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 No.5680[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Seeing how there’s multiple /co/ related threads on the board. I think we should just put all of them into one general just for clarity’s sake.

Discuss anything related to comics and animations from comic recs, leftist animations to comic writers’ attempts to larp as leftists.

Seriously is there a worse anarchist in the UK than Alan Moore?
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>implying /v/ even know who bendis is






>The main problem with X-Men is that mutants are actually dangerous.
Not all Mutants.
>There aren’t any black people that emit instant death auras or shoot fire out of their hands so the racism allegory doesn really work. I mean, why the fuck wouldn’t people be worried about mutants when they can just be born with the ability to kill everyone around them even if unintentionally?
Why are Human Leftists so anti-Mutant?


>Why are Human Leftists so anti-Mutant?
It's more like mistrust.

A human body can produce perhaps 500 Watts of continuous power above what is used for keeping the body alive. There is no way you can generate any of the mutant super power effects with a measly half-kilowatt.

For example the magnetic guy made a giant metal bridge weighing like 100000tonnes hover in mid air, that's got to be at least tens of megawatts of power draw. Wherever this power is converted there has to be waste heat and lots of it. So that magnetic mutant can't generate the power from his body, even if he could the heat would incinerate him.

That is all very sus, where are the mutants getting their energy from ? and where is the waste heat going ?


Thoughts on Dhar Mann Studios, who are known for their clickbait-titled videos with specific scenarios and inspirational/moral lessons?

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no comment


you gotta explain it

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Kendrick Lamar vs Drake

Who won?
Is Kendrick our guy?
What are the implications of the cultural impact rooted in Black American art?
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"Where's Lucian? Serve your master, uygha" - Ye AKA Kanye West


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Kendrick is the obviously superior artist with the history and culture to back up his art while drake is clearly a fraud and has grown up in a rich side of Torronto CA who uses the fact he is partially black as street credit. However the fact remains that Kendrick Lamar's portrayal of history is one that is viewed from an obviously liberally focused lense. Rather than focusing on class he focuses on the march of slavery as the over arching narrative of history rather than slavery being subserviently focused behind class relations in society.

This ultimately makes him a liberal. None the less, he makes quite good music far superior to anything Drake releases.

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Whoever has been posting about this show, thanks but also fuck you. Why'd they have to cancel this show? It was fun and thrilling and sometimes surprisingly deep and charming/endearing. Summer Glau's character is one of the most fascinating and perfect fictional characters I've ever known. Sometimes I wish Terminator was real because of her even though it might mean the end of humanity.. *laments*
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Lore ?
It's not fictional, there really was a M60A2 tank in the 60s.
It was sort of an example of rushing very immature technology into service, and as a result it sucked.


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The 'lore' as >>9121 says is real. The fact of the matter is that the M60A2 was a combination of a bunch of immature technology that was neither ready to be used, nor planned out properly even if it were ready. Just look at the stupid thing, like a retarded fat M551 Sheridan but worse. They took random bits of technological innovations from the failed MBT-70 and tried to shove it into the M-60A1 because they'd just lost millions of dollars on an expensive project and wanted to get some returns. But the technology was still being tested at the time, and furthermore had grown obsolete too. The lesson was learned temporarily and the M1 Abrams was developed instead with the M-60A3 being the stop-gap solution until the Abrams could reach service. However the US military quickly forgets its lessons, and repeats mistakes over and over again. The most glaring example are the Littoral Combat Ships and the F-35. Hundreds of technologies and software that was undeveloped, incomplete or unreliable was shoved into tiny planes and ships, with the vehicles being put into production before or right after the technology for their systems was created sometimes. The Littoral Combat shits were supposed to be modular light-warships with mission modules and so on, but the modules have never properly been made, with only one mission module produced and rife with so many issues that the ship spends more time in repairs than in active service.

Now imagine this with a military AI, faulty programming is a risk even with well-known code, let alone an artificial intelligence that is supposed to grow and develop. It only takes poor internal instruction for the AI to decide to turn against it's "masters"; a recent test with an AI operating a simulation of a drone meant for striking enemy SAM sites turned around and bombed its virtual commanding officers location because they made a belay order on actually firing on the sites and only ordered surveillance, which went against the programs main prerogative to exterminate missile sites, all because the system determined that ANY and ALL threats to its mission were to be eliminated as well.


