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R: 0 / I: 0 (sticky)  

Welcome to /i/ this board is dedicated to raids and trolling of other websites and spaces. This is a leftist project and, as such, will be treated as a leftist project. This means that all trolling and raiding should be for the purposes of spreading socialist propaganda in one way or another, or, have some type of relevancy to leftism in some tangible way. Trolling for the lulz is all well and good, but, let's try to keep from that being the primary objective to our threads.
The only other stipulation here is, No advocating acts of terrorism This is not conductive; not only the socialist line and development of socialism, but, detrimental to the stability of the webserver. Promoting acts of terrorism will not be tolerated here. Thanks, enjoy.

Addendum: The congress has established a vote against the use of any law enforcement agencies as some type of weapon, specifically, against other leftists. Any one throwing the feds around or reporting sites like org to the glowies will face a deletion and a ban. Thanks. Also, it goes with out saying, we don't support weaponizing CP, or, at all. And anyone advocating such a thing will be removed from this site with out question permanently.
R: 30 / I: 19

R: 545 / I: 150

leftypol.org psyop general

Thread dedicated to psychological operations against the leftypol.org administration.

Things to consider:
<The .org mods will read this thread, use this to your advantage
<Posting over your mobile data will arouse less suspicion than over a proxy
<Threads created over an IP with no post history are heavily scrutinized
<Post in /meta/ and try to appeal any mod action against you
<Abuse the report feature
<Use a wide variety of proxy services
<Antagonize individual moderators
<Create as many personas as possible, try to have the mods always chasing a previous persona and not your current one
<The less consistency between the ideological beliefs of your personas the better
<Be consciously aware of your writing style
<Fermenting internal conflict among the mod team is of the upmost importance
<Sow dissent among the userbase whenever possible
<Have fun :)
R: 6 / I: 3

Friends, let's unite again to fight the evil of this world. Anyone interested in fighting with me against the rot in the world, contact this email [email protected].
R: 12 / I: 4


R: 0 / I: 0

post bannable material for streams
R: 2 / I: 0

Raiding r/SanFrancisco's homeless oriented threads where they call for arrest of homeless all day

It's a sub full of nominal Democrats arguing for the homeless in their city to go to jail or otherwise violently violated by local police and due to a recent Supreme Court ruling.

Join me in raiding their threads. Please keep in mind Reddit automatically blocks accounts for profanities or threats so try to avoid those.

Last thread:

There's a new once every few days, which you can find under "New" in https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/

I don't live in San Francisco but this is by far the most obnoxious liberal forum I've ever seen.
R: 23 / I: 4

This site, and especially this fucking board, is dead as fuck. And yet 4chan and every other imageboard talks about how it's raiding them and think bunkerchan still exists.
R: 14 / I: 2

We need to raid some nazi forums

Seeing how more and more people are leaving .org by the day and we are growing in popularity we should do something fun as a group and raid some nazi forms and target some nazoids.
I unfortunately am a brain let and lack knowledge of Nazoid forms other than 4chan so does anyone have any good ideas for any targets?
R: 28 / I: 1

Getting haz to shout out the board

How do we get haz and infrared to shout out the board or possibly start lurking the board like he used to do back in the day? We would have to convince him that this is not org which he will think at first cause well he kind of takes things at face value…if we didn't he'd probably still think this is a pedophile website or something.
But considering how much freedom of speech is respected here I think infrared and leftychan could both benifit from this.
R: 3 / I: 0

Let's raid pajeets on indiachan.net
R: 31 / I: 6

Operation inside job

The leftypol.org staff are holding enrollment to join the staff. It would cause quite a lot of ass hurt if some one were to get involved and sabotage the jannies. All you need is post history and most people here are very familiar with leftist talking points. I think this is a unique chance to fuck some shit up. Everyone here knows the jannies there are massive faggots and deserve the shit they have coming. We should make it so they cannot sleep at night.
R: 6 / I: 0

Someone b trolling us.

