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/posad/ - Paranormal

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Welcome to /posad/, our version of /x/.
Try not to get too skitzo and keep things some what based in material reality here. Obviously the board is an ode the late and great J Posadas. Ayyy's are acceptable as well as other forms of conspiracy and general skitzo tom foolery. Just try to keep it from devolving to the point of trying to peddle obviously clear and fallacious conspiracies and retarded CGI cooming.


Aliens or AI robots could read stuff like this, it could be dangerous.


>AI robots
Doesn't exist


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>TFW even the captchas are gangstalking you


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You think that's bad…

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wtf bros, is this real?
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Gooning existed before the internet?

definition/explanation of gooning (as seen on the internet):

OTO/O.T.O. (Ordo Templi Orientis)
Aleister Crowley
Helena Blavatsky


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nazis and occultism


is occultism bad?


Occultism is neutral.
Gooning is bad by way of being stupid.


Does anyone have a higher quality version of the Fifth International Posadist video attached? I may be wrong, but I think YouTube totally mangled it in the past 8 years since it was uploaded.


audible kék

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So I've been seeing alot of news head-lines talking about aliens. Like there is a sustained hype about it. People are putting "evidence" and "revelations" into head-lines. I haven't really engaged with it, because unless there's a alien specimen or some piece of unexplainable technology from a space-probe/vessel, it's not aliens.

Did anybody click the alien-news, is there anything with substance ? or is this just distraction with alien characteristics ?
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>aliens are not real?
Aliens almost certainly exist, statistically speaking, because the universe is huge. Even our galaxy is big enough that statistic says we're not the only critters living in it.

>how do you explain pyramids being built all over the world, some with great distance and even oceans in between them?

People figured out how to stack stones real good. You know, use shallow water to get a level foundation, then go for ropes, pulleys, cranes, ramps, rollers and rafts to move or stack big stones. What do aliens got to do with it ?


Honestly I believe the schizos that say alien encounters are demons.

There's no way real, advanced aliens are in our solar system and we have no definitive proof. The ones that exist are probably too far away for us to ever make contact.


>I think there's a lot of reasons to hate tiktok, the attention span destroying format that creates addiction, and it's full of rightoids too, but yes the left leaning sentiment expressed there normally is cool

Remember Vine?

Aliens are the most overused explanation for paranormal stuff. It's even used to push urban myth.
Like for example the whole idea that human genome was created by aliens.

There are scientists who say that aliens don't seem to come from outer space
Also there's a lot of writings and drawing showing mythical creatures that look and behave similarly to Little Grey Men (tm).

Reports of strange sky ships have been documented for centuries


Why square pyramids and not triangular or octagonal pyramids or cones?


the people who designed pyramids, were used to building square or rectangular houses, maybe they just considered a pyramid to be a very pointy house.


>Chi Kung Master Burns Paper With His Hand - John Chang


That video inspired the attached video:
>Super Saiyans are Real


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Why Is Most Language Read From Left To Right?
Writing Direction Affects How People Map Space Onto Time - PMC

What are the implications of this? Will stuffism attempt to leverage this?


>Why Is Most Language Read From Left To Right?
The Human field of view is wider than it is tall, so it's definitely more ergonomic to do horizontal than vertical. But which direction, that doesn't matter, just pick a convention and stick with it.

>Writing Direction Affects How People Map Space Onto Time

Yes if we had right to left text strings, we also would make video-scrub-bars, Download progress bars and so on go the the other way. But i doubt it would affect anything.

>Will stuffism attempt to leverage this?

Stuffism ?
Let me guess it doesn't have anything to do with stale air.


>which direction, that doesn't matter
It does matter. Most people are right handed so writing right to left would smudge the ink. That's why high eye. que. asians right top to bottom right to left. By the time you get to the next column the ink is already dry.


I'm not sure the ink smudge theory holds because writing predates ink by millennia. The earliest examples of what we would consider fully formed writing is stone tables (made from stone that naturally splits into flat slabs like shalestone) and clay tables. An the writing was done by scratching the material. Most of the stone and clay table already had the common directional writing conventions that are still in use.

