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/posad/ - Paranormal

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Let's talk about real government conspiracies that actually happened.

MKULTRA: Sub project 68.

What is Mkultra?

>Project MKUltra—sometimes referred to as the CIA’s mind control program—was the code name given to an illegal program of experiments on human subjects, designed and undertaken by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Experiments on humans were intended to identify and develop drugs, alcohol, stick and poke tattoos, and procedures to be used in interrogations and torture, in order to weaken the individual to force confessions through mind control. Organized through the Scientific Intelligence Division of the CIA, the project coordinated with the Special Operations Division of the U.S. Army’s Chemical Corps. The program began in the early 1950s, was officially sanctioned in 1953, was reduced in scope in 1964, further curtailed in 1967 and officially halted in 1973. The program engaged in many illegal activities; in particular it used unwitting U.S. and Canadian citizens as its test subjects, which led to controversy regarding its legitimacy. MKUltra used numerous methodologies to manipulate people’s mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as various forms of torture.

>The scope of Project MKUltra was broad, with research undertaken at 80 institutions, including 44 colleges and universities, as well as hospitals, prisons, and pharmaceutical companies. The CIA operated through these institutions using front organizations, although sometimes top officials at these institutions were aware of the CIA’s involvement.

One of the most interesting things I find about mkultra that alot of people might not be aware of is its attachment to soviet cold war paranoia. The government (and many Americans at the time) were living in overwhelming fear at the time that the soviets could only be gaining as much ground as they were through some form of 'mind control' or 'brainwashing.' Once again this fear and paranoia about communism lead the American government to do some pretty nefarious things. Mkultra included dosing un-witting subjects such as prisoners, prostitutes and ordinary people with high levels of LSD (including non burgers like Canadians) with out their consent or knowledge. The whole thing was totally illegal, funded through a CIA front org, ironically, known as "The society for the protection of human ecology" and had its roots in over 100 different facilities and colleges (often with out their knowledge.) It just makes you think what else the government is really up to and what they could be doing today right now? What other conspiracies and declassified government documents can we comb over /posad/? I am very curious about what other experimental operations the CIA might have been involved in in the name of stopping communism?


Whoops, forgot my link: https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/cia-mkultra-collection/

You can find more information and links to de-classified documents on MKULTA here.


The DPRK and Cuba were subjected to attacks by biological weapons with some developed out of imperial Japanese experimental research, and allegedly there was also a glowie attempt to poison stores in the DDR, but the Stacey Stasi foiled the plot.


Link plox.


Also MKULTRA came from operation paperclip where the US basically downloaded all the old Nazi stuff. Nazis were looking into mind control and the CIA took it from them and carried it on, interesting when you consider how many neo nazi groups the CIA have backed


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Leftypol and leftychan are currently being infiltrated


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And I thought i was skitzo.


>Link plox.
Boooompa doompa boompade doo.


the us army really recruited psychic crackpots to stare at goats


Prove it? What do you mean by "stare at goats" like they literally recruited people to stare at goats?


If i'm not mistaken the CIA actually did experiment in hypnosis in their mind control experiments.


There was a movie made about it called "Men Who Stare at Goats" which was a historical dramatization.




more of this guy cus he's hilarious


How true is this? Because I've been reading old threads and noticing these patterns too. I don't wanna go to Guantanamo Bay for shitposting.


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It's probably true bout a bit unlikely that you, specifically, are being targeted. If you are really paranoid, use the tor node.

It would certainly make sense with all the splitting and division and we have been investigated prior by the dutch authorities and we have been in the same circles as the school shooters from 8ch.


I mean, just look at ogre, the USApol thread, it's pretty obvious by now.


Leftcels aren't real, its a psyop by the Caballo Clique which has been using virtual crisis actors to manufacture consent for their dictatorship and collaboration with the US government through the National Guard and it's Virtual Army Reserve Program which is using reverse psychology to direct discourse on /leftypol/ towards positions that can be easily recuperated into the Liberal (in the proper sense, not the American one) Establishment. Do not be distracted by hornyposting, bait or impersonating, the truth is here. Speak out against the Tulcels and their collaborators.

This post will be deleted, I will likely be banned, but the truth will prevail.




