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I watched a video in support of gratitude journaling which claimed it's one of the best ways to feel more positive about life.

I'm not sure how I feel about the idea, smacks a bit of self help woo woo but at the same time it isn't like it would be that difficult to try out.

Video for anyone curious

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Stunningly enough I only ended up writing like two entries before giving up on it completely. I shoulda known I would never do anything to actually feel better.


yo who is that ugly ape sitting in the car and staring at the handsome king grodd


The earth rotates at like 750 miles an hour. Trying to walk would make freedom come sooner by an insignificant amount.

This post was made by leftcom gang.


> I'm just so angry, and unhappy, and hopeless. I wish things were different than this.
A gratitude journal would be a good start then, I also recommend cognitive-behavioral therapy like the classic book "Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy". The world surely sucks from the leftist pov but why pile all the negativity onto your mind? You can reshape your thinking patterns to focus on the best parts of your life.

For example, recall when you've been generous with your time, skills, material things. You can think about the impact you've produced: no matter how small in the grand scheme of things, it means something to the people you helped.

Maybe you can join some mutual aid group to have more opportunities for the good deeds…


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Yeah… I guess… It's fucking hard being a leftist in this day and age let alone being a doomer leftist with no job.

I don't feel like anything I've contributed to the world really matters, because of course it doesn't - nobody is going to give me a decent life cause of it so what did anything I did really mean? If I can't live then what point is there in trying to do good deeds or improve things for anyone else? I think I'm quite a caring and good natured person on the whole but it rubs me the wrong way to think about bothering to do something for others when I need help and it doesn't come.

Why should I stick my neck out when nobody will do it for me? And why should I even try get a job or whatever when I feel so certain it won't make a difference?

I just want someone to help me and pull me out of this because I can't do it on my own. And it doesn't matter if 'but you have to, nobody else can fix your life', etc etc, I can't! Don't they understand that? Doesn't anybody care? What if I can't pull myself up and fix it, what then?

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Funny, I just started watching it with my older brother a few days ago.

I think its view of history is warped, or at least it appears so. The relationship of the characters with their environment and the impact they have thereon seems to suggest that the show supports "great man theory".
Some bloggers have written about that:


I find the notion that it supports GMT more believable; it is shoved in the viewer's face in moments like when Schoenkopf says that he wants to save Yang because "history would be boring without him", which implies that history wouldn't be moving if Yang was dead.
Although it isn't necessarily related, the fact that what appears to be a semi-feudal autocracy had coexisted with a bourgeois democracy for ~150 years is telling - it suggests that governments, economic structures, and culture are alien to the material conditions that exist and the level of technology & science. This is obviously anti-marxist.


of course it supports great man theory, one of the spiels the narrator tells you like 4 times literally says "history is the collection of the actions of great men", that's why the show is named that, the title itself is a play on this.
However the claim that it supports it and it is reactionary are two different ones, the guy in the other article is right. Mainly, in that the show does seem to imply that history as told by the narrator is warped, and that reinhard is not neccesarily a conservative. mostly, it seems the actual ideology of the show is somewhere between liberal and dengeist (a progresive figure that abolishes the aristocracy makes economic reform, and creates a progressive authoritarian regime in a japanese show just reeks of dengeist to me).
What i think would be more interesting to think about is this, if the show implies the narrator is telling you his version, then from that version, what would be the actual story of the world? now that's a real story worthy of being written


I think is great. It's fun to watch something with this kind of clear authorial vision, even if it is wrongheaded. Will warmly recommend the remake also, which looks real crisp and adds a bit of cheese to soften the self-serious nature.

And still a better love story than Twilight, as they say.


>Although it isn't necessarily related, the fact that what appears to be a semi-feudal autocracy had coexisted with a bourgeois democracy for ~150 years is telling

I don't remember much about the show but this could easily be due to the scale of space


Having given it some thought I have to side with the "it's anti GMT"-camp. I think we are underestimating the extent to which this show is self-conscious.

