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 No.154243[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>IOF soldiers when they see a Hamas tunnel rigged with explosives
152 posts and 108 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




Lol are you a really a jew or just trolling?


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fine, I give up, I support jew hate.


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firing squad

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Allahu Akbar


All I get from this is that you like gay porn featuring prominent slavic figures. OP is literally a faggot (and that's fine bro it's 2025).

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>match with a guy on tinder
>start talking about the financial crash of '08
>he blocks me
why are men like this smh


I don't even


I don't get why boys don't like my sexy economic populism ;_;


He's probably a homosexual.
I jest, but, he probably is some lolbert retard type.

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anglos are shitty people with medieval mind set


A case could be made


so are argentineans but I can at least blame it on americanization to avoid looking inwards


Israelis are shitty people with a superiority complex.


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I have no idea what's being said here and it's still funny as fuck
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


Random but thanks!


holy f*king based


lmao these guys rule so hard


Reportedly, "the moment US-UK airstrikes hit Sanaa's central rally location today. The massive crowd instinctively roars back & then chants: "O Zionist, we challenge you! This nation's your fiercest enemy." Moments later, even more flood in, unshaken & unstoppable."


During the US-UK-Israeli bombing of the massive rally, Yemenis held a symbolic funeral for the United States of America

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 No.146463[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post monsters.
Das it.
123 posts and 212 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I spare no expense to mock the American president.


Weird fiction fans will appreciate this adaptation of "Rouse Him Not" whose performance stays faithful to the writing style & quality of a typical Manly Wade Wellman story. IE it's fucking stupid.


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Michael Bukowski also did an illustration of this particular creature as described by Wellman.


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Michael Bukowski's unflattering, but arguably accurate, illustration of another of Wellman's monsters, a "Golgotha Dancer." Great title, but the story is, frankly, pretty mediocre, and Bukowski's illustration honestly makes the monster look cooler than they sound in the story.


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A Yakubian

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Use of free and open source text-to-image models to generate communist AI slop/AI art

See OP copypasta here bc """url shortners""" aren't allowed here whatever the fuck that means:

Starting this thread off with some Stalin OC.
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>AI art allows talentless hacks like me to generate images that nobody would otherwise take the time or effort to make. but ultimately it will be a commonly used tool not much different from how synthesizers and mixers are used for music. artists who are bitching about it now will give up eventually. if an AI can replace you as an artist you were shit anyway.

Fucking this.
The whoke backlash agimainst AI generated content is just "new media os evil."

Remember when manual-digital art was considered not real art just because it was made with a touchpad hooked up to a desktop computer?


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posadism will win


polite sage because this is the only good post itt


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I want Liz Trueanon to shrink my penis 😳
I want her to say "BUH BYE" as it turns into a little dicklet 😳
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Trueanon sure has been boring lately.




>In 1998, Syrian Defense Minister Tlass boasted to Al Bayan newspaper that he was the one who gave the green light to "the resistance" in Lebanon to attack and kill 241 US marines and 58 French paratroopers,
>but that he prevented attacks on the Italian soldiers of the multi-national force because "I do not want a single tear falling from the eyes of [Italian actress] Gina Lollobrigida, whom [I] loved ever since my youth."
is he our guy?


Would Gina Lollobrigida shrink my dick into a little dicklet 😳

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Post tiktok gems you find, can be screenshots or full videos
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You must be really insecure or easily disgusted by men showing platonic affection towards each other


you must be gay


It's not gay unless balls are touching.


ok I see ur point

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discuss best korea
slava comrade kim jong un
hope he nukes ROK– the peninsula of plastic surgery, violent incels, toilet cameras, and soulless pop music

>North Korea confirmed Thursday that its recently revised constitution defines South Korea as “a hostile state” for the first time, two days after it blew up front-line road and rail links that once connected the country with the South

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Koreans are right behind them


best thread on this site rn tbh


If South Korea is so bad, then how come
4딸라 ?


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It's Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un's birthday!

생일 축하합니다!


Happy birthday Kim!

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