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Hello everyone, I want to make a topic about books, but, ones that are too trashy for /edu/. Talk about books, request books, et cetera.

Well, I'll start off the thread by asking for recommendations for 'optimistic sci-fi' where humans and aliens get along (relatively speaking) and accomplish things. Bonus points if there's first contact involved, extra bonus points if there's interspecies romance. Mee-yow. I've already read a lot of books like this but I can't get enough. Thanks everyone.


I came here because I remember being very entertained by the series "Isaac Asimov's Robot City" even though it's not written by Isaac Asimov but by various authors, it's a good read but I read it when I was younger and I don't have a copy of the books anymore. Check it out if you like scifi and AI.


Dragon's Egg is a scifi about an alien first encounter, written by an astrophysicist (Robert Forward). It's awesome - everyone I've leant it to that has read it said it was great.


What's the cheapest way to print a copy of a digital book (that I pirated)? I can't read for too long on a screen, mainly because it's uncomfortable and because I get easily distracted. Plus, I would like to recommend >>13688 to my dad but I don't want to subject him to hours and hours of looking at a screen.


> I can't read for too long on a screen, mainly because it's uncomfortable and because I get easily distracted.
I hear some reading devices are like paper to look at. You might try one of those. Probably cheaper than printing books.


This series was very entertaining indeed.

I might pick up Neuromancer but what are some other must read fiction books that aren't scifi?

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 No.1195[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Often when when talking about leftist fiction, it is in relation to speculative science fiction.I'd like to have a thread to discuss not only fantasy with leftist themes, but fantasy in general.So, read any good fantasy recently?
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>However I don't really know how to start and try to tie it all up together.
Try writing a story to give you a reason to incorporate specific elements of the setting and help focus which parts need more development.


Its servicable. First I played it I had the "just left the Star Wars movie theater" vibe of it being the best of the franchise, but a year later now I think Origins still blows it out of the water. In short, hopefully not too spoilery:
>Too few story missions
>Main antagonist is a bit of a meme, Low-Key spoiler: He is hyped up as being super duper bad dude but just comes off as a push-over who only sets cool things in motion around him, while himself staying as a joke
>Gameplay is neither as in-depth as Origins or as fun as the LIDL-WoW combat of DA2.
>Apparently you have to do a bit of grinding of low quality side content in order to progress, I can't say since I was a completionist and did all of it before the main missions, which lead to me having way too much mission-starter points)
What good it does have:
>Very strong characters, basically all but 1 companion were great, while Varrick is probably best companion in an RPG period
>Very good story in everything else aside from main villain
>Good mission design in the few main missions, including some awsome moments as well
>Amazing DLC content (If you ever play the game, you activate the last DLC through your mission table after the last main campaign act, while the other two are integrated in the base game)
>A very strong final ending that still has me hyped for DA4


Guessing you are the guy from /games/ who started the "Games like Green Knight" thread. I recommended Dark Souls 2 there. I really think Dark Souls games would be right up you alley in terms of story, adventuring and style. As much as those are memed for their difficulty, I'd argue they shine the most in terms of story, and I fully endorse cheesing and cheating your way through just for that.


I have just started reading it and can recommend it. Good stuff.



ill give em a check, ive always loved the look of the screenshots ive seen


good rundown comrade, ill also check them out

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what do you guys think of H.P lovecraft ?
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whose fucking hobby is H.P lovecraft


I like his cat.


People who like weird eldritch stuff? SCP used to be really into him before they devolved into gay RP.


wholesome person


mo u new york is poopoo lands

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 No.6035[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

It's that time again. Post trams and trains and other rail vehicles. Both vehicles from AES and c*pitalist countries welcome.I am looking for this one very aesthetic picture of a tram going down a grassy incline. I think it was from Czechoslovakia but not sure.
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i ain't ever gonna forget being in the offices with the head of the telecommunications at the Estonian Railway's offices and hearing a 40+ year old man complaining about terrible planning processes during signal upgrading and the stupidity of the Minister of Transport for requiring trains to eventually be able to go 140 km/h in a country as small as Estonia.


Will international shipping be replaced by something better? It’s a huge inefficient fuel hog.


As of the moment its the MOST efficient method of mass transport, and having spoken to people involved in those ops, there isn't much perspective in their replacement in the near future, none of the other options are fuel-efficient enough or carry enough cargo to make it work.


But can it be mitigated though? Most of the commodities are needlessly transported due to outsourcing of resources and overran globalization. I think we could just cut down 80% of the supply chain and it would be fine. Hell the US alone can supply most of the American continent with fossil fuels while the Latin countries have enough minerals to go around. A more decentralized world would need much less shipping.