Note for example how the supposedly "brilliant" stratagems that the various characters use to win this or that battle are typically rather banal. You can put this away as lazy writing - the character is brilliant for the purpose of the story, but it is told in stead of shown.

However I started to notice how often, almost every time, there is always some character in the other camp who anticipates what is to come, points it out to the superiors, and is shot down. So clearly we are not dealing with uniquely genius insights. Moreover the outcome of the battles is in almost all cases over-determined by the preceding circumstances. The most obvious case being the invasion of the Empire by the FPA really on - with no clear plan beyond "we'll be greeted as liberators" their defeat was assured before the invasion started, no genius opponents needed. Another case is the noble coalition, which falters more to its own internal tensions and weaknesses (factionalism and ill discipline mostly) than to a particularly genius approach by Reinhardt and company.

The characters who are portrayed as the brilliant great men, then, are so portrayed not because they are shown to be brilliant great men, but because that status is useful for other actors behind them - which is made explicit several times. Yang is initially very useful as a hero to Trunicht, while Reinhardt is the linchpin of the coalition of officers around him, threatening to fracture as soon as he suffers a breakdown for a couple of days. In his case it is Oberstein, arguably the real brains of the operation, who maintains him as figurehead.

History in the show is seen to be made through larger forces that determine the outcome of things, the characters can only be the vessel for larger forces, influencing what is already slated to happen at the margins. Which fits well with Yang - the historian - 's signature move, making the best of a bad situation.


Maybe the Narrator indulges in GMT but I can't really say the same for the author. He did (albeit very clumsy and barely) mention that Imperials vastly outnumbered the Alliance in men and technology, and also mentioned the Alliance's devastated economy in the constant. Yang was right to suggest a ceasefire or peace treaty as the only way for the Alliance to win the war against the Imperial in the long term.

It is still pretty bullshit how Reinhard can turn around social welfare and the economy of the Empire in just a few years though.

>how the supposedly "brilliant" stratagems that the various characters use to win this or that battle are typically rather banal. You can put this away as lazy writing - the character is brilliant for the purpose of the story, but it is told in stead of shown
Tbf most of Yang's tactics and strategies are directly copied from great maneuvers in history. IIRC His last real fight against the Empire before his assassination is literally Hannibal's Battle of Cannae in Space.

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is this show leftist?


"Is it leftist" is the wrong question. You should be looking for ways to either criticize it for being bourgeois propaganda or détourning it as commie propaganda.

What show?


This is a mexican show right? I have seen that dude in right appear in memes


El Chavo it was a Mexican TV show. I remember my Grandfather always watching it when I was with it, especially in my younger years but was never intrested in it because it wasn't a cartoon.


El Chavo del 8.
Is it leftist? No, but shows in a comedic light the lifes of various families in a housing bloc owned by "Don Barriga" (Mr. Tummy) and the poverty of Chavo, an orphan who, having nowhere to live, lives in a barrel in this bloc.
He is friend with Chilindrina (the daughter of a unemployed and widowed worker, Don Ramon) and Quico (the conceited son of the singlemother owner of a low class restaurant, Doña Florinda-idk how you gringos call menus-). Also there is Teacher Jirafales, who is couting Doña Florinda, La bruja del 61 (a spinster who lives in the 61 apartment who has a crush in Don Ramon), and Ñoño (son of Don Barriga and a little less conceited than Quico, acted by the same actor that plays Don Barriga)
The show was aired in Televisa, a Close (this level of close) tv station to the PRI goverment (who wasn't so leftist) and by some is considered a piece of opium to the masses, and by other leftist a portrayal of a working class neighborhood (with the problems and class strugles in it).
It is pretty fun indeed. IT still airs in my country in the prime TV stations.


No lmao, it isn't leftist. I'd say it doesn't have a lot of politics in it. Fairly neutral, imo.