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>a recent test with an AI operating a simulation of a drone meant for striking enemy SAM sites turned around and bombed its virtual commanding officers location because they made a belay order on actually firing on the sites and only ordered surveillance, which went against the programs main prerogative to exterminate missile sites, all because the system determined that ANY and ALL threats to its mission were to be eliminated as well.
Lol that's dialectical as fuck.


>The most glaring example are the Littoral Combat Ships and the F-35.

I was just reading the other day that they've restarted their hypersonic missile program in spite of it being a massive failure because they have no real alternative.


Got any ideas why US's hypersonics failed. I only found vague hints at ignition problems, in the mids of huge volumes of cope.

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Lil B is the greatest rapper in history and I've spent over six hours to explain why.

If you require a fine tuned philosophical explanation of why Lil B is the greatest rapper of all time, it isn't worth being explained to you. Brevity is the soul of wit. He has made a larger quantity of music, all free, than almost any musician in such a short period of time. Very few of his tracks aren't original in some manner whether it be in their interaction with the beats, some unexpressed/rarely expressed societal consideration shown in various lights that range from exaggeration, truth, storytelling, lyrical consideration, ironical mockery, and sheer existence. when someone is surprised it has been neurologically shown that they are more prepared to intake new information, so his spectrum works on a few levels beyond originality for the sake of creativity. Lil B is the god of positivity, his music is beyond comprehension. Lil B is one of the smartest rappers of all time; this man has done lectures at Harvard. Lil B is a talented artist who likes to make goofy ass songs and enjoy himself. People are drawn to his likeable personality and sheer majesticness. Lil B is the Based God; layers upon layers and we are yet to find his mantle. What follows is an in-depth analysis of just one of the many masterpieces Lil B has created. Titled "Lil B - No Black Person Is Ugly MUSIC VIDEO MOST POWERFUL SONG OF THE DECADE?" Let's begin at the beggining of the song. The lyrics state: "No black person is ugly No black person is ugly No black person is ugly No black person is ugly" Throughout history, Black people have had to put up with mistreatment by mainly white people. The Based God is reminding us that Black people are not ugly at all and should be treated better and not judged based on the colour of their skin.
The fact that The Based God repeats this 4 times could show the desperation in the message that he is trying to convey. He wants this message to stay in people's heads so everybody knows that black people are not ugly.
Lil B then begins his first verse with:
"Make another dime a day, tryna make it rhyme away
Sometime my skin is the reason I'm alive today"
A lot of today’s rappers are admittedly in the industry for the pure sake of making money. Lil B, however, could care less about the “dime a day” he makes from rapping; what he really cares about is speaking out against racism and rhyming away the prejudice that affects African Americans tPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Unspeakably based


>when someone is surprised it has been neurologically shown that they are more prepared to intake new information

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 No.6387[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Let's make a thread to discuss, review and analyze tv shows. Everybody is binging something these days.
Argue about dvd commentaries, Post your thesis on King of the Hill, Reminisce about a tv show you used to watch but don't quite remember it's title. Just about anything related to shows. Post your highscore on those Ben 10 CN flash games. Anything goes.
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Just watched one of the overtly political episodes of the wonder years

Just like kevin I didn't really understand anything back then but now man the entire conversation made me cringe and sick in the stomach

The "strawman" radlib boyfriend that his sister is dating was still a chad who answered the opposition without being too much of a wuss but man I really hope irl such conversations go much better if I ever encounter something like this.

I fancy myself to be a good communist talking combative, and I think for some things optics really matter, especially such words.
Words like "brainwashed" seem to be very touching" and reigning back and clarifying yourself comes across even worse I think

Of course the episode itself seemed to be neutral or whatever. Sure, It ended with the boyfriend being a cheater but I'm willing to take that not as them demonizing his character and just meant to be about the episode being no matter who you are at the end of the day, you're human.

Radlib, Hippie, Well meaning but naive archtypes and tropes are very shit in media. Like sure they're well-meaning in that they could be trying to teach people about how you can't solve everything at once or fix the world alone and things aren't perfect and that sometimes progress isn't a full falst march forward and sometimes you can get set back

But MAN, these lessons always end up on the most right wing tone, of capitalist realism
"Oh well things are shit in capitalism, Just forget about those things because you're privileged to and don't be grumpy anymore with those problems, sweetie"
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Just saw an episode of 3rd rock from the sun where it references neo-trotskyites anti-stalinist marxists and dick tries to get an entire girl's foot in his mouth while having sex

I mean I expected a show about aliens to be weird but damn.


