stop cooming, start prepping, you filthy, ugly, wannabe commie faggot


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>stop cooming

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What do you think of the ending to Watchmen?
Do you agree with Ozymandias?
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>Vietnam *not* posing any serious existential threat.


>Explains the reasoning of a critic.
>Appeal to authority


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>existential threat.
Yeah, but the American soldiers who lost in Vietnam also fought despite Vietnam posing any serious existential threat. The point is that he has a foot in the human world, he is operating for the American state, and this highlights that.
This is the point, he acts like a fucking midwit burger except he's invincible now. Other than acting cold what fucking effect did being privy to every fucking secret of the universe have on Dr. Manhattan?
This is why Greek and Christian Gods are so timeless. They don't have these yawning gaps in their own logic.
I get that sacrificing a a few 100 thousand people might be justified to prevent a nuclear war that kills billions but the Vietnam War was a farcical war that MILLIONS OF PEOPLE KNEW AT THE TIME.
Regular comics avoid these problems by having their own made up politics.
One critic I linked said that Moore has a nostalgia for Nixon and even Reagan to an extent. This rings true and is the only explanation for Moore's confounding choices for his alternative history.
Many Anarchists harbor have this reactionary sympathy for fascists. And it's in Moore's comics. They're like Pit Mommies that think prejudice against their dangerous dogs are allegories for prosecution of marginalized people.
I agree with Moore's subtext that it's silly to think that super hero's with the power to shape society would be good and ethical because, well just because! But then he makes equally absurd claims that superheroes would all be irredeemable asswipes because society mmaaaaaaan.


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>Yeah, but the American soldiers who lost in Vietnam also fought despite Vietnam posing any serious existential threat. The point is that he has a foot in the human world, he is operating for the American state, and this highlights that.
This is the point, he acts like a fucking midwit burger except he's invincible now. Other than acting cold what fucking effect did being privy to every fucking secret of the universe have on Dr. Manhattan?
This is why Greek and Christian Gods are so timeless. They don't have these yawning gaps in their own logic.
I get that sacrificing a a few 100 thousand people might be justified to prevent a nuclear war that kills billions but the Vietnam War was a farcical war that MILLIONS OF PEOPLE KNEW AT THE TIME.
Regular comics avoid these problems by having their own made up politics.
One critic I linked said that Moore has a nostalgia for Nixon and even Reagan to an extent. This rings true and is the only explanation for Moore's confounding choices for his alternative history.
Many Anarchists harbor have this reactionary sympathy for fascists. And it's in Moore's comics. They're like Pit Mommies that think prejudice against their dangerous dogs are allegories for prosecution of marginalized people.
I agree with Moore's subtext that it's silly to think that super hero's with the power to shape society would be good and ethical because, well just because! But then he makes equally absurd claims that superheroes would all be irredeemable asswipes because society mmaaaaaaan. There's zero subtlety or complexity to his deconstruction.


>Dude, you're complaining about Alan Moore being disrespectful towards comics or whatever you think he's doing, and you don't even know who The Question is? Come on!
The Question is an obscure as fuck character, give me a break.

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Red Skull is now the Jordan Peterson of the marvel universe, this shit is written by T-Nehisi Coates, the real JBP knows about it and he's mad
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It’s such a terrible target.
JBP is too limpwristed to go full red skull.
If you’re going to attempt to give the red skull a modern spin, at least make him one of those deranged youtube personalities that mask their views like Stefan Molyneux.


You know what’s fucking annoying about Ta Nahisi Coates?
His dad was a black panther but chose to go full lib because he thought his views were flawed.
The man is aware of socialist theory but chooses not follow it out of knee jerk cynicism.


Libs are deliberately hyping up right-wingers, while quietly censoring left-wingers in the background.


are there any left wing comic artists left to censor in these publication


It always mocks itself, doesn't it?

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ITT post practical survival, self-sustenance and cost-cutting tips, not utterly useless political/macroeconomic/philosophical theory (that you will never be able to implement anyway because you are just plebeian on the internet, not part of the ruling class) and whining that you see on /leftypol/

The target audience can range from scavenging hobos to minimum wagers to landowners with no mortgages.
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you can get forage dries peas (animal feed) from fams in bags for basically free (probably 1/10 price)

here it was used to create top tier monastery food (just cock it with fried onions and caraway seeds. you can eat it every day)




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this is a photo btw




Bump bot
No original thought
Just like liberal arts trot
After revolution, will be shot

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 No.2042[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Just don't talk about gun control
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You should assume anything that comes out of the barrel of a firearm will travel through walls. Buckshot will absolutely do that.


Yeah but it will do it less than a slug.


Relevant video.


Huh, I learned something today.


Yep, just as I suspected.

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Hey all, I was curious at to what you guys think about the SCP Foundation shared universe.
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The supernatural black lady that a bunch of anons made writefaggotry for a few threads ago. Pic related
Original thread for those curious


>TFW hasshaku-sama is murderous Momdom fetish


Oh you mean SCP-2662, he seems like a chill guy.




I am looking for the app for a highly classified mission… to long of a story to explain just need any info on the app in general will help…

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