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Are landlords afflicted with demons?

What if you were concerned your landlord is possessed by a demon? What are common symptoms of demonic possession and at what point do you call an exorcist?


making up bullshit to take your deposit is proof of O9A homosexual association

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Thread related to anything and everything vampire related and meeting other sentient/humanish supernatural beings.

I did have an experience with vampires. Three of them at a punk party years ago. One man and two women. Talking to them made me woozy and I felt like I couldn't lie to them, they were very interested in even minute details about my life (I was in my early 20s, so not much to say haha) and yes, they did have fangs. I wasn't bitten so I guess their interest faded but the memory has stayed with me of that interaction.

just drinking blood doesn't make someone a vampire. Although blood does continue life force, so does semen, so for a non-vampire that's a much less risky route to take. It also has more scientifically verifiable benefits like protein etc. Before you call me a fag please know that drinking semen for health benefits is NOT gay and for the layperson is overall superior to drinking blood. Either way, you can't become a vampire by just incorporating blood into your diet you can only become a vampire by way of another vampire.

So, does leftychan believe in vampires? Or is it antimaterialist, mere folklore, and phantasy?
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the vampire figure persists as a metaphor for exploitation, perhaps applicable in social contexts to illustrate psychological abuse from narcissists, draining individuals. the late mark fisher utilized a vampire metaphor to elucidate identity politics.


That video is kind of retarded. If vampires are only affected by symbols of faith from their own religion, that video makes no sense. If Christian vampires are afraid of the Crucifix. That means a Jewish vampire would be afraid of symbols from Judaism like the Menorah (candle holder with 7 candles)


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found the jew


Spooky experience

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Let's talk about real government conspiracies that actually happened.

MKULTRA: Sub project 68.

What is Mkultra?

>Project MKUltra—sometimes referred to as the CIA’s mind control program—was the code name given to an illegal program of experiments on human subjects, designed and undertaken by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Experiments on humans were intended to identify and develop drugs, alcohol, stick and poke tattoos, and procedures to be used in interrogations and torture, in order to weaken the individual to force confessions through mind control. Organized through the Scientific Intelligence Division of the CIA, the project coordinated with the Special Operations Division of the U.S. Army’s Chemical Corps. The program began in the early 1950s, was officially sanctioned in 1953, was reduced in scope in 1964, further curtailed in 1967 and officially halted in 1973. The program engaged in many illegal activities; in particular it used unwitting U.S. and Canadian citizens as its test subjects, which led to controversy regarding its legitimacy. MKUltra used numerous methodologies to manipulate people’s mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as various forms of torture.

>The scope of Project MKUltra was broad, with research undertaken at 80 institutions, including 44 colleges and universities, as well as hospitals, prisons, and pharmaceutical companies. The CIA operated through these institutions using front organizations, although sometimes top officials at these institutions were aware of the CIA’s involvement.

One of the most interesting things I find about mkultra that alot of people might not be aware of is its attachment to soviet cold war paranoia. The government (and many Americans at the time) were living in overwhelming fear at the time that the soviets could only be gaining as much ground as they were through some form of 'mind control' or 'brainwashing.' Once again this fear and paranoia about communism lead the American government to do some pretty nefarious things. Mkultra included dosing un-witting subjects such as prisoners, prostitutes and ordinary people with high levels of LSD (including non burgers like Canadians) wPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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CIA and military project dedicated to studying psychic phenomenon like ESP and remote viewing. They tried to find a guy kidnapped by a leftist group in Italy through remote viewing, I don't think it worked. The wackier claims is that a remote viewer could see ruins on Mars.
I personally don't have much of a reason to believed it worked. But it at least reminds you why things like Newtypes and psychics were common in "hard" sci-fi at the time.


>CIA and military project dedicated to studying psychic phenomenon like ESP and remote viewing.
So a bunch of charlatans scammed the police and the spooks. I still despise them for spreading bullshit mysticism, but i have to admit this is a little funny.

>I personally don't have much of a reason to believed it worked.

Nobody has any reason to believe it worked it never gets reproduced in controlled conditions.

>But it at least reminds you why things like Newtypes and psychics were common in "hard" sci-fi at the time.

What is a "Newtype" ?
I find it hard to believe any realistic science fiction would have psychics. Unless it's just biological wifi. Organic radio transmitters could be plausible. But that would be a ability similar to speaking/hearing in a different medium than air, not like magical powers.
Anyway Scifi story tellers tend to be scientifically literate, how did they manage to get those to believe in woowoo ?


They were looking for the least avoidable way to shut down people's necortexes, and turn them into thoughtless sheep helpless to do anything else that they were trained to do, creating perfect slaves who will freely do as told.