I didn't even watch any of the What If shit but I heard about the Ultron one and was it funny how much OP they made him
And apparently these episodes aren't like one offs but connect to one big story

I love ultron so much. He's always been way cooler than thanos. He's like the zamasu and that's why I like him.

Him becoming omniscient of the watcher talking shit about and straight up going and beating his ass was just dope ass fuck

The only bad thing was once again the shitty anti-communist propaganda these wonks fit in somehow.
"ooo the ebil soviets were totally part of the nazi german cult H.Y.D.R.A and helped destroy the world!!"

Fucking hell


Also wow 7777 get
Didn't realise that.


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this show with a laughing track/audience got to air for 6 years

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Hello. I want some anime that have people attempting to outsmart each other as a major part of the show. I already watched Death Note, Code Geass, Hyouka, Classroom of the Elite, Kaiji, Akagi, No Game No Life (some of it was nonsense, but some of it was really impressive), The Promised Neverland, Legend of the Galactic Heroes (I am mentioning this one even though it wasn't mainly focused on mind games so nobody suggests it anyway), One Outs, Talentless Nana, Kakegurui and Zankyou no Terror (it focused on mind games at the start). Please tell me of more mind game anime.
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I finished Spiral: The Bonds Of Reasoning manga around a week ago and found it quite good. I am watching Summertime Rendering, I watched up to and including episode 11; there are not as many clever schemes as Sagrada Reset during that time but information crucial to the plot and starting a cat and mouse game was dropped so I will continue watching.


Gods' Games We Play's synopsis mentions it focuses on brain games so I will watch it. https://anidb.net/anime/17146


I heard that World Trigger has very strategic fights, so I intend to watch it; can anybody confirm or deny the strategic fighting? I will watch Gods' Games We Play (as I wrote in >>9030 ) when it is finished airing, so I haven't seen any of it and so can't comment on it.


I finished watching Gods' Games We Play a day or two ago and thought it was quite good. The games maintained consistent quality and clever twists. They never reached No Game No Life's materilization shirtori game's quality (episode six) but neither were any games disappointing (like they were in No Game No Life, where a 'B' in a differential equation the viewer was never shown stood for 'brother' and a chess game where the pieces have wills of their own is won through a speech about cuteness instead of anything resembling a strategy).


I finished reading Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers and found it very good, with clever schemes impressing me all the way through. My favourite volumes were two and three, which I couldn't put down after I read a little bit of them.
I watched up to and including episode 35 of World Trigger and find it quite impressive, after a mediocre start. The battles are indeed rather strategic, with Osamu's fight against one of the A-ranks in the training chamber (I think it was around episode 20) staying in my head.
I finished Summertime Rendering a while ago and found it rather mediocre. I wasn't impressed by most of the mind games and it turned into a fighting anime later on and I didn't notice much strategy in the fights. I think I watched with rather long breaks in between some episodes and this contributed to my bad impression. I might watch it again.
I heard the Great Pretender has mind games; is this true and if so are they a major part of the show? Any other recommendations?

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holy fucking based

is this the greatest toku film of all time?


Thanks for the rec

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anyone want to talk about the new Watchmen? I've been pleasantly surprised so far by lindelof. The recurring motifs are translated well into a series, its already a better adaptation of the original work than snyders.
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I'm super triggered about what these butchers are gonna do to sandman


I didn't like how they turned the imperfect socially-conservative mislead but fundamentally working-class hero Rorschach into a symbol of the alt-right. It is a shortsighted and Anglo-Saxon liberal glassed interpretation that I don't like. I will give it credit for featuring the squid stuff and Looking Glass is interesting.


>socially-conservative mislead but fundamentally working-class
The working class are socially conservative. Being a non-binary bisexual two spirit polyamorous depressive with blue hair and half a dozen prescription drugs in xis/xer purse is spoilt suburban middle class brat bullshit.


>non-binary bisexual two spirit polyamorous depressive with blue hair and half a dozen prescription drugs in xis/xer purse
You're saying none of these types work in farms or factories?


<socially revolutionary class is socially conservative
How's your daughter, Dugin?

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