They're kind of a pseud though.
R: 37 / I: 3

Raid Infrared

we should raid infrared reddit/twitter/fbi.gov

1) its easy to make them flip out and it will be lulz
2) we need to steer people away from that grifting retard Haz

some easy things to make them seethe daily:

Simply post "strikes are direct action"
R: 46 / I: 24

/Leftypol L General/

ITT we highlight the funniest and most pathetic moments from .ogre
R: 24 / I: 6

new target: muslim fashies

indiachan.io : no captcha for replying, very lenient posting, VPNs allowed. should make for a great raid. It's filled with muslim fascists. let's show them boys. boards to target- /b/ , /pol/ and /a/ . The rest are irrevelant and dead. they suffered a raid earlier today, the security will be tighter by this weekend. we must act quickly
just spam random new threads to derail all previous ones. spam porn since it's not allowed
R: 6 / I: 0

you people should stop attacking and raiding leftypol and marxist/comie/anarchist/leftwing communities and leftwing adjacent communities.
>inb4 muh foreign intelegence agencies
>inb4 "glowies"
>inb4 cia(s)
R: 340 / I: 98


We should raid leftypol.org.
1. They are our community. They are us and we are them a consistent and sustained effort to post there. This will have the effect of drawing more eyes on the board and maybe giving curious anons a reason to post here.

2. The current narrative established at the org for why the drama happened in the first place is false and should be combated.

3. It will produce a massive amount of butthurt and lulz.

4. If anything this can raise awareness about the situation at hand and possibly result in some type of merging, or, concession between the boards over time.

5. Diplomacy must also be considered as our intented goal should not be to troll them for the sake of trolling them, but, rather to set the record straight, make demands, and if necessary force some type of agreement to be reached and, yes, have some fun while doing it.
ITT: General thread for raiding leftypol.org
R: 14 / I: 2


Let's go.
Raid these fuckers like no one else.

Also, funny enough, we can pick up ques from them
R: 7 / I: 0

wtf is wrong with you. get a life nazi loser.
R: 1 / I: 0

raid on the amino app

I want to make a massive raid on a lot of communities in the amino app. now I am developing a script that will connect to my server and when there are enough participants who will run the script, I will send a signal through the server to all instances of the script to attack the communities. I write in python and C, the application will be written in C, and the python code itself will be stored inside the executable file. the server will also be written in python
R: 26 / I: 7

How do we get more users to leave org?

We've grown and we have clearly taken on a bunch of new users in the last few weeks. Welcome to all fellow chads who have decided to make this their home.

My question is, what can we do to get more people on now from org? Or even just generally I guess but mainly from the cult that is org?
For anyone who was around in the early days spamming doesn't seem to work but I have had success with just casually dropping the link when necessary in relevant discussion. What is to be done?
R: 2 / I: 0

Will some one correct the record on this bullshit article


It was clearly made by a salty org mod and I can't edit anything on united chans. Some one needs to correct this bullshit seeing how org has basically single handedly killed the entire user base.
R: 2 / I: 0

Canadian gl0wie is also a ped0phile
R: 4 / I: 1

Twitter Art Policing Faggotry

Crossposting this on as many /i/ boards as I can.

Recently, Twitter art policers have started to go after Mike Inel, an NSFW artist and animator for making porn of The Amazing World of Gumball several years ago.

Mike is just one in a long line of NSFW artists who have been hassled online by terminally online and terminally fandom kids with no ambitions, goals, father figures, or pussy in the forseeable future.

Maybe it's time to start milking some lulz from them.
R: 1 / I: 0

Does pic related explain the behavior of leftypol mods?
R: 2 / I: 0

Srs Discussion: /i/ was never a political board

If this thread needs to be moved, then so be it.

It's very rare to come by /i/ boards anymore, and I'm happy to see leftychan and 94chan host them.

However, with this site, I feel like serious action and trolling need to be separated from each other.

/i/ has always been about lulz first and foremost over political causes, which was what caused so much heat during the Chanology days and led to its grave.

Maybe action that advanced the working class and action for lulz can be split into separate boards. /praxis/ or /irl/ for the former, and /i/ for the latter.

Just a suggestion. Keep up the good work and hope you guys get somewhere!
R: 14 / I: 1


Any way to target them without looking like complete retards?

Advice for dealing with them…
1. Rules 1 and 2, but apply it to us.
2. Re-read 1.
3. Use a VPN/Proxy, Tor, whatnot
4. Be Anonymous at ALL TIMES.
R: 5 / I: 2


this useless cunt has a major god complex and think shes untouchable, while raping minors and animals. i want a full on raid, and any information on her you can find. twitter: Muskbby69
R: 8 / I: 1

8chan.moe seems like a good place to raid. They seem to be in crisis over some drama concerning /random/ and /b/.
R: 15 / I: 1

Extended Trolling of 4pol

The need to spread our ideologies to the largest currently existing board is something that has been postulated for many years in this community. There has been back and forth over it for years, but, I find it a worth while endeavor.
This thread will be for the extended trolling, posting, and propagandizing of 4chan.org/pol/ and ideas generally pertaining to that:

1. Make at least one post per day

2. Always combat the autism that you find on that place.

3. Find gems and post them here for the lulz.

4. ??????

