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File: 1608526223036.jpg ( 354.75 KB , 842x1200 , retard.jpg )

 No.7966[View All]

No boring ass woody Guthrie singing about how sad it to be from Oklahoma while strumming his guitar. I want synthesisers, fast rhythms, weird ass instruments you’ve never heard before. I want shit that would make you want to get up and dance in your local town square with other third world peasants.

Is its leftist? cool. Is its advocating for the genocide of some ethnic minority or the establishment of a global caliphate? I don’t give shit as long as the music is fire.
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Real KARA BOGA vibes


I imagine myself in Najran, leading my unit of the Ansar Allah. Our mission is to advance against the Saudi wahh*Bi dogs and liberate the northern lands they stole from Yemen long ago. We mow down the wahh*Bi kalb but they keep coming. I shoot wahh*Bi takfiris but I run out of ammo so I draw my Zulfiqar and begin slaughtering wahh*Bi nawasib, since wahh*Bi tyrants are way more spiritually inferior to me, I slay them by dozens. Then I get shot, but I didn't fall, I kept fighting. Then shot again and again. wahh*Bi were shooting me from a distance like the hypocritical munafiqeen they are. I lie down, facing up to sky and I see IMAM ALI and HUSSEIN AL HOUTHI smiling at me, I smile back… Then I woke up, in Karbala, my holy land. My SHIA brethen gave me a warm welcome to paradise. I finally made it, I finally made it into jannah..


File: 1612218424879.mp4 ( 13.54 MB , 320x240 , scary ass african.mp4 )







File: 1612557346659.mp4 ( 14.46 MB , 480x360 , 12 Ethio Artists Yebruh T….mp4 )


are these famous musical motifs?


Basically one song becomes really famous and people decide to create their own adaptations.


File: 1612659090389.mp4 ( 37.08 MB , 1280x720 , Chheen Ke Lenge Song Chakr….mp4 )



File: 1612772025231.webm ( 11.43 MB , 1280x720 , Ya Aba Abdillah We Are Um….webm )



File: 1612773135992.mp4 ( 28.86 MB , 512x288 , Julia Boutros 2013.mp4 )



File: 1613719966116.mp4 ( 18.84 MB , 1280x720 , Army Of God In Marib.mp4 )



File: 1613720158823.mp4 ( 12.2 MB , 720x526 , Iranian Islamic Revolution.mp4 )



ok this CGI is kinda cute








Any Spanish/Latin American tunes?


File: 1613948976419-0.mp4 ( 20.13 MB , 640x360 , Они ушли.mp4 )



File: 1614749978954-0.mp4 ( 915.37 KB , 424x240 , Allahpost status_360p.mp4 )



File: 1614964579564-0.mp4 ( 27.87 MB , 522x288 , Arun Tarera.mp4 )

File: 1614964579564-1.mp4 ( 20.68 MB , 606x360 , Jhukdainau hami_360p.mp4 )



File: 1615498767842.mp4 ( 13.57 MB , 450x360 , majia.mp4 )


This is actually Baja Mali Knindža's
cousin who acted like a whore and got murdered




>Second clip
This is incredible.
It's a disgrace that /leftypol/ don't know, study or talk more about Nepal, considering they fucking successfully captured a state just a couple of years ago. It doesn't matter that that the MLs and MLMs had some squabble afterward they actually fucking did it in the 21st century, that's HUGE.


Follow-up Q:
Is this the song of the Maoist or the ML party (right now I'm assuming it's the former)?




It's Maoist.
What's more impressive to me is that the first video is from a whole ass movie they made.


>the first video is from a whole ass movie they made
Wow okay
Do you know the name? I would love to see it




Intellectual Dark Wave has some bangers














File: 1616139006480.mp4 ( 23 MB , 854x480 , Kabardino Balkaria.mp4 )



File: 1616140008288.mp4 ( 19.38 MB , 640x360 , Nokhchicho Live Performanc….mp4 )





File: 1616403644906.mp4 ( 23.39 MB , 384x288 , lal salam part 5_360p.mp4 )



File: 1616404238787.mp4 ( 24.47 MB , 480x360 , gaon chodab nahi we will n….mp4 )



File: 1616404685381.mp4 ( 74.31 MB , 1280x720 , CPI Maoist New JNM Video S….mp4 )



Why so many dislikes?


File: 1616568832872.mp4 ( 24.25 MB , 352x288 , Marhabaa Marhabaa Banglade….mp4 )



File: 1616843265269.mp4 ( 7.48 MB , 640x480 , Mi smo šampioni.mp4 )



File: 1616843593834.mp4 ( 13.6 MB , 480x360 , Our famous 501st.mp4 )





File: 1616847529721.mp4 ( 33.28 MB , 854x478 , Supporters song 응원가.mp4 )



File: 1616984617145.mp4 ( 15.44 MB , 854x480 , Chairman Mao Swims in Yang….mp4 )



File: 1617155868107.mp4 ( 21.39 MB , 480x360 , Selam Selam Merhaba.mp4 )



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