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Any magazines like Jacobin I can read and what magazines you guys have?
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The communist magazine. Kinda a good way to look into the current trend in revisionism in my country.
Lots of party structuring but sometimes there’s a rare gem.


Fucking seconded


okay nathan robinson I'm sure you do


Too bad they paywall their old content


Chuang for a Chinese Communist Perspective


Qiao Collective for Dengist Views


aeon are sometimes good, but too often they are Postmodern Psychoanalysists and that's cringe


WSWS for Leftist News and Analysis. Pretty good, but Trotskyites, so make of that what you will

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Now that the dust has settled, what's your verdict?
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The sparrows were based on Protestantism, and Protestantism was probably the closest you'll get to a "progressive" movement for the masses in the middle ages so yes


Funny how its already forgotten for the most part as soon as it ended.


Elvis the Alien did a decent review of why the final season is so bad.


Was I the only one reminded of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, when Jown hid from the ice-dragon's flames behind rocks? That shit looks exactly like that.


So are there any updates for a spinoff?

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ITT we navigate office politics and put all the Karens and Jim's in their place where they belong.


How do I get more money by working less?


use catalog

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How would you play a DnD campaign where you're in lenin's revolutionary party?
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I've got to say, more DnD games with socialist themes really would get my wheel of ideas spinning.


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Would wizards be more likely to be comrades who want to progress historical materialism or just leeches living off the peasants?


Depends on whether someone views them like Harry Potter wizards or not.


feel like FATE would be more fun than dnd for this kind of game


>2 DnD threads
&ltboth are quiet AF

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I am thinking of writing a historical materialist fantasy story set in a early 20th Century fantasy world. The only “race” are people and the continents are aligned differently. I’ve a lot of ideas, I want to hear what the denizens of the Bunker think.


Good on you for doing something productive, but m8, there is writing thread and a fantasy thread dedicated to these topics. Please post there


the most important part is obviously the world building. How do people create the things they need to how does this shape their society. What culture do they have in what kind of buildings do they live (which architectic style do they have) what music do they have etc etc


I'm intrigued, please keep us updated. Looking forward to reading more info about your world.


>the most important part is obviously the world building.
NO. This is how every loser who ends up never writing anything thinks.


- Choose or create a basic setting; medieval, futuristic, science-fantasy, science-fiction, whimsical, modern, realistic etc.
- Create a character and determine his flaws, abilities, motivations and fears
- Determine a goal and conflicts
-Proceed to actually write out the story outline

Now take this to the writing thread/fantasy thread you twit.


This comic is straight up unironic fascist propaganda and yet I love it. What are you guy's thoughts?
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More like mild toast liberals, even the infamous radlib Alan shat on them for being such.


imagine being so retarded you can't tell its satire




>It's satire
bruh unlike something like WH40KI never felt the "sike we're just joking around m8" with Judge Dredd. The writing seems to imply that the turbo authoritarian literal police state is not only a necessity but better than how things are nowadays safe for the random joke about 80% unemployment


It was definitely satire at the beginning at least, I haven't paid attention to recent volumes.

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Did South Park really have as huge of a negative cultural impact people claim it did?
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it did lead to a degeneration of society ,developing adults who are fanatically opposed of choosing a side


It all wwent downhill when it was becoming popular and journalists praised it for "being political".


>N-no you hav to choose a side on something that almost always has a grey middleground


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Its contemporaries early on were simply better at being mature with South Park relying more on shock humour.


no and no

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any other milsurp and historical re-enactment enthusiasts here?


We have a /k/ thread and a fashion/clothing thread so you don't need a separate thread for this.


i didn't see it, i'll go look for it

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I just want to tell you sirs,that in one (satirical)story I wrote,on character is a bearded siberian farmer,he hunts bears with a giant kettlebel and has tattoos of both stalin and the tsar on his chest. he drinks vodka like it's water.

other characters include a man who eats plutonium tablets for calories and a rikishi with a belly so bloated he has a huge tattto in it.


Nice, but, us the writing thread >>3558
>inb4 fanfic
It's actually a writing general but OP couldn't edit the OP afterwards.

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what happened to it?
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Waste of trips

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