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What are some good dystopian sic-di movies.
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>Ready Player One
based other thread gay
Ready Player One epic


>The action is shit
You've answered your own question - people care more about the visual aspects today


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Does anyone know if
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blade_Runner:_Black_Lotus will be good (judging by the 3 short animated movies it is based on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blade_Runner_Black_Out_2022) I love Blade Runner but this the 2049 film felt kinda stupid and I don't want to waste time on that.


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I was hyped from the Blackout anime, but honestly the CGI Black Lotus trailer that recently dropped felt weak to me.


It looks alright I guess, but it lacks the necessary texture and grime that something like GiTS had which made is more than average.

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Fellas, is it gay to enjoy male artistic gymnastics?
Also talk about how stupid it is that this is being held at all I guess
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Finally athletics.


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Boring as fuck plus it's been going on for days now, you're late.

I heard in the GDR they made women get pregnant and then abort to force their bodies to produce hormones that would enhance their athletic ability at the Olympics, as a form of doping.
So how true or bullshit is that?


Sounds like right wing bullshit in the level of woman being collectivized, i mean just using steroids is far more pratical


Analysis of why the Russian Gymnastics team didn't pull it this year (a real tragedy TBH)

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Anybody else in the bunker enjoy cars and motorsport?

Discuss anything motoring related here.

To start I'll say I've spent the last few days doing the brakes on my own car, including new calipers. Fucking hard work on an old POS, nothing comes apart easily.
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back to reddit, samefag


Not a samefag, retard, go back yourself.
I'm the guy who wrote up >>18737


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Anyone else who loves this gorgeous motherfucking automobile?


I adore these kinds of race cars over stuff like NASCAR

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How do you feel about it (and its creator)?
also please spam Charlie pics
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Watched it. I'm not interested in bitching about the script, but the Hazbin Hotel trailer is a drag and it only gets "okay" halfway after the Disney parody shit.

However, her other work, Helluva Boss, is actually pretty good and has a much better flow.


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based Satina poster


new Helluva Boss coming very soon. get hype




I've never been so down bad for a demon in office attire.



I like this one the most, all the classic demons getting the flyers :3


22 is subversive. didn't notice it at first, but I like it and it puts Charlie's plan in its place

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im a suicidal young male; I tried everything but life just doesnt show her smile upon me. I decided i will try to die from (and JUST from)sleep deprivation;i will keep making notes,diary,notebook,documenting my descent into the netherworld. I also considered death by fasting. maybe death by a combo of sleep dep- and starvation? What should I do with my last months on the earthly plane?


just remember to keep us updated


keep me posted


fyi, nobody takes this seriously, people think you are either faking this for attention, or some convoluted psyop stuff, where you think this will demoralize us or something.

For the very remote possibility that this is real, get help you moron.


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What does /hobby/ smoke?
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why do burgers have this reaction? is it the moralist and puritan culture they are from?
yes we know smoking is unhealthy. so are a lot of other things. and most of us smoke in the privacy of our own home or among friends who are ok with it.
I will never understand this objection to smoking when smoking is already banned in public spaces and the effects of second hand smoke are pretty much gone.


people love to feel better about themselves when their lives are so full of shit someone oughta help em deal with it, they hate you because they hate themselves


Not them, but being American has nothing to do with being concerned about health. Why do you faggots have to think that everyone who criticizes an habit, taste or practice that you don't personally dislike is an American and/or Anglo? What the fuck is wrong with you?

And they didn't sound like they hate smokers, either. I agree with them and not out of disdain but concern, I'm also not even a first worlder. If you can, you should stop smoking.


>Why do you faggots have to think that everyone who criticizes an habit, taste or practice that you don't personally dislike is an American and/or Anglo?
i would uneducatedly guess that on this site, population of the anglosphere is the majority but without stats thats nothing but shit talk of my part
>What the fuck is wrong with you?
we just hate them
there really is no other reason for it other than the sheer psychotic hatred towards the fans of Anglo and American empires
>I agree with them and not out of disdain but concern
its hard to filter actual concern from malicious concern especially on this site with a shitty and malicious userbase in general
tell the fatties to exercise all you want, theyll give you the evil eye because they view their self destruction as none of your business
>If you can, you should stop smoking.
i should start organizing and exercising too and stop drinking, swearing in public, staying up late and furiously masturbating to rule 34
i should probably also stop coming to this entire site as its not exactly the best for my mental health or me being a communist


1) it was a joke about oral sex and gay people
2) i live in india…

but if we are having this conversation then

smoking is bad because you are actively poisoning yourself with something which will later give you and others some disease that will take up medical resources but isn't even essential to live in the first place

even fast food junkies have a defence in saying that they are at least eating food which is necessary

i say this as a person who thinks smoking looks very fun and actively puts anything stick shaped object in my mouth to imitate cigars

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