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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
Tor Only

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File: 1714951260739.png ( 16.17 KB , 144x123 , 1640329479947.png )


Lol fuck


File: 1714958475271.png ( 60.16 KB , 482x355 , 1714951260739.png )



File: 1714959151851.png ( 311.45 KB , 1395x999 , terminator.png )

Is he /ourguy/?


File: 1714960731860.png ( 79.98 KB , 1109x362 , 17149591518516.png )

.ogre Mods salty


File: 1714964992987.png ( 43.57 KB , 1062x163 , 1714959151851.png )

the mods are cracking down


>have so many mods that you literally cannot keep them from banning people for no reason and deleting random shit without explanation
>still don't have all hours covered


>muh saint middle kangdom chynah empiyah!
kek these sellouts don't even try to hide.
ivans gotta prepare themselves for little yellow men in the far east, lest their poor Unitary State of Asia would crumble upon itself


File: 1715198994918-0.png ( 44.21 KB , 604x455 , 17149591518513.png )

File: 1715198994918-1.png ( 53.17 KB , 753x483 , 17149591518515.png )

Me all along


Misato in particular gets obsessively focused on posters and falls asleep in the middle of binge drinking so lotta holes there

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