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/i/ - Invasion and Raid

We do a little trolling
Tor Only

Password (For file deletion.)

/i/ now has a matrix room! Hosted on our own server. https://talk.leftychan.net/#/room/#Leftypol:matrix.org follow this link and you can create an account and be vetted and invited.

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Friends, let's unite again to fight the evil of this world. Anyone interested in fighting with me against the rot in the world, contact this email [email protected].


Friend? Moar like Fed.


postin' in a fed thread
we all glowna make it


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kys leftyuyghur, cobson won


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>>2088friend I don't know how to use all the options of the forum very well, so here is an email for us to get in touch [email protected]


lol good one


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What is the fun, in such a short time and the little interaction that you have in the forum at least use your post to weave some productive communication for both, I am looking for those beings who still have the flame of the cause of the working people alive. Not those who, because they have an advantage today that gives them power and become neoliberal technocrats. Not for nothing did she use the symbol of the Akalashnikov, she defeated authoritarianism, which even though at that time they called it Nazism, today it is dissipated in almost all politics that uses extremes and division due to the polarization of ideas, that is the enemy. unity is strength.

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