On top of that, abrasion writing instruments using various solid consumable materials that worked like pencils or chalk were more common than liquid ink, because ink was very expensive. Ink used to be based on pigments suspended in oil and solvent, which took hours to dry. So it would smudge no matter what. People that wrote in ink used tables with steeply inclined surfaces to aid in ink-touching-avoidance and they dried the inked paper like laundry.

However you are probably correct that right handedness was the reason for the left-to-right writing direction. Just because that way your hand would not obstruct your view while writing.


Scientist Proposes AI-Powered Mind Control to Rehabilitate Criminals

The video description states:

Introducing Cognify, the prison of the future. This facility is designed to treat criminals like patients. Instead of spending years in an actual prison cell, prisoners could finish their sentence here in just a few minutes. Cognify could someday create and implant artificial memories directly into the prisoner’s brain. It could offer a new approach to criminal rehabilitation, transforming how society deals with offenders by focusing on rehabilitation rather than punishment.

The Prison of the Future - Cognify


World Economic Forum (WEF)

A WEF presentation explained how the monitoring of brainwaves could be used to “fight crime,” as explained in this video

The WEF wants to monitor your brainwaves to "raise productivity" and to "fight crime".


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The same scientist who Proposes AI-Powered Mind Control to Rehabilitate Criminals
also proposed artificial womb facilities that create custom babies


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Artificial memory science already existed in 2019


It's an investor scam.
A while ago rich people got scammed with immortality bullshit or promises that wealthy people could buy new and improved body-parts, and upgrade them selves like a house or a car.

And the new scam is technology that manages the plebs. If anybody had the ability to build technology to reprogram people, they wouldn't sell it they would use it to take over the world. You don't need money if you have mind-control.

Seriously we don't know how brains work in detail, we only have correlative models and those can't do any of this. Neurological research is progressing glacially because we lack new physics that would enable us to build brain-scanners with high enough resolution to get fully functional models.

We're being idiots for not getting in on this and using the money for good causes.


>Seriously we don't know how brains work in detail, we only have correlative models and those can't do any of this. Neurological research is progressing glacially because we lack new physics that would enable us to build brain-scanners with high enough resolution to get fully functional models.

Now you understand that the "brain development" theory is hogwash made by pharmaceutical companies to justify selling psych meds to kids.

It's also used by parents, teachers, and marketers to further control kids.

The worst part is, people are willfully giving up autonomy to satisfy this myth to compensate for arrested development.

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What do you think of 9/11?
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Also, wasn't there a separate "attack" on the wh*te house which gone unnoticed?

decades of cooperation between bin ladens & bushes shouldn't be 4gotten too.


> wasn't there a separate
I never heard anything specific about this. But it's unlikely that any of this shit went unnoticed. The 9/11 attackers were hardly subtle, many of them were under investigation before shit went down.

The thing with anti-terror organizations is that they don't have a strong incentive to prevent this stuff. If attacks occur they get an excuse to get more funding. If you combine that with neo-cons needing a pretext to start wars in the middle east, you get a recipe for letting the 9/11 attacks happen.

The hole concept of creating an organization to solve a problem is absurd, no organization will do something that would jeopardize its reason to exist, because this stuff represent lucrative careers, and hence it will do everything to preserve the problem it's supposed to solve.

If you wanted to make sure airplanes can't be abused like in 9/11 you'd design planes that make it impossible for anybody in the passenger cabin to get access to the cockpit. Like make it holey separate compartments without any go-in-between.

If you wanted to stop other types of attacks like when happened in the London tube, you need chemical detectors that can sniff out explosives.

This is physical hardening of civilization, but there also is psychological hardening. Acts of terror are about exploiting fear to make civilization behave foolishly. You need to have a media culture that doesn't relay the message of fear. And you need a political culture that would consider anybody trying to exploit fear as terrorist collaborators.

>decades of cooperation between bin ladens & bushes shouldn't be 4gotten

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>Also, wasn't there a separate "attack" on the wh*te house which gone unnoticed?
There was a 4th hijacked plane believed to be heading towards the whitehouse but crashed in the middle of nowhere. The official story was that the passengers rebelled against the hijackers but an alternative theory is that it was shot down by fighter jets.


bump for israel did 9/11 and they used nukes to do it

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