5. Profit!
R: 5 / I: 0

Operation Gikopoi

A chat site exists for 4chan and altchan users called Gikopoi. It's been in use for over 15 years by users of Western chan and textboard sites. However, there's a small number of fascists who dominate political conversations. No accounts to join, you can even join as anon or with a tripcode.

/leftypol/ should seize control of the narrative and make Gikopoi OUR hangout. We've already done a pretty good job establishing ourselves on Matrix and to a lesser degree Mastodon; Gikopoi should be a much easier win, considering there's only about 20-30 active users in the international server.


Once you pick a character and join, you can use the #rula command (just type #rula in chat box with nothing else) to open a list of active rooms you can warp to.

Hail Stalin!
R: 10 / I: 1

Shirty land lord's general

Drop the DOXX of horrible land lords who have harrased and miss treated you. NYPA you must provide proof they are owners and not just your ex you are trying to get revenge on.
R: 5 / I: 0

Cunts how do I join this?
R: 33 / I: 5


Another right wing lounge board, it's a little too easy to troll. It's primarily the /tv/ board from 8kun made into it's own image board. It's a little slow but still active.

Their /pol/ board is /dup/ for president trump: https://tvch.moe/dup/index.html

Their /b/ board is /dunk/ after the dunkachino meme: https://tvch.moe/dunk/index.html

Works on tor and clearnet browsers.
R: 12 / I: 0

/ytg/ - YouTube raids General.

I just realized we do not have a thread for raiding Youtube videos/channela. Since Youtube is extremely popular there are tons of right-wing grifters in there, and nothing better than watching their propaganda get deplataformed after hours of hard work lol.The bonus part is that Youtube is rather liberal with their policies so most if these rightoids just need a slight push and they will come out as nazis. It is also very easy to samefag and flood comment sections and reports.

Post ITT retards whose comment sections are in dire need of reeducation.
R: 61 / I: 8


An explicitly nazi/fascist themed imageboard, you could say it's the antithesis of leftypol
Only accessible via TOR: http://tdsrvhos656xypxsqtkqmiwefuvlyqmnvk5faoo23oh2m4xqg4gr47ad.onion/

How should we approach it? It's even more dead than here and there's no chance of it becoming influential without a clearnet, plus they already got blacklisted by Cuckflare once
The /pol/yps there are too far gone for us having impact on them

Do we just spam the shit out of it?
R: 3 / I: 0

trolling 8kun.top/qresearch
R: 35 / I: 8

Social media platforms

Since the right got kicked from reddit, twitter, etc where do they converge currently and in large numbers?
ITT: anons post modern far/aut-right, american liberterian, nazi or free speech platforms that have active use and we discuss their strengths and weaknesses in viability of ra/i/ding said platform.
R: 10 / I: 0

If we are going to raid something, raid a subreddit. Suggestions? Some retarded ancap subreddit filled with teens?
R: 1 / I: 0

How can your average /pol/yp remain so steadfast in their blindingly stupid beliefs? They just play into the "comically evil nazi" stereotype, and that's it
R: 6 / I: 0

IRL General

What kind of activities do you do IRL, /i/?
What advice can you give to fellow comrades here about how to engage in IRL activities.
It doesn't have to be window smashing, it can be something as simple as a FNB chapter, for example.

I live in a rurual town, so, I just do fucking shit like leave copies of Das Capital laying around in various places. I always find the mutual aid libraries that are posted up around town and leave copies of them in there. Or I leave them in our mutual aid foo resource bins, as well. Curious people who need supplies will pick it up.

We can use this thread for advice for organizational purposes IRL. Share your experiences and thoughts, etc etc, on what goes on in your real life both at work and on the street.
R: 21 / I: 3

leftychan out reach?

What sites do you think we could extend an olive branch too? I know the concept of a webring was floating around for a long time. Maybe we can reach out to other communities and leftist communities and try and establish a webring with now that we are free from the org? maybe something like dismantle.capital?
R: 9 / I: 2

5000000 will be ours


All hands on deck rep leftychad.net
R: 132 / I: 16


Crystal Cafe raid when?