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So, might as well put this fanfiction I made on how could ww3 go:
>Ukraine launches an offensive into the popular republics and Crimea, they advance a little. Ukraine declares war on Russia.
>The Donbass and Luhansk republics welcome the Russian army.
>The Ukrainian army advances into Crimea, but gets stopped. They conquer some, but get boggled down.
>Russia's military is organizing itself hard on this, and mobilizing itself.
>A month happens with people getting killed but no advances aside from light ukrainian advances.
>The west won't participate yet, but will help Ukraine through military support and it will tell through incredible mental gymnastics that Russia attacked first.
>People are not supportive of the war going on, but they won't care because they see it as just a regional war, no one cares.
>There will be some outrage at the west supporting Ukraine but it won't escalate.
>Then Turkey and Azerbaijan, using some shit excuse, attack Armenia to conquer it.
>Russia intervenes and starts invading Azerbaijan.
>Syria and Iran, maybe even Iraq, start attacking Turkey and Azerbaijan, since Turkey occupies parts of Iraq and Syria right now and Iran is fucking tired of it's bullshit.
>Erdogan says: Assad must go!
>Pakistan is big on being a turkey fanboy, and invades Iran.
>India then goes and invades Pakistan because Kashmir and so on.
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In europe disney comics are mainly produced in three countries
Now only produces smal stories with mickey,donald and the classic characters
The biggest producer of both big and small stories with the main characters
Mostly produces stories with smaller characters
France ,spain and sweeden also produce some stories from time to time
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im surprised finland isn't higher


franco belgian comics are the best


iirc most comics in finland are translated and are produced in various countries by the egmont group based in denmark


Thought this was a Mighty Max thread.


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>tfw no mousetales cartoon
Fuck this hell, I want to see an animation of Mickey Mouse fight the Phantom Blot, drive a plane into Dr Vulter's submarine, stop Peg Leg Pete from stealing a flying city and running a newspaper reporting against the mob.
His comics are too good to be left in the paper!!

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Dark/ominous paintings, I think they look neat.
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Messed around with it and an AI


This painting is fucking awesome, who made it?

Thanks for introducing me to a good art YouTube channel


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New tool album is out.Thoughts? Sounds good to me.But, it feels like their swan song. They seem to agree. Anyone else listening?In some respects it really sounds like they are pushing their boundaries in other it sounds very cookie cutter (not a bad thing for tool)Thoughts?
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>>296Yeah chocolate chip trip was pretty fucking disappointing. There will be faggots that will fawn over this album and unscrupulously praise it for years to come though,


These bottom dead threads are perfect for random shit that helps boost PPH a little.




I think it's amazing and one of their best so far. It was challenging sinking my teeth into it, but I find myself more and more re-listening to it, moreso than any of their "classics". I liked the Easter eggs, like the Aenima bridge "hidden" in Invincible, incidentally the most accessible song on the album; 7empest is my favorite song on it, Pneuma and Fear Inoculum are also highlights. Chocolate chip, Litanie feel like jokes, but don't detract from the overall quality of the work. I think Maynard's other projects have some cool songs here and there but can't hold a candle to Tool, so I'm certainly hoping it's not their swan song (although very hard to top this imho).


Moved to >>>/music/478.

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Looking for video content that doesn't rot your brain. Things such as high quality Historical documentaries or quality lectures from academics.
No breadtubers.
Bonus if it can be found on youtube


I'm pretty sure that the Revolution Will Not Be Televised is on youtube

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Hello, comrades. Yes, you, you fucking faggot. "We" (the party state) know, that you cook. Therefore we know that you have an incentive to post ITT, which is nothing else than leftyporg.org's attempt to share recipes.

Please don't be too much gay ITT, and stay on topic.

p.s.: the gunk and dirt are a feature, not a hindrance!

We start by putting like 2 different recipes, namely, "KAPUSKA" (Turkish cabbage recipe) and "SZÉKELY KÁPOSZTA" (Hungarian cabbage recipe) and mixing them into one.

sauerkraut (sour cabbage)
chopped onion (large)
3 chopped garlic
chopped hot salami
whole cumin (like a dozen)
whole peppers (like half a dozen)
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our chef here is meme-ing the eternal anglo.
It's like the jewish thing, except for anglos and nobody should take it seriously.

our chef here is using it because the board has had a meme about how logical positivist which peaked in the anglo world has become a stumbling block to western marxists understanding of marx.

and while I'm here, there's also a meme that tries to frame the irish as "the real jews", which exemplifies how ridiculous the boogieman of the jews is. we don't have anything against the irish.


