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>the episode where Arthur tells off a literal kulakWas this show secretly redpilled?
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>never heard of this show
>hasn't watched the episode
>proceeds to wokescold on a hobby board
i love bunkerchan


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>that episode where Arthur tells of an anti-USSR contractor
Arthur is confirmed comrade.

also please allow 4 image posting bunkerchan




he is literally me


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<Give state granted hot wife please.
>when ur a porn addict and hot wife means something else to u

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Is Euphoria cancelled since Israel is getting increasingly unpopular?
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Well the US HBO version is based off an Israeli TV show. Also just found out the original creator is taking Israel's side and running with the narrative of Israel good and rational, Hamas bad terrorists. He's also a producer of the HBO version, so I'm wondering of people are gonna cancel it.


>Tfw voice actor Tara Strong is a Zionist
Another L for bronies, as if it isn't hard enough already. When will God stop punishing us?


My hunch would be that they replace the producer if he tries to tank the show by making it into his personal soap-box. Or they'll just cut the politically loaded cringe before it gets aired.


Nearly every movie and TV show from Hollywood has zionists in the cast and crew, and likely a zionist director and producers too. They also obviously support many other kinds of imperialism and fascism on top of that.

Just stop giving Hollywood money.
Pirate everything
And better yet, don't even watch it. Just watch some anime or Soviet films instead.


>israel made a TV show about teenagers having sex
not really beating the accusations guys

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Post any old media that couldn't be shown today. It's strange to me that people think of today's media environment has been so permissive when in the past there were far more edgy things being regularly distributed without any attention being given to it.

I'll go first. Nickelodeon, "you can't do that on television". I've never seen another show depict parents and adults in such a irredeemably negative cynical matter.
And it was in a very real and raw manner. The parents would openly state they hated their children, the arcade operator would constantly try to rip off his underage patron. The burger shack cook was depicted wearing a filthy, sunken in eyes, and and a 5 o'clock shadow. His restaurant was always infested with roaches.
There were ZERO adults or figures of authority that were trustworthy. Giving children the clear message that yes, they really are out to get you. A lot of shows in the 90's would claim to be deeply cynical, but this one was genuinely subversive.
I don't think you could make a show like this today that flat out says children should never trust adults, not even their parents. I've never seen a children's show like this again


*The burger shack cook was depicted wearing a filthy apron
*It's strange to me that people think of today's media environment as been so permissive


In the 80's and early 90's in the UK the Wheetabix breakfast cereal mascots were a gang of skinheads.
It's been debated the skinhead look didn't have the same connotations as it did back then but I don't believe it since they changed their outfits to normal clothing toward the very end of their decade long advertising run. There's like a dozen separate commercials of them that aired.


good thread anon

changing media taboos can tell you about ideology


"Max Headroom", this was an unrelentingly scathing critique of television at the time. Even at the time people were shocked by how critical Max could be. One reviewer even joked that Max could be canceled because "it bites the hand that feeds it."
The ridiculously slick and Aryan appearance of Max is even satirical. Made to mock the immaculately handsome and groomed news anchors that the public was forming parasocial relationships at the time.
It's oddly prescient too. It predicted the privatization of "Sesame Street", the use of AI to "resurrect" dead family members, the 24/7 surveillance of people through media devices (the television also records the viewer while they watch. Something the public isn't aware of).
The TV execs are depicted as heartless, and perfectly aware that the publics addiction to TV makes their broadcasts effectively mind control.
The list goes on as to all the aspects of society Max Headroom lampooned. Again its at a level I've never seen again. Even the GTA series at its most biting doesn't come close.



If that song was updated to current year
what would the lyrics be

Here's the original lyrics for reference

It has a chorus and 5 verses

Keep the chorus
<We didn't start the fire
<It was always burning
<Since the world's been turning
<We didn't start the fire
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didn't they already do this and all they talked about was capeshit and Captain Zelensky saving ukranda forever??


>didn't they already do this
not to my knowledge
>all they talked about was capeshit and Captain Zelensky saving ukranda forever??
i avoid the blue-yellow propaganda bubble as best i can

Anyway I meant that maybe we could do it, you know put in lyrics that are based and relevant

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 No.7829[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What are some classic cute yuri animu to watch??
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league of legends



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Currently listening to the album Matriarch by Veil of Maya. It's one of those albums thats shit on the first couple of listens but then it starts to grow on you and all of a sudden you're headbanging to the breakdowns.
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Egor Letov & GrOb albums I got from rutracker:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtPCTs7igh8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ift8T7eVEoliteral Nazbol music but it appeals to my aesthetic sensibilities. Mix of Russian folk and punk, low-fi, psychedelic elements, some outstandingly angry vocals at times…


>>1034Letov is great. Also the entire East Euro prog/post-punk scene is worth checking out


Lately it's been all prog rock, industrial and black metal lately for me


Reverse 1999 OST

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What are musics that are not commie but capture the essence of being commie?
I think the OG Terminator theme counts
Really all the T1 music is hardcore futuristic cyberpunk apoca-punk commie bass themes based
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in reality its something like this



this is finnish music that is moderately gay


Pretty much anything by bad religion:

They're more like old school early 2000s liberals and they actually do have plenty of music that critiques capitalism but man anything by them slaps so fucking hard.