>Anyway Scifi story tellers tend to be scientifically literate, how did they manage to get those to believe in woowoo ?

Have you heard the tired cliche that sci-fi and fantasy is the same?

Also, the more intellectual someone is, the more inclined they are to the superstitous/paranormal.

Whereas religious people temd not be as devput or personally convinced in miracles as you might expect.


>Have you heard the tired cliche that sci-fi and fantasy is the same?
Can't say that i have heard that. Lord of the rings would've been over in 5 minutes if it had just modern technology. Frodo takes the ring to a local metalwork shop and borrows an Oxyacetylene or plasma ark welder to melt the ring.

You're right about a lot of science fantasy entertainment, but try reading a proper hard scifi book, like Red Planet.

>Also, the more intellectual someone is, the more inclined they are to the superstitous/paranormal.

I grant you that many intellectuals are mysterians without any self awareness, but there are hardcore realists too.

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>thinking of gore to ward off mind readers
anyone else do this?


i like the decorations on that schizo hat


Yeah, it's nice. Who says schizos can't be stylish?


If they can read minds I'm sure they have seen worse.


I have seen what you are not


Worse gore or worse than gore?

No, that can't be, my opsec is 100

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I've been reading lots of Nick Land in the last months and his work had convinced me, that I had to reposition my self on the (supposed) contradiction of reality/fiction. I mean, look at our current cyberpunk world, Nick was probably right. The future is cyborg-hybridization. We see how powerful technocapital is. Consider, he wrote this stuff 30 years ago. So the main idea of Land is hyperstition, which basically means, there is no difference between fiction and reality. Keep this mindset and everything you read, everything becomes theory. Yes, THEORY in the leftypol sense. Example: The dimensional merge theory by Chris Chan. Holy shit, could you believe, what kind of based theories this guy is potentially able to write?? Another example: Lately I was playing Splatoon 3 and in the menu, you can read the story of Alterna. Holy shit, this real/fictional theory is so good! A few years ago, I would have called these ideas "schizo" or a "shitpost". But I came to the conclusion, that using these labels are symptoms of reasonable thinking i.e. normie thinking.
Please don't mind the pic, I'm runnin on 56kbit/s.
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At the end of the day Nick land advocates for a type of corporatism. Corporatism is just capitalism trying to resolve it's contradiction by bullying people harder. It's been refuted in theory and praxis. End stage capitalism is a boring dystopia, without any of the cool cyber-punk elements. Until we upgrade to a more advanced mode of production, no fancy scifi shenanigans, capitalism is fettering the means of production too much.

>The future is cyborg-hybridization.

Not exactly. There isn't enough advantage from mixing technology with your flesh, you can get 90% of the utility from gadgets without any of the surgical downsides.

Cyborg-parts will be a medical thing, that comes after the biological potential for life-expectancy and health maximization is exhausted. When the flesh begins failing from old age, people will swap in machine parts. Future People will go through 3 phases. Biological, cyborg in between flesh and machine and than full machine android.

The biological phase is where people procreate, and the android phase is where people can go explore space at lower risk, because machine bodies can endure more space adversities, for example android bodies don't suffocate if the spaceship air-lock malfunctions. The cyborg phase is just going to be the awkward in-between phase, where people learn to let go of biological existence. At the end of your android phase, you're digital mind gets archived as a interactive historical record that can be summoned as a digital ghost.


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Dojo, casino… it's all in the mind.



This reminds me of the imagination anon who posted things like
>hungry? just imagine you're eating!


What if I made something up, but then another person's imagination doesn't mesh with mine's?


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enslave him

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How to stop this board from being dead
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Majority of 4channoids still think bunkerchan is alive and fearmonger about "bunkertranshumanists" raiding them daily, few of them have little idea about it dying nor the split. You'll just get some soijaks spammed at you, and some schizos rants about how commies are weak transhumanists who also kill millions of white aryan babies and that's why you should kill any teenager who says something bad about capitalism. This place would probably just get overrun.
I've never been to lainchan at all but I hear it's better than most imageboards, but that was years ago


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youre right and also too lazy to deal with their captca tbh
>I've never been to lainchan at all but I hear it's better than most imageboards, but that was years ago
ehh its gotten pretty slow(last i regularly browsed there was few months ago). recently there were times where the site was raided regularly with soyjacks and ugly ass pron.besides that the site is pretty quality


Banning incel and kf glowshit would increase traffic to the site as a whole, but other than that, maybe a draw thread? An arg involving posts on here perhaps? One of those animated 81x33 stickers.


