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Uhh yeah, this. What do we think of it?

I think the cinematically it was really good, but it had a lot of historical inaccuracies.


It's HBO, of course it's going to be cinematically good. The problem is what it depicts and how. It is utter schlock in that regard. Lies, lies and more lies about "muh evul soviets and their shitty reactors and stupid people living oppressed and ignorant".

It's irritating as fuck just for the anti-sovietism, and outright LIES about the majority of details and many events.

The only commendation I can give it is as an effective piece of anti-communist and anti-nuclear propaganda that has solidly scared a large portion of the West into being scared of nuclear energy and commies again.


Do you have good resources on the events of Chernobyl? I'm always afraid to find only western propaganda.


Yes, but give me a few days so I can make an effort-post comp on the subject. It'll be better that way. While you're waiting however I provide you with a fairly decent breakdown of the technical lies of Chernobyl from a Western scientist (still biased of course).

Thunderf00t: https://invidio.us/watch?v=SsdLDFtbdrA

And if you can read/understand Russian, these Reviews by Russian critics are VERY elucidating.
Red Cynic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N59SEV3yiw4
Woodmark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQSK5BvmIPY
Taganay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvVkvrA-TPc
Dmitriy 'Goblin' Puchkov and Klim Zhukov: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrWqZr8iWqc
Konstantin Syemin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTDEG1FvFEQ
Suren: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HVM4n7Rc1U


Thank you for all these sources!


Russia bad. Communism bad.


> good resources
&lt Dmitriy 'Goblin' Puchkov
what the fuck, man? гоблоту советовать в 2020




>Muh puchkov
Piss off.


I can't say anything about other sources but Puchkov is an outdated grifter from the 00s Russian Internet who got famous by making """funny"""" dubs of movies, and then started posting shitty but extremely pretentious political and sociological takes on his blog

by the way, his blog is called oper.ru because he's a former "police operative", i.e. a fucking cop



>started posting shitty but extremely pretentious political and sociological takes on his blog
Sure bud, just because you don't agree doesn't make them shitty
>outdated grifter from the 00s Russian Internet
Given that he's tech savvy, well aware of current events, well read and is very popular today, you're wrong.
>i.e. a fucking cop
&ltMuh fucking ACAB!!!!!!
Fuck off wrecker,
1) He served during the transition from Militsiya of the USSR to the Politsiya of the Russian Federation
2) His experiences provide internal insight on the situations. For example descriptions of cannibalism in Leningrad during the 90s.

He is critical of capitalism/capitalists and supports socialism and is against anti-communism which makes him a comrade. Just because they don't support "muh Belarus" color revolutions or the BLM looting doesn't make this change.


&ltPosting the Russian equivalent of Encyclopeda Dramatica
&ltTranslated by Google
Kek that is a double 'L'


The fact it made people scared of nuclear shows how stupid the average consumer of media is. It went out of its way to say how safe western reactors were and how only extreme stupidity on the part of the operators and design led to the disaster yet people still take away "wow all nuclear is bad".


whatever dude, he's a living meme for being a pathetic grifter with a horde of "muh manliness" fanboys

> very popular today

among 45+ yo World of Tanks players, probably? I haven't heard of him in years and I'm 30+

> He is critical of capitalism/capitalists and supports socialism and is against anti-communism which makes him a comrade.

&lt Putin-loving Stalinist
&lt comrade
very no

> Fuck off wrecker

on my way


>He's pathetic
>Muh masculine fanboys!!
Sounds like you're butthurt
>Muh WoT players
LOL ok fag
> I haven't heard of him in years and I'm 30+
He has nearly 2 million subscribers, new videos every day with long, well studied content such as inviting Historians to explain historical events, discuss and a weekly cover of certain news.
>Putin-loving Stalinist
&ltMuh STALIN!!!!!!
Neck yourself, not condemning Putin as Satan incarnate is not supporting him, let along 'loving' him. I don't like China but I'm not going to support liberal attacks on it either.
>on my way


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> Sounds like you're butthurt
you know, there's an emotion called "being surprised" which I definitely experience when somebody recommends a Stalinist Ben Shapiro who already was a complete joke 15 years ago


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>Stalinist Ben Shapiro
there's an emotion called "being surprised" which I definitely experience when somebody thinks their strawmen work on anyone with intelligence.