i posted entire thread here:

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I know I am late to the party, but, holy shit this game was fucking horrible.
It probably needs no introduction, but, man this fucking combat system is horrible. It's like in the pursuit of trying to mesh together some kind of convoluted chimera of a combat system based on both action and nuance they achieved something that incentivizes neither.
The game looks really good, but, it's like it isn't optimized for anything. It stutters so fucking horribly it's really annoying.
The story itself is really good, but, that says nothing about the remake and just says that the original was actually on point as far as its story and analysis, but, basically everything the remake slapped ontop of the story is terrible: There's tons of just time wasting filler, the voice acting is shit, I mean, it's ok and drives the point home, but, the flow of the voice acting is not good and feels clumsy and also the original did not have the whole "uhhh but actually SMOLL LANDLORDS are good people don't worry capitalism ood actually!"

I just really hate this pos and I have never played ff7 completely before so now I am just trying to rush through the story so I can start over on the original again.
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You're free to enjoy yourself. But you're not free to avoid the consequences of a life wasted lol


I lived a full life. I did a lot of crazy shit when I was younger. Jumped some trains. Traveled, fought, music, sex, rock and roll, etc etc.
I did all that. I just want a quite life now with no suprises.


Dare I say, based


Some parts were too long like the Airbuster Mako Reactor


Yeah, what about with its break from the original story what do you think of that?

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Thread to recommended and discuss the best/most unique examples of soviet cinema.

The bulk of Mosfilm's productions can be accessed for free on their youtube channel, many with english subtitles.
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>Both kinda kinda autistic and weirdly altruistic.
you're a fucking retarded nazoid
Danila is a typical russkie gangster - all the high talk, but would kill his mother for enough money

>the second film maybe, popcorn flick with a nationalist special-snowflake bankrupt moral

>the first Brat is more complicated, there is an underlying protest against individualism there, that takes the form of nihilism
<not a bankrupt moral

nihilism is a moral or every fucking criminal

>and the ending is pure kino - the main hero forgives and saves his brother, even though he betrayed him for money

you watched it with your ass nazoid
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nobody cares about this Slavic slop except hipsters


that's why im hipster


This. Real intellectuals watch the latest Marvel movie and nothing else.


thats actually typical anti-russian movie

the main character is some retard

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Hey you! Imagine it's Christmas/Kwanzaa/the Jew thing one year from now and you are sitting at the table with your family and you introduce your girlfriend/boyfriend to them. Let's talk about audio recognition and text-to-speech software, chatbots, and what other functions a robot friend should have. Clock? Vacuum cleaner?

I just want to make clear one thing right at the start: This is not a sexbot thread. Building a sexbot looks like an awesome quest to many, but I realized it's a pointless one because of Anon's Law: Any AI advanced enough to attract me like a human-flesh character wouldn't want to have sex with me anyway.
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What is the consensus here on the Chinese room arguments? Does it have any basis on the difference of sentient AIs and simulation of them? Or the the concept of "being self-aware" a spook in of itself?


Suppose some super-special Startrek-science device could target a random molecule in your body and delete it. Even in your *spooky music* braaaaaaaaaaaaiiiin. One or two molecules, would that make any practical difference for your life? I don't believe it.

Likewise, a room full of people who follow convoluted instructions that in the aggregate amount to an ability to process and answer a question in Chinese can be thought of as a brain of sorts, even if no single person in it is able to understand the conversation. The room and the people within it as a whole have that particular intelligence, one must suffer from bourgie ultra-individualism to not get that. We don't need to think of some hypothetical room, there are many big projects existing in the real world that are only possible due to intelligent group activity. Group intelligence exists and it can be a quite distinct phenomenon from individual intelligence (so that describing that as merely thinking faster doesn't properly describe what happens at the group level, as is obvious to children – though not necessarily to philosophy professors).

Ah, you might say, this is not sufficient as a rebuttal, since the original Chinese-room argument is about a single person following rules without understanding Chinese… But this is false. It just isn't synchronous group work. Somebody designed the things that the person in the room works with in order to answer. To say that the Chinese room (meaning the person and the human-made tools together) can't answer in Chinese in that story would be wrong, it is established in the story that it happens. And to claim in protest against my assertion that the room gets Chinese that this or that element of the Chinese room doesn't understand and so the room can't understand amounts to saying that you can't truly be aware of this or that because not every molecule in your brain is aware of that, or that a rock band can't be the creators of a song because no individual in the band knows how to play each instrument the band plays in the song, etc.


One more paragraph: All what the muh-Chinese-room AI skeptic does is pointing at one screw of the robot, asserts that the screw by itself is pretty stupid (fair enough), and then calls that one screw the robot, and asserts the robot can't be truly intelligent. But just like that, you can point at particles of him and call them stupid. Particle 1 is stupid by itself, particle 2 is stupid by itself, particle 84785798375899748471987498479857 is stupid by itself. Adding zeros together makes zero in sum. You are stupid QED.


MegaMek is open source and free to download.




>Imagine it's Christmas/Kwanzaa/the Jew thing one year from now and you are sitting at the table with your family and you introduce your girlfriend/boyfriend to them.
The thought process to create such an OP is baffling… but not uninteresting.

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