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"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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Anyone here can make decent money scamming boomer/porkies/petty bourgeois/state?
I'm interested in ways to pay rent and maybe a dinner with someone's else money
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Do you use pictures of someone else's Insta/OF? I guess catfishing is pretty easy but you need some source material the coomers are not gonna find.



I just used pics from other less popular dating sites. The one thing I learned is coomerbrains are literally retarded, a lot will sign up for shit without checking anything really.

If there was a better product to grift coomerbrains with other than sham dating websites, it would make bank.


how much money can you make through that
i thought the website takes like 90%




>i thought the website takes like 90%
Not even Onlyfans takes 20%

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A thread dedicated to the discussion of collecting stamps, coins, weapons, military awards, etcDo not buy items from sellers on eBay if they do not have an excellent reputation. On the web-site you can find copies of coins and badges that cost $10 each but people sell them as originals, so you are not safe even when buying cheap items. There are also web 1.0 style forums for professional collectors and dealers, like this onehttps://www.wehrmacht-awards.com/forums/they are quite good and many people on them have decades of experience in collecting. These forums function like auctions and they are also very useful if you want to find out for free if your jewelry/coin/whatever is fake, or just take a look at people's collections.
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>all that trash
It's somewhat depressive.


Yeah, I've spoken to the mayor multiple times but it was of no help


>get a big fucking snow plow shovel
>loads of trash bags
>clear whole place out
>install new metal doors on the bunker
Free bunker.





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Let's discuss asceticism.I am learning to embrace miserabilism ,obscurity,lumpen-ness (however i stay far away from obscenity)
i was once,online,said to have CRAWLED out of a hole. I take revel and delight in that,and im honestly thinknig of digging a hole to live in in my backyard. My diet would be potatoes,grown in my own garden,and rain water/dew.
my cloth would be a pant made of cheap fabric by myself,and my sleep,limited.
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Because of a September meme about not fapping (essentially the No Nut November of Latin American, though I'll partake in NNN too) its been the longest since I've not masturbated (21 days). Now for regular situations I limit myself to jerking off at most 4 times a week, though I've found that even with quarantine it's not been that difficult. Have any of you gone a long time without jacking off? How did it affect you?


I've tried and there was no effect, neither on psyche/motivation/etc nor on pleasure when jerking off for the first time after.
Though I find that jerking off every two days is optimal pleasure-wise. If less than that I'm not maximally horny yet. And if more than that I'm already gettng used to not jerking off and the urge isn't so strong anymore.


I'm not OP but why is /dead/ a "secret" board?


Because it's for Doomers and other dead-ends and the mods kept it around because even though its a redundant board, it's also part of the culture. Ask for more clarification on >>>/gulag/


You will never be a real hobo

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Lets have a thread dedicated to the most ridiculous and most intimidating piece of headwear ever conceptualised
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What was this inspired by? In some pics looks like a medieval helmet

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Post your own or others maps in this thread. Statistical and imaginary maps are welcome.
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List of operators of the Mig-29, most advanced soviet fighter plane produced. Blue is current operators, red former operators.


>1st pic
I've heard about those Pornhub statistic maps, but never saw it myself. Could you link the most recent one? Kinda curious about what is my country fapping to.




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You never specified Earth.
Thank god for pornhub for helping us map out the degenerates.


Some retardness in Europe

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Do It YourselfITT: Everything DIY>Handymanship/Making™>Transferable skills in revolution/collapse>Sustainability and Self-Sufficiency>Guides and Blueprints>Home Improvement/Maintenance if you're bougie enough to own your homeDon't post shit that will get you or the site v&.
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In case you ever get trapped Down Under.


Thanks Crocodile Dundee


It's a jury-rigged system, not actual smithery


Usually I don't like those homebuilding or home renovation shows, but I discovered a series of channels on Youtube of hippies creating amazingly unique houses with very little money in remote places. Like this fellow who created a cheap and cozy domed house in the redwoods with no outside help.




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Anybody here like to collect fossils? I'm planning on getting some nice Ammonite, Trilobite, Leaf, and Fish fossils. I plan on getting a Mammoth molar in the future
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Largee meg and bivalve from Antwerp




Had no clue that there were meg teeth in Belgium. Also, that's insane that you found a shark vert there, were they with the teeth? Also, that horse molar is really nice. Possibly a Hipparion?


There's actually lots of meg teeth in the Berchem formation in Belgium. The way I find them is by sifting through soil, ex situ, so there's no way of telling if the vert and teeth belonged together. I think the molar is Equus caballus.



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I'm interested in what sort of consumer goods were there in the USSR, Maoist China, etc.
Like what kind of toys, games, books, snacks, clothes, drinks, etc. they had?
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I still remember fruit kefir that my mom bought me when i was a kid. The taste was just the best, nothing that sells now can beat it.


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USSR couldn't build instruments worth shit. Look at this unholy abomination. Thinking about adjusting intonation on that bridge makes me wince.


Looks normal to me.


That wolf looks fashionable as fuck


You know they followed Western designs for things like these right

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Any good military parades,books,
Doctrines,weapon designs by any socialist country if its army related post it here


There is already a thread on that go see /leftypol/ if you want quike answers


Leftypol's thread is poor and full of "muh military anti-communist" faggotry. Besides its more of hobby topic than a political topic.



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Saw this cool video of a rapier vs a longsword. It looks like the rapier was a better weapon. So much more range and speed.
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I don't get it when people say "real sword fighting wouldn't look good". I don't think anyone's advocating for 100% realism. I'm sure boxing in movies and irl look different too. Perhaps it's different for the uninformed, but historical swordplay looks better every way. Hell, some exchanges in sparring can be as theatrical as cinema all while being technically sound.

Since exaggerating or slowing bladework even with good technique for safety and the viewers' benefit is already a given, the next best aim would be to give "masters" or "experts" good and distinct forms when moving and fighting. Body language is part of acting, no?

Have a gander at Robert and his opponents:

And if you want fancy shit, the masters have it too: https://youtu.be/0dnGNJvoNeQ

Or you can be fancy in a sensible way:


Rapiers are almost useless against fully armoured opponents whereas with a sword you can halfsword against an fully armoured opponent hence rapiers only became popular after the the introduction of firearms caused the decline of full plate armour

Hollywood is actually not interested in History, but only a semblance of Historical accurary hence why there are so many inaccuracies in films. They just dont give a f*ck

Heres an anecdote



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Reposting some contributions


>Rapiers are almost useless against fully armoured opponents
Most opponents do not have full plate armor with chainmail underarmor. Even then, a rapier has the precision to strike through something like a visor hole.



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