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/i/ - Invasion and Raid

We do a little trolling
Tor Only

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/i/ now has a matrix room! Hosted on our own server. https://talk.leftychan.net/#/room/#Leftypol:matrix.org follow this link and you can create an account and be vetted and invited.

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How do we get haz and infrared to shout out the board or possibly start lurking the board like he used to do back in the day? We would have to convince him that this is not org which he will think at first cause well he kind of takes things at face value…if we didn't he'd probably still think this is a pedophile website or something.
But considering how much freedom of speech is respected here I think infrared and leftychan could both benifit from this.


I do not want anyone like Haz on this board. The guy is a complete moron.


I don't think it would be that bad.


So it sounds like it would be no change in user quality if Haz joins.


>that bad
So it would be bad. Why would you want the Haz crowd? So we can get more tankie faggots here?


[voiced nasally]


I don't really totally disagree with them on the maga communism thing but maybe you are right.


Well I typed it, so maybe you're just hearing your internal voice, schizo.


By making Haz a nobody again. Sorry but your red-brown alliance daddy isn't going to pay attention to a obscure board with no clout.


Your brain is small


I don't like diet fascists, I'm sorry that hurts your pussy feelings alright.


Haz is never going to bugger you, you now that right?


Retard, I know it's hard for you to understand this but not everyone thinks in monolithic terms


>NOOOO you don't understand, MAGApedes racism and capitalism is very nuanced. You just have to get to know them.
I can't wait for Fox News to tell these people to hate Muslims again and see Haz get lynched in a livestream.


Try again retard. I don't particularly care about haz my opinion is much more nuanced unlike your regurgitated brain rott. You are the lowest autism score tard on this whole board.


He's sucking the dicks of people that wanted his head on a plate not 10 years prior. It is the height of cuckoldry. I guess Haz can't get enough of Western Imperalist dick.



So much salt that you'd think our comrades are standing up to British colonialism


>Why is Haz sucking the dicks of American Imperialists with 100k innocent civilians on their hands? Civilians that look just like Haz!
>Y-y-y-you're so salty.


How many hours per day do you spend thinking and talking about Haz?


I only think about it when Hazbots come to my board and shit it up with their shilling.


*with 100k innocent civilian deaths on their hands?


Haz lives in your head rent free


No just on this board.


Why do Hazbots accuse everyone of being Imperialists while fallatiing American Imperialists that used 9/11 to invade and occupy two Muslim countries for 20 years.
I can't seem to get an answer from any Haz followers on this for some reason.




>specifically make thread about a retard
>get told nobody likes said retard
>durr retard derangement syndrome
How compelling. Get out.


say something interesting


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let em in i say


>org and book in two weeks!
face it the retarded project was doomed from the start by being rotten to the core by idealism. You fall for these opportunists every time, paypig.

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