I see! Thanks for explaining :)


no probs :)


Fuck I’ve been watching Food Wars and it makes me want to start cooking.


Interested in wacky experimental vegan recipes which you can only make living in specific US states? Well here is my favorite new recipe:

Comrade Granola's Vegan Jambalya (gone mexican) (gone fusion)

1 (28 ounce) can diced tomatoes with juice
14 oz (whole package) of vegan soy longanzia
(found here: https://elburrito.com/products/non-gmo-soy-longaniza/)
½ large onion, chopped
1 pasilla or even spicer dried pepper, seeded and chopped
2 stalks chopped celery
1.5 cups vegtable broth
4 cloves garlic
1 tablespoon miso paste
½ teaspoon dried thyme
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What is your favorite Soviet tank?

mine is the t80
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1k17 Szhatsie

A self propelled laser tank


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>Soviet was IG irl
everything makes sense now


from wikipedia:
>[The laser beam] was created by focusing light through 30 kg of artificial rubies



>The modernized versions are as powerful as the T-62 or early T-72
This is false, modernized T-55s don't have composite armor.


Wait really? I though both Belarusian and Ukrainian T-55 modernized variants have both reactive and composite armor?

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&ltthe Art Deco enthusiast, like the devotee of Expressionism, is by that interest making a statement about the nature of his or her soul. He or she is impatient with surface images, bored with frippery, and drawn by the weird and the outré. Art Deco portrays the human being as one secretly wishes to be: a kind of _Metropolis_ robot[rix] with a dispassionate, cool, and cruel disposition. Art Deco is never warm, cozy, reassuring; it is glacial and impersonal. Those fearful of, dissatisfied with, or contemptuous of human emotions seek in Art Deco a mirror which will show them - and reinforce in them - only the non-human aspects of their souls.

Post pics of your favourite pieces of art deco.
Pic related: Hoover building, A40 (Western Avenue), London, England.
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Gaumont State Cinema, Kilburn, London, England


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a better question is: Is art Deco bourgeois?




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It is bourgeois. But is it any good? That's another question. the better question depends on whether you're looking at it from the viewpoint of hobbyist, or from that of a town planner, in my view.

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Post aliens, posadism, cosmic horror and anything related to these subjects
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Elder Things?


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Lovecraft became extremely based and REDpilled later in his life. Kind of a shame he died so young and never got to see the defeat of fascism and all the greatachievements of socialism after WW2


The first pic cuts the most based part of the quote
>As for the Republicans – how can one regard seriously a frightened, greedy, nostalgic huddle of tradesmen and lucky idlers who shut their eyes to history and science, steel their emotions against decent human sympathy, cling to sordid and provincial ideals exalting sheer acquisitiveness and condoning artificial hardship for the non-materially-shrewd, dwell smugly and sentimentally in a distorted dream-cosmos of outmoded phrases and principles and attitudes based on the bygone agricultural-handicraft world, and revel in (consciously or unconsciously) mendacious assumptions (such as the notion that real liberty is synonymous with the single detail of unrestricted economic license or that a rational planning of resource-distribution would contravene some vague and mystical 'American heritage'…) utterly contrary to fact and without the slightest foundation in human experience? Intellectually, the Republican idea deserves the tolerance and respect one gives to the dead.


Its great to see the redemption arc of your heroes

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Is it based? There's very heavy imperialism and post-colonial themes in this show.
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Tell me more about it
Whats it about etc?


Does it match Patlabor and GITS?


Aliens give humans a bunch of mechs and the third world use them to resist first world imperialism. The first world's military hardware becomes "obsolete".


Sounds great ill give it a chance


>Aliens give humans a bunch of mechs and the third world use them to resist first world imperialism
Looks like a posadist anime, I will try watching it but there's an anime board you know. You should post stuff like that over there next time.

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