I used to love it as a child but my family and I haven't watched it in ages, so I haven't been thinking a lot about it and don't have as many fond memories of it anymore. Sometimes thinking about it makes me very sad for some reason (both the show itself and the circumstances around its cast and production). Nowadays I don't know what to think of it. It's definitely not leftist and it was made under a dictatorship, practically. Those were very hard times for Mexican politics. Everybody and their grandma, literally, watched this stuff, so it's obvious that it was used as a way to keep Mexicans distracted through some emotional manipulation (this sitcom got VERY melodramatic in many episodes). And these days slapstick comedy has sort of lost its appeal to me. The cult of nostalgia around this show is also a bit too strong (it's massively popular in all of Latin America but especially in Mexico and perhaps even more in Brazil, where it's known as Chaves).
But I do like El Chapulín Colorado, even though I haven't watched it recently either. Probably because the protagonists aren't kids and the stories aren't sad like in El Chavo.

A bit of trivia. The creator of most of these characters, Roberto Gómez Bolaños "Chespirito" (a corruption of the diminutive form of "Shakespeare") had many other comedy sketches where he played the protagonist. Virtually every single one of them, along with some other characters, had a name that started with Ch: El Chavo, el Chapulín Colorado, Dr. Chapatín, el Chómpiras, el Chanfle, Chaparrón Bonaparte, la Chimoltrufia, la Chilindrina (who was apparently created by the actress that played her, which caused massive drama between her and Chespirito)… I wonder if it has anything to do with him being a Chilango (from Mexico City).

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How to become much faster at reading, while also maintaining acceptable comprehension?

I read 240 WPM which is about average. I have so much to read, I won't get through it all if I stay a readlet. Watched some YouTube videos and people are saying many of the speed reading techniques are bullshit. Like extending your peripheral vision to read more words simultaneously in a broad stroke is apparently not possible. Not vocalizing the words you read apparently significantly reduces comprehension. Another technique is to selectively skim some parts you deem to be less important while assuming you will still understand the gist of what has been written when you read the rest, which is kind of a sleazy way of "reading" faster. I literally want to read the entire text FASTER. The fuck do I do here fellow niggas?
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Side strategy; why not try audiobooks at 150% speed while you do chores/vidja/etc?


Speed reading doesn't really exist. What exists is 1. some people read a bit faster than others and 2. skipping words. Number 2 is the thing that makes a "spead reader". Highly redundant writing is good for "spead reading", math papers not so much.
Multitasking doesn't really exist, aside from repetitive simple movements. So it's a bad idea to play any game that isn't a dumb grind, but then why play that in the first place? Doing simple chores and exercises while listening is OK.


Not everything I read has an audio version, like research papers.

Thought as much. Oh well.


I've always wondered if something like this could train people to read faster? I sometimes use it when I want to get the gist of a long article that's difficult to skim.


You can adjust the speed, too.


Thanks man! I'll give it a try.

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I think it's a good idea to archive internet people who aren't retarded spectacle enveloped types that the internet thread on leftypol makes fun of.
Fredrik "not the Engles" Knudsen uploaded a new video and it's about international brewer heads putting poisons into wine to turn a profit.
I really enjoy his stuff because it takes a fact based stance, it isn't just the video opinion essay garbage regularly vomited online disguised as material fact. It's a genuinely sourced thing and not a bunch of platitudes thrown together.


The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon Official NBC on youtube 4K archive

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Anyone still browse 4chan? Anyone still post there with flair? Not encouraging brigading or anything, but it's kinda funny. I'll reply to something with a relativity benign comment and they'll get triggered really easy.
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Used to browse /vr/, /tg/, /x/ and occasionally /v/. Nowadays I just check /vr/ every other week for a rush of nostalgia and that is it.