Never heard that track before, 10/10


In my case, it is all Haz' fault. He is a cringe retard, but he infected me with irrationalism. So I started reading Heidegger, Nietzsche, Land etc. and now I'm what I am and I am here. Thank you Haz, you cringe retard, it is all your fault.

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redpill me on this hot woman who thinks reptillians are real

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>She's not mentally
She doesn't have brain damage that is causing this, sure, but what she did was deranged non the less, it doesn't really matter if it's cause by capitalist economic incentives. Why should we participate in normalizing this strange shit, just because it's cause by capitalism and not crossed brain-wires.

>She did a similar PR stunt years before

<She has recurring outbreaks of PRstunt-syndrome
Lets call it that.


<Skinnyfat leftists will turn their face blue screaming about how masculinity isn't an important issue and then turn around to discussion some viral clip of retarded bitch on a plane


>leftists will turn their face blue screaming about how masculinity isn't an important issue
I'm sorry what? You're building some kind of strawman that doesn't sound like anyone on this imageboard, are you lost?


>Bottom text


Shes a suburban white woman. Theyre attention whores.

Only slightly less worse than black American ghettofab queens

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post and discuss: subliminal, manifestation, law of attraction, sleep hypnosis, subliminal affirmations for clear skin, weight loss, etc.



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Cringe f*moid spirituality.
And if you ask me, something that only *manifests* in a society that's experiencing decreasing social mobility and increasing amounts of desperate people bad situations seeking quick answers. Same reason why anyone would fall for faith healing.


stop listening to subliminals that’s gay. read neville goddard. just do that. and stop everything else you are doing. his methods work, its real. all his stuff is free online

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TFW you realize both the past and future do not actually exist.
The only thing that exists is the present.
To call the last and the future illusory is a misunderstanding.
In truth the past and future are merely ideals that we collectively and individually hold about ourselves. Furthermore, if that is the case, then how can you even clearly define yourself as a person? If the only thing that exists is the now and that now is constantly in a state of change then how can you even tell who you really are? You are not the you 1 second ago that you are now.
You are fundementally different.

That is a terrifying realization.
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why would people try to debunk the atom


>why would people try to debunk the atom
If we are talking about the philosophical atom, as in the smallest, most fundamental, indivisible, fragment of matter:
There are many reasons.

Hardcore idealists believe that the reality is made out of thoughts, they want to get rid of the Atom because that's not a thought. Basically the atom is the building block of a physical world, they don't want a conception of reality that acknowledges a physical world that has definitively measurable objective reality. They try to incrementally undermine the concept of physical reality by getting rid of the atom first. The most hardcore subset of these idealists are solypsists who think that only their mind exists.

Sometimes it can also be very banal stuff like an intelligentsia that seeks to make their theories as incomprehensible as possible, so they can seem to be more intellectually impressive than they actually are. Hard materialism is the opposite of obscurantism, and doesn't help with big-brain-vanity.

The concepts in Greek atomism is what kick-started modern science. And people in power have a tendency to interfere with science, because scientific know how can lead to technological change and changing relations of power.

Theocratic societies try to suppress science because scientifically literate people are much harder to trick. If i know that the sun is a giant ball of mostly hydrogen gas that is producing light and heat via fusion that will continue for billions of years, you can't trick me into worshiping a sun-god, and manipulate me with fear that the sun-god might not come up in the morning unless i do what you say.

Even today there can be anti-science tendencies in the power structures, while capitalism is somewhat supportive, science can still have a precarious position. Scientists that figure out new stuff can set off unpredictable developments that can overturn entire economies. That can induce interference from up top. Interference can also come from the lesser echelons of Social status seekers. Those also have a tendency to inject them selves as middle-man in between measured physical evidence and theoretic conclusions for scientific models. I went on a tangent, sorry.

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>If i know that the sun is a giant ball of mostly hydrogen gas that is producing light and heat via fusion that will continue for billions of years
How do you actually know that?


Because every element and compound emits a characteristic wavelength of light when heated.



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What's the deal with cryptids? Is it real?


Of course, not. To prove it to you, just go into the woods at night with a lantern, turn it off, then just scream as loudly as possible. I guarantee you nothing is going to look for you.


same phenomena as UFOs and ETs.
probably intra or extra-dimensional rather than actually existing beings on our plane of existence.


Aliens deff exist though 100%. It's problematically impossible for them not to.


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They're just yet-to-be-known animals


spbp, aliens, fae, bigfoot and many other cryptids are probably all just the same thing in different forms. like they are metaphysical or interdimmensional or some shit.
phenomena like missing time and strange lights in the sky are reported in sightings of bigfoot, fae and UFOs. and while strange lights and missing time has been reported by themselves, they’re otherwise only really attributed to UFOs/fae/bigfoot afaik

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