Do any of these mention our favorite missing character present in the control room at the time of the explosion, the designer of the test, Coal and Oil Manager Gennady P. Metlenko?


One of Russian reviews mention him and his test in passting.


I hope Putin follows through with funding a Russian version and they make it about a CIA agent tricking them into blowing up the plant while promising no one would get hurt and then they use bots to spam "its just a story, it says based in reality, its not a documentary, lol u mad" on every comment section


I watched it and thought it seemed a little goofy and propaganda-like, which was more sinister given it wasn't about a big american tough guy fighting commies (or something straightforward and non-serious like that). This series seemed to be saying that communism is what caused the reactor to blow up and I thought that was a bit silly.


The director is a rabid Clintonite Russia-gater. I tried watching the first episode once out of boredom and it was not worth it. Libs love it however.
If you want a "cinematic" show watch Young Pope, directed by Sorrentino who is a real film director. It's not amazing but it's way better than the rest of TV shit out there. "Golden Age of Television" my ass.


It's amazing how pretentious and bad "prestige TV" is.


related: cuban missile crisis


I have nosympathy for the man, but that doesn't mean his channel can't be a good source. He often has guests who have very informed and lefty takes on the issues. He also posts a lot of videos with people talking about communism and soviet history, he plays a big role in spreading our ideas.


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>anti-socialist and anti-nuclear propaganda combined
Oil porky is rubbing his lubricated hands in glee.


I’m watching ep4 right now but except for the depiction of incompetent soviet bureaucracy and muh communist secret police, I think it’s pretty good in western standards.

Especially the scenes where civilians were living their daily lives, it looked like a pretty good life.


>living their daily lives, it looked like a pretty good life.
To you it may look good, but to the average Western viewer all they see is "oh le poor brainwashed people don't know their commieblocks suck" (I legit have seen people say this kind of idiocy on /tv/ and twitter. Besides, the devil is the details. Small things that turn innocent daily life into "le soviet evul!" Russian review channels detail this a lot better than english ones >>9081


It definitely seemed to be sympathetic to the soviet character in some aspects. There was the scene of the ridiculous party propagandist that'd you expect when they're still in the denial phase discussing how to deal with the situation, but later when they're picking men for the suicide mission there's a resolute selflessness to do what everyone knows needs to be done for the good of mankind without complaint.


Except the suicide team is depicted as being 'le poor fools used by the system'. They're all but ordered to die, when in fact the people who took part were completely voluntary and knew the risks wholly.



From Ep4 it really started falling apart especially when they started arguing for knowing the “truth” and about doing the “right thing” by coming forth. The last episode with the trial scene was pretty cringe


I disagree with them being portrayed as fools, that would imply them being tricked. They're told what the situation is in the show.


>They're told what the situation is in the show.
And the whole attitude about them is a resigned "well we're going to be thrown into the fire" This is made all the more obvious in the actual Russian dialogue.


It fell apart from the beginning. There were no "self-recorded tapes hidden in the trash" and there was no self-hating shit about how "Muh truth is always hidden" Red Cynic really goes to town with this as do the rest of the videos I posted, as they show clips of the actual quotes and recordings of the people involved.


Anon it's a drama, everyone trying to read into the 'message' of the show is retarded. And obviously it's going to be historically inaccurate
>> 15225
Also this, people will read their own beliefs into any media. Welcome to the hell of illiteracy in capitalism.


Что такое гоблота, блядь? Я пиндос, нихуя не знаю про Россию.



Хуй в Жопу Полицейских. Менты нахуй


Ок ЦРУ, мы знаем что вы хотите срать о том что коппы не дают цветным революциям продолжатся.


>Что такое гоблота
Гоблина контент >>10753


it's not a bad movie. and it lacks usual american russophobia and russian people are even portrayed as heroes, that's definitely a good thing.


>no Russophobia
Lmao. Every average Slavs would laugh at you for that. The show have every single Slavic stereotype in it from vodka chugging officials to dirty Soviet hospitals.


it's still better than most of american movies about russia. and btw vodka chugging is real thing, they really do that


I watched the first episode. It has such an amazing sense of dread and atmosphere. It's incredible, meticulously done. And that makes it all the more frustrating that so much of it is dedicated to racist, chauvinist anti-Sovietism. The real tragedy in the series is the waste of talent that went behind creating it.


Not during actual work hour and not by the person they were trying to portray as incompetent. Also, who the hell chug hot vodka?


idk, alkies?



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