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/i/ - Invasion and Raid

We do a little trolling
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/i/ now has a matrix room! Hosted on our own server. https://talk.leftychan.net/#/room/#Leftypol:matrix.org follow this link and you can create an account and be vetted and invited.

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This site, and especially this fucking board, is dead as fuck. And yet 4chan and every other imageboard talks about how it's raiding them and think bunkerchan still exists.
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leftypol.org is mods and their matrix clique (those who get their posts pre-approved by the "modocracy" and even then one mod will remove+ban the thread another mod approved).

The nu-mods from reddit are logged in at all times. I've had mods stalk me and reply to me in a thread based on what I wrote in another thread. They check everyone's post history before they reply and will generally only reply to the "verified non-spam IPs".

The ogre user numbers are inflated. