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/i/ - Invasion and Raid

We do a little trolling
Tor Only

Password (For file deletion.)

/i/ now has a matrix room! Hosted on our own server. https://talk.leftychan.net/#/room/#Leftypol:matrix.org follow this link and you can create an account and be vetted and invited.

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Welcome to /i/ this board is dedicated to raids and trolling of other websites and spaces. This is a leftist project and, as such, will be treated as a leftist project. This means that all trolling and raiding should be for the purposes of spreading socialist propaganda in one way or another, or, have some type of relevancy to leftism in some tangible way. Trolling for the lulz is all well and good, but, let's try to keep from that being the primary objective to our threads.
The only other stipulation here is, No advocating acts of terrorism This is not conductive; not only the socialist line and development of socialism, but, detrimental to the stability of the webserver. Promoting acts of terrorism will not be tolerated here. Thanks, enjoy.

Addendum: The congress has established a vote against the use of any law enforcement agencies as some type of weapon, specifically, against other leftists. Any one throwing the feds around or reporting sites like org to the glowies will face a deletion and a ban. Thanks. Also, it goes with out saying, we don't support weaponizing CP, or, at all. And anyone advocating such a thing will be removed from this site with out question permanently.

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 No.1351[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread dedicated to psychological operations against the leftypol.org administration.

Things to consider:
<The .org mods will read this thread, use this to your advantage
<Posting over your mobile data will arouse less suspicion than over a proxy
<Threads created over an IP with no post history are heavily scrutinized
<Post in /meta/ and try to appeal any mod action against you
<Abuse the report feature
<Use a wide variety of proxy services
<Antagonize individual moderators
<Create as many personas as possible, try to have the mods always chasing a previous persona and not your current one
<The less consistency between the ideological beliefs of your personas the better
<Be consciously aware of your writing style
<Fermenting internal conflict among the mod team is of the upmost importance
<Sow dissent among the userbase whenever possible
<Have fun :)
530 posts and 142 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Opps miss spelling i mean im new to it and i didn't now :(


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The ogre mods move a pedophile thread to siberia instead of deleting it.


Tbf that's an extremely obvious troll thread.


Can someone explain why .org became such Reddit tier shitlib /tttt/ central?
Like, literally being against Open Borders under Capitalism is enough to get banned and all your posts deleted lmfao. Holding the most basic, common, leftist/labour views, that go against whatever Shitlib shibboleth, will instantly get you banned and all your posts deleted.
8ch Leftypol was not like this AT ALL and neither was Bunkerchan so what the fuck happened?
Another case of Troons getting into mod positions and suddenly becoming power hungry Chinese Court Eunich tier?


Feds or liberalism. .org is ultra organized when curbing certain trends.

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Friends, let's unite again to fight the evil of this world. Anyone interested in fighting with me against the rot in the world, contact this email [email protected].


Friend? Moar like Fed.


postin' in a fed thread
we all glowna make it


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kys leftyuyghur, cobson won

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>says who?
>all trolling and raiding should be for the purposes of spreading socialist propaganda in one way or another, or, have some type of relevancy to leftism in some tangible way. Trolling for the lulz is all well and good, but, let's try to keep from that being the primary objective to our threads.


>Trolling for the lulz is all well and good, but, let's try to keep from that being the primary objective to our threads.
imagine having a malcompliance over something that was intended for raiding purposes, kek. You see you can actually go try ahead of that, the point is just that obvious of course you let your ego get in the way, it's obviously meant for propaganda purposes I suppose you didn't take ur meds well.


>muh fags
Off 2 the wall you go, uyghur.


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this seems interesting who could've guess that we have a new bozo in the town


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post bannable material for streams

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It's a sub full of nominal Democrats arguing for the homeless in their city to go to jail or otherwise violently violated by local police and due to a recent Supreme Court ruling.

Join me in raiding their threads. Please keep in mind Reddit automatically blocks accounts for profanities or threats so try to avoid those.

Last thread:

There's a new once every few days, which you can find under "New" in https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/

I don't live in San Francisco but this is by far the most obnoxious liberal forum I've ever seen.


Arm the homeless. Execute reactionary vermin.

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This site, and especially this fucking board, is dead as fuck. And yet 4chan and every other imageboard talks about how it's raiding them and think bunkerchan still exists.
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This is all true. The mods are literally putting in that overtime on the board. SPOOKED AF


>>1767 me
Like i post spam and it gets instantly deleted. no fun allowed


you have already admitted "spam" means any opinion you don't like.


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This is not the only bunker.


i want link sed satan

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Seeing how more and more people are leaving .org by the day and we are growing in popularity we should do something fun as a group and raid some nazi forms and target some nazoids.
I unfortunately am a brain let and lack knowledge of Nazoid forms other than 4chan so does anyone have any good ideas for any targets?
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>Lets go raid some Nazi forums for fun.
>No you are the giga autist not me.

Imageboards never cease to amuse with their projective immaturity.


Dogolachan would be a good target


Come to a Brazilian imageboard


frenschan went down recently, probably because the admin was a retard and paid literally thousands for cloudflare while their origin IP was exposed anyway. So it burned a chunk of NEET and middle-class cash while it crashed.
Meanwhile, some of them gathered on zzzchan's /fascist/ to regroup (where it moved after they got kicked from anon.cafe years ago) so you have a nice directory of sites to choose from.
Onion: http://crghlabr45r5pqkgnbgehywk5nxutdks5iss7tabyux5psikqqjirryd.onion/fascist/thread/3560.html

For example, the creator of lynxchan (Stephen Lynx) hosts Balkanchan. It has the obligatory /pol/ board, but also an unlisted neo-Nazi board:
Onion: http://26yukmkrhmhfg6alc56oexe7bcrokv4rilwpfwgh2u6bsbkddu55h4ad.onion/cob/


I was thinking /fascist/ on zzzchan, since the onion is back up I believe.

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How do we get haz and infrared to shout out the board or possibly start lurking the board like he used to do back in the day? We would have to convince him that this is not org which he will think at first cause well he kind of takes things at face value…if we didn't he'd probably still think this is a pedophile website or something.
But considering how much freedom of speech is respected here I think infrared and leftychan could both benifit from this.
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>specifically make thread about a retard
>get told nobody likes said retard
>durr retard derangement syndrome
How compelling. Get out.


say something interesting


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let em in i say


>org and book in two weeks!
face it the retarded project was doomed from the start by being rotten to the core by idealism. You fall for these opportunists every time, paypig.

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Let's raid pajeets on indiachan.net




I can't participate because I have a crush on Ananya Panday and it feels disrespectful to her


>let's raid the least fortunate group on the whole planet!
why exactly?

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