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are fashion shows too bourgeois?


short answer: yes




I don't like fashion shows, the fashion they sho isn't really appealing


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Yes, but you should still get into Liubov Popova and Varvara Stepanova anyway.


We already have /leftyfashion/ post this there

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I kinda like roller coasters though.
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Just make them free to enter and pay for the maintenance of roller coasters with your taxes boom problem solved


But charge tourists money to enter.


*to exit


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I'm not into them, I find vidya more thrilling. It's more fun to design coasters in Roller Coaster Tycoon than to ride them and get spine or head damage from the bumping, plus sometimes they fail and people fall out and go splat.

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This is the thread for spoooooooooky things
Anything from horror movies to horror art to religion to nationalism, every spooky thing you can imagine!
What, if any, movies are you watching this ==Spook=tober, so far I watched Day of the Dead, Split Second, currently watching Night of the Comet I like 80s horror most because of the women.
What have you guys been doing?


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>Tfw fucking up Spooktober


We already have 2 horror threads, we don't need another

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Anyone else like ASMR? I have always had trouble falling asleep so I have listened to it every night for the past 3 years.

My all time GOAT is Ephemeral Rift (pic related) because his videos are often interesting stories more than just sound trigger videos.

Two other good ones are Phoenicean Sailor (also makes fantastic story videos, held back by releasing videos rarely) and Made in France ASMR
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How is that weird? It's literally how everything in the world has always worked

That's why most zookeepers, veterinarians, the people they put at the front of the restaurant to deal with customers, etc are women

ASMR was mainly male back in about 2012 or so. By 2016 the transition to waifu was complete.


what's a good asmr for pretending like my dad is talking to me?


love this girl and want to marry her

She looks like a cuter ted cruz


This is ASMR for cooks. This guy is a master of capturing the fun and comfort of baking on video:



I love asmr and have been listening to it for the last 3-4 years. It's comfy as fuck and falling asleep to it reminds me of the feeling of falling asleep watching TV as a kid. I especially like the Japanese (RJ136105 is one of my favourites) and Japanese style ones, can't quite put my finger on why exactly but they are different from the more general stuff, maybe more affectionate?
I also find lewd stuff anoying, I want to sleep, not to coom.

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Put this in the movie thread please, I highly doubt it will garner significant thread discussion here on its own.


It's a propaganda movie, pure and simple, made by a Prussian nobleman who later failed in Hollywood.

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This one: https://www.viz.com/shonenjump/death-note-special-one-shot-chapter-1/chapter/19985

He deserved it for selling that shit to the great satan.




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Post Your loadout, recommendations, questions, reviews, recipes… anything related to body armour, or hardening of vehicles and the like.


Bumping with a video for making ceramic based plates on the cheap. In testing they seem to stop 5.56 lead core with a steel penetrator (m855) surprisingly enough.



I question why you would not add this to the HEMA thread


I knew a guy that survived a stabbing by sticking a couple of plastic cutting boards down the front of his coat, stopped the blade cold and distributed the shock out over his stomach so he barely even had a bruise.
He didn't survive depression though :(


Pic unrelated, I mainly meant modern body armour.
Did he expect to be attacked?



So here's a torrent full of torrents for the 9/11 Data set. Includes lots of videos, documents, audio recordings, animations, diagrams, etc revolving around the 9/11 attacks. The torrent here is about 100mb of torrent files only. Downloading all the data from the included torrents will net you over 3 TB of data. Feel free to pick and choose.

Would hate to see this data lost forever. Included a list of the torrents here.

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This is a subject I'm not sure if its worth bringing up or not but given the makeup of the Bunker's userbase I figure at least a few other people here are engaged with following various lolcows

The main one I'm following at the minute is an American kid called KingCobraJFS, and watching his stuff is like slowly sliding into a bath full of human waste, its utterly fascinating watching the real time decline of another human being without the constant stress of experiencing that kind of thing IRL, I've been following M'lord Cobes for a year and a bit now and his slow deathspiral is really accelerating, watching his latest saga I started to think about how large an impact people like CWC and other lolcows had on chan culture and how this kind of mass insight into a stranger's long running nightmare was basically impossible before the internet, it feels like an extension of professional celebrity culture, but more pathetic and grimmer, a uniquely late capitalist experience

Am I a terrible person for watching this kid fall apart from afar, even though I don't interact with him at all, don't tap the glass etc.?

What lolcows do you follow?
Do you empathise with them or is it purely a hate watch for you?

I feel bad for Cobes, I really do, he obviously has a number of serious mental health issues, but he's so fucking obnoxius, unpleasant and spiteful its hard to feel it sometimes, and he's too funny to stop watching

I'm not sure how the fuck to introduce someone to Josh, but here's some classics, condensed and cut to be more tolerable, and a couple videos from other creators on Josh giving more of an overview

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The only IRL person i know who watches lolcows is actually autistic themself. Make of that what you may


You guys should visit sonichu.com


Interesting, thanks. That was very clear.


I am literally autistic as admitted earlier yes, but I don't think that has anything in particular to do with it, Cobes isn't one of my special interests or anything like that, I'm not fixated on him or even follow him consistently

Autistic people tend to spend a lot of time online for a variety of reasons, we're definitely overrepresented on image boards for example,and you have to be pretty online to ever find out about most lolcows in the first place


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He gives trainposters a bad name


Why doesn't anybody live in places like hashima island or western american gold towns? It seems like a waste of pre-fabricated infrastructure, doesn't it?
Would having a dedicated supply chain such as a food distribution center on its own work to incentivize colonist introduction to a place like hashima, or would more be necessary to utilize such spaces for human development?
Also, does anybody else think living in abandoned buildings would be kinda awesome?


The average person will only stick around where they can make a living. You might be able to have a few people who have the means to survive out there regardless do it but for most people so long as industry and commerce doesn't go there they will not go there. This would be potentially less of a concern in a socialist society though.

Theres also the fact that these places will have structural issues and be lacking most of the creature comforts that people are used to like clean potable running water and electricity.


Those places have been badly polluted by reckless development.

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