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“When a liberal is abused, he says, ‘Thank God they didn’t beat me.’ When he is beaten, he thanks God they didn’t kill him. When he is killed, he will thank God that his immortal soul has been delivered from its mortal clay.”


If you're criticizing China for having capitalist relations of production then I think it's a fair point. What has the explicitly marxist communist party of china done to abolish capitalist class relations? I would have expected something radical like lowering the number of hours in a work week. Would that cause them to implode?

Like I actually think China has made a lot of progress and mostly what the party does are good choices, but the question can still be asked.


I think Xi's tenure has been progressive for the CPC. He's seen a decent crackdown on the comprador bourgeois that were flourishing in the nighties. I think he's also brought a lot of the big bourgeoisie to heel. I'm cautiously optimistic about a revival of the hard-line party after they decide to reclaim Taiwan and sanctions set in.


Xi has also "seen" the Chinese bourgeois become so fantastically wealthy that they overtook the US in having the most billionaires in the world several years back.


billionaires in yuan and they still get regularly removed disappeared and executed. when that stops happening I'll reassess


<152845 (fucking 50cent cocksucker)
1. you say that a citizen by the name of xi decides anything in a capitalist state. You should get shot for this glowing.
2. the middle kingdom (chynah) is cracking down on mongols for daring to speak their own fucking language & have their own history lessons. Try to cocksuck this away, faggot!
3. (another thing about 2nd capitalist economy of the global neofascist world)
4. (another thing about 2nd capitalist economy of the global neofascist world)
5. (another thing about 2nd capitalist economy of the global neofascist world)
6. (another thing about 2nd capitalist economy of the global neofascist world)
7. (another thing about 2nd capitalist economy of the global neofascist world)
8. (another thing about 2nd capitalist economy of the global neofascist world)
9. (another thing about 2nd capitalist economy of the global neofascist world)

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For the job I want you need an associates at a minimum on top of five years of experience. Almost every job I’ve seen for IT help desk or technician want you to have a bachelors degree. WGU is $32k and four years. In my position, I would need a second job to pay off the debt in a timely matter. I’m almost 30 which is basically 1/3 through my lifespan.


Do you have your heart set on being an IT tech? I'm no expert and not in the industry myself, but the job market in compsci seems to be very saturated right now.


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It's pretty bad from what I've seen, a lot things are getting automated now.
With WGU, you could finish fairly quick depending on your experience, also transfer credits from places like Sophia and Study.com.


It's not viable.
Guns are cheaper. Friends are cheaper. Housing is expensive and living is illegal. Forget any of this bullshit and get to the point of fixing things; you're almost 30, I'm past 30, it does not get better unless you change what is going on. If you think you've lived long enough to know how this shit is, you're correct.


Fixing things? With what method?


this is why counselors whom promote college to young peoole should be executed


there's a fucking mouse in my room, what do i do?

pretty sure it took a shit and scurried off just as i entered the room again

internet's saying they reproduce fast + carry diseases (which is also on their poop) + urinate

fuck those children's books, fuck Stuart Little, mouse/rat propaganda

the cat was the real hero in Tom and Jerry
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You could start by cleaning that shit up uygha damn


most kiddy movies are retarded because anglos care more about innocence than realism.

Anglos hate precociousness.


The G400 is goated, what's the problem?


So you clean em up. Wear gloves if you want. Stop being such a pussy.


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what do rats even do? we should kill all rats

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"i think hamsters are nice"
0-3 views

"i think hamsters should be burned alive"
now watch my channel grow


this but instead of flaming about hamsters its flaming about politics to get (you)s or griftbux


my post got no replies.. im about to post race war bait, maybe then i will get (You)'s

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am i wrong for thinking this is bad?
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I honestly have no idea what you're even talking about.
Maybe the most confusing thing here is that you've decided to add the definition of MILF - like who tf in 2023 doesn't know what MILF means? We learned that at summer camp in like 2006, who is this for?



Ah, that's the point you're trying to make? Shit, sorry, I replied direct to the OP before seeing this.
Yeah, this is still a stupid point though. Who tf cares? It's some pornstar on twitter. You might say it seems like a dubious optical decision for a porn star to be like "YEAH, I'M AN ANTI-FASCIST," but my counterpoint is that she's already doing porn. That's the "fuck your optics" of career paths; even if she didn't express her opinion about anything, she'd still be doing porn.


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Thoughts on pornstars that comment on political matters?


OP you realize that you can be an asshole with complete disregard for other people's feelings and religion and still be anti fascist right?

Personally I'm not one to get offended if people put on clothes and do porn, like who gives a fuck, are your beliefs so fragile that they're shattered by whores?


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when I was pushing carts at Kroger's people treated me like a retard because only a retard would take that job
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Sounds like an easy job, jokes on them getting groomed by society to cortisolmaxx


at least you get a union


I worked a job cleaning dorm rooms during the summer break to prepare for students returning in the fall. Many of the rooms were just disgusting and while working in one of the older buildings I got heat stroke because this building was so old it didn't have air conditioning and I couldn't open the windows.


>Many of the rooms were just disgusting
Faggot students. When I was in uni if our dorm rooms weren't immaculate when we moved out we had to pay a fee.


This is why I woul never waste time and energy on college dorms as living quarters.

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she just like me fr
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I swear I saw a reply talking about her channel, but it disappeared.




Cum has changed.

It's no longer about children, family, or parenting. It's an endless series of serotonin battles, fought by cock and balls. Cum, and it's consumption of life, has becume a well oiled machine.

Cum has changed.

Coomer-tagged soldiers carry Coom-tagged weapons, use Coom-tagged gear. Serotonin inside their bodies enhance and regulate their emotions. Genetic control, masturbation control, penis inspection control, cock control… everything is monitored and kept under control.

Cum… has changed.

The age of deterrence has become the age of control, all in the name of stopping testicular cancer.

He who controls the coom, controls the history.

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So Misatomaxxing IS a viable strategy after all…


Only if you are a 9/10qt

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I don't get it
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Maybe it's a white woman with dreads?


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Possibly. Do white women with dreads say things like this? I have never known one.


Maybe we just don't relate because we were never in situations where we encounter such people in such ways.

Maybe the next meme will be more understandable.


That's true. I don't go outside much so it's possible I just haven't come across these people yet.


this is just "shit women do/say" from the two examples

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According to you, what's the best way to commit suicide?


drawing sniper fire for your comrades in a last ditch effort to locate the opposition


taking down as many billionaires as you can before their private security forces get you


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drowning in breast milk

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I'm sitting here in Romanian prison, from where I'll soon return stronger than ever. But while I'm here, I figured I'd answer some questions from the brokies. Obviously, it's not my job to convince you to want 6o be something other than a loser, but if you're driven to succeed, I can help you escape the matrix. Ask away
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Thats the fault of chivalry.


>women not wanting to fuck or be stuck with losers is the fault of chivalry
brain dead take
Expect nothing less from this place tbh


The mutual expectations from both men and women which end up in stale mates are the fault of chivalry.


You have to be more specific


thank God for singlehood. If cishet relationships are just powerstruggles, then I dont need it.

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