So both sites are a honeypot now?


you are not at all mistaken


I think this post is a larp but honestly I genuinely think some of the .org mods are feds. The way they act is extremely fed like. The feds also literally use furry pictures online, it was documented by wikileaks


I hope it's a LARP, considering the situation right now in both places, I've never felt paranoid but that fucking post and all the patterns I've started seeing by re-checking threads on top of my own research hits very hard. I feel like a schizo and I hate it, but can't deny what is before me.


They researched drugs, hypnosis, brain implants, the effects of electromagnetic waves on the brain, and varying combinations of the aforementioned methods.


To add to this, they engaged in a limited hangout where they overemphasized the LSD experiments while encouraging journalists and congress to ignore all the other research that occurred under the program. This and known CIA whistleblowers saying they continued research after they said it stopped leads me to believe it met with more success than the CIA claims.


Can you post some sources for this information?




>On January 18, 1955, then-AEC commissioner Dr. Willard Libby said that there was insufficient data regarding the effects of fallout due to a lack of human samples – especially samples taken from children – to analyze. Libby was quoted saying, "I don't know how to get them, but I do say that it is a matter of prime importance to get them, and particularly in the young age group. So, human samples are often of prime importance, and if anybody knows how to do a good job of body snatching, they will really be serving their country."[4] This led to over 1,500 samples being gathered, of which only 500 were analyzed.[4] Many of the 1,500 sample cadavers were babies and young children, and were taken from countries from Australia to Europe, often without their parents' consent or knowledge.[5] According to the investigation launched after a British newspaper reported that British scientists had obtained children’s bodies from various hospitals and shipped their body parts to the United States, a British mother had said that her stillborn baby's legs were removed by British doctors, and to prevent her from finding out what had happened, she was not allowed to dress the baby for the funeral

jesus fucking christ "invasion of the body snatchers"




Every other actual conspiracy, like coups and funding death squads, infiltrating civil rights groups and assassinating their leaders, the literal actual brainwashing experiments, all of them were done in the name of "combating" leftism. Funny how conspiracy culture is instead overrun by far right schizos who only started caring about government brutality when the ATF fried a child diddling cult(and the kids but you know my point).


Project Stargate was a waste of time and money and overrun by dozens of Scientologists, in case anyone actually thinks that thing worked.


what was it ?


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CIA and military project dedicated to studying psychic phenomenon like ESP and remote viewing. They tried to find a guy kidnapped by a leftist group in Italy through remote viewing, I don't think it worked. The wackier claims is that a remote viewer could see ruins on Mars.
I personally don't have much of a reason to believed it worked. But it at least reminds you why things like Newtypes and psychics were common in "hard" sci-fi at the time.


>CIA and military project dedicated to studying psychic phenomenon like ESP and remote viewing.
So a bunch of charlatans scammed the police and the spooks. I still despise them for spreading bullshit mysticism, but i have to admit this is a little funny.

>I personally don't have much of a reason to believed it worked.

Nobody has any reason to believe it worked it never gets reproduced in controlled conditions.

>But it at least reminds you why things like Newtypes and psychics were common in "hard" sci-fi at the time.

What is a "Newtype" ?
I find it hard to believe any realistic science fiction would have psychics. Unless it's just biological wifi. Organic radio transmitters could be plausible. But that would be a ability similar to speaking/hearing in a different medium than air, not like magical powers.
Anyway Scifi story tellers tend to be scientifically literate, how did they manage to get those to believe in woowoo ?


They were looking for the least avoidable way to shut down people's necortexes, and turn them into thoughtless sheep helpless to do anything else that they were trained to do, creating perfect slaves who will freely do as told.


>Anyway Scifi story tellers tend to be scientifically literate, how did they manage to get those to believe in woowoo ?

Have you heard the tired cliche that sci-fi and fantasy is the same?

Also, the more intellectual someone is, the more inclined they are to the superstitous/paranormal.

Whereas religious people temd not be as devput or personally convinced in miracles as you might expect.


>Have you heard the tired cliche that sci-fi and fantasy is the same?
Can't say that i have heard that. Lord of the rings would've been over in 5 minutes if it had just modern technology. Frodo takes the ring to a local metalwork shop and borrows an Oxyacetylene or plasma ark welder to melt the ring.

You're right about a lot of science fantasy entertainment, but try reading a proper hard scifi book, like Red Planet.

>Also, the more intellectual someone is, the more inclined they are to the superstitous/paranormal.

I grant you that many intellectuals are mysterians without any self awareness, but there are hardcore realists too.

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