>/x/ has completely turned into a /pol/ colony that only talks about pizzagate and other burger conspiracy theories, if you are like me and frequented it for spooky stories it's no longer the place for you

The russian imageboard 2ch actually segregated its spooky board into /sn/ for creepy things, /mag/ for magic larping and /zog/ for conspiracy theories. /x/ badly needed that a couple years ago but there's nothing that can be done anymore
>/tg/ has been on a downward spiral for a while, but at this point it's just 50/50 hornyposting and /pol/ bait. Not worth browsing anymore.
I used to think removing quests was a good thing but now I'm rethinking it, it seems that turned off a lot of creative posters
>/v/ is pretty self-explanatory
>even /vr/, being a niche hobby board suffered pretty badly, it's deader than ever before and full of stupid children, /pol/fag "culture" leaks there too from time to time

The worst part for me though is that 4chan shit leaks everywhere, even to foreign websites. At this point 2ch is unusable either outside of niche boards, it used to be pretty good and even better than 4chan at points, now it's overrun by cargo cultist children who think that acting like 4chan /pol/acks makes them cool. So even on 2ch you can't go anywhere without running into someone who gets triggered by absolutely everything and starts ranting about SJWs and jews. And if you call them out on it they'll say you're a newfag and it's imageboard culture, even though you've been using imageboards since before /pol/ or internet SJWs even existed. It's like an actual unironic cancer that spreads everywhere. But the sad reality is that there is simply no place for an imageboard oldfag to go anymore, everything has been politicized and turned into shit, and smaller boards have ceased to exist.


>if you are like me and frequented it for spooky stories it's no longer the place for you
yeah, no joke all that kind of user generated content has moved to places like reddit. but mention this and you get a revised history about how 4chan was always this shit and only leftist cucks say it was possible to post apolitically.


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>there is simply no place for an imageboard oldfag to go anymore
I stopped going on 4chan in 2016 and never really frequented anything else so I'm over it by now. But goddamn it is a sad state of affairs imageboards are in.


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I haven't visited 4chan in months and I haven't been a regular in years. The hobby boards are great for gathering recommendations, tools, sources, downloads, translations, and so on and so on, but after you've gotten what you were looking for, I don't see the point in going back there, except maybe to discuss some of your favorite media once or twice, because then it's all the same opinions over and over.

Last time I was a regular I took part in a couple of /trash/ generals (comfier and bloggier than their original incarnations in their respective boards, contains cancer and the native furries/ERPers won't mess with your threads, but non-native generals are exceptionally prone to raids and spamming by individual schizos and trolls due to /trash/'s nature, which can spoil the experience and ruin a community beyond repair).

Every two months or so I go on /adv/ to vent about some trivial shit nobody even reads. I don't feel the need to visit any of the hobby boards (or the site) at all anymore because it's exhausting and reading a bunch of threads about cartoons or anime or games I'm not even consuming is pointless, threads that have barely any discussion other than anti-SJW or e-celeb bait and porn/loli/waifuposting (mostly /v/ and /co/). The visible clash between newfags and bitter oldfags only makes things worse (which I find amusing tbh).

Plus, I just hate how every subset of users within each big board feels superior to one another, like a hierarchy; in /a/ for example, there's shonen fans at the bottom, and within this group there are fans of different shonen series, the worst and most unapologetic probably being the DBZ autists. Then there's moe fans, "MANime" fags, hipsters, etc. Most of the /a/ userbase is incredibly elitist but lack any self-awareness; in reality they're all garbage who want everyone to have fun only according to their own standard, which is "everything is shit", so nobody must enjoy anything. And this is supposed to be the "best" out of the boards I've mentioned.

Everyone hates each other in the biggest boards and that naturally gets tiring after years of only visiting that site.

>I do however go on hispachan and replace the "o" or "a" at the end of Spanish words that refer to people with "e"
example amigos / amigas would change to amiges
kek, based Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


> Always the same things over and over again like a broken record.
I've noticed it on other boards too. It all becomes so boring.

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Basically I want to buy a new phone. What's the best type to buy, one that won't spy on me and steal my information, something that's cheap, but has good quality. Something that isn't an android.I hear Huaweii is linked to China or something, so is that any good?
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Are you aware that the Deutsche Fussball Bund was West German?


>technology that won't spy on you in the year of our lord 2020

maybe try carrier pigeon instead


the birds work for the bourgeoisie


>one that won't spy on me and steal my information
There isnt one


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I read that in a teen fiction book once.

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Do you have some free material about teaching?
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who is this cat?


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Paulo Friere's "Pedagogy of the Oppressed" is an excellent classic which is relevant, albiet indirectly. You can find it and most other books on Libgen.

I am a math tutor for middle school, high school and college students and have been for a couple years now. Most of my materials on teaching are specific to math, but I could give a lot of advice on teaching study skills / organization and on helping students with learning disabilities / challenges find ways to still do well in school.

What subject and grade level are you going to be teaching OP?



Just read Das Kapital to people, ffs


Some Strike Witches character


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Sanya V. Litvyak

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Is it just me or are most jobs in IT utter bullshit? I am not referring to "Bullshit Jobs", the book. It's something different.

Take say twitter. The mobile twitter front-end in particular. What is twitter? Chunks of text with occasional hyperlinks, pictures and videos. There are also a couple of forms, to register, to submit a tweet, to report stuff, etc.
So again, it needs text, pictures, links and forms. All of that is supported by HTML directly, i.e. it doesn't even require a single line of javascript to accomplish that.
But judging from the fact that on an old phone twitter may take half a minute or more to load or it may actually fail to load, or freeze up while loading, and taking in account how generally sluggish it is, it's obivous that it isn't plain html. In fact, there's probably a good dozen of megabytes of JS and CSS code, and that is after compression. The code that nobody every asked for. "Yeah I'd really like some people to spend their time writing thousands (?) of lines of code just to provide me with a site with the exact same functionality but with way poorer performance" - said no user ever. Bloated frontends should actually push users away it'd seem, and they probably do to some degree, that's why e.g. nitter and invidio.us exist.

And this doesn't only apply to twitter. The same with youtube (there exist even more alternative front-ends, hooktube and invidious and there probably are more). The same with the vast majority of sites on the web, actually.
There are countless frameworks like React or Angular, that achieve the same thing as can be achieved using regular HTML and some js, but they make websites slower AND require people to develop them AND people to learn them.
And by the way AFAIK nitter or invidious devs aren't paid anything for creating the sites, they might receive donations but that's it isn't it

So who profits from the labour of those who develop such sites? Why would the capitalists behind e.g. twitter be interested in
a) Paying more people
b) Making the site less attractive to users, thus potentially reducing their profits.
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The internet is a Chrome walled garden now, haven't you heard? Of course, it's not a monopoly like IE and microsoft!


Mozilla is basically google's puppet I think. Gecko is increasingly more akin to Chromium. And even then it cannot render such a popular site.
The entire internet is controlled but a single company. What a motherfucking dystopia we live in. Frightening.


>All of that is supported by HTML directly, i.e. it doesn't even require a single line of javascript to accomplish that.

It sounds to me like you think, you only need to use HTML to make twitter, which is obviously not true. For twitter database is a must, also you need backend language for communicating with database, I mean stuff that is fetching certain data (for example all posts by certain user) and sending to display in views. This backend language cannot be HTML, it can be JS, or any other programming language. Thing is: database comunnication is widely known as bottleneck in many web applications, I mean its a thing that is causing web app to be slow. So if you say that JS front end rendering is bottleneck of twitter, then I am asking: How do you know that bottleneck is not caused by database communication which is not related to JS?


Because nitter loads way faster while it should actually have to spend more time fetching data from twitter than twitter itself.


At least its not reddit
>Open page
>Page loads fine
>After page has fully loaded it removes everything on the fucking page and says
&ltOoPs sOmeThINg wEnT wrOnG

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What are you guys doing for exercise during quarantine? Got a couple of adjustable dumbells with 200 pounds plates myself. Can't find a barbell and olympic weights to save my life right now.


I use the catalog instead of making duplicate threads like some meathead: >>2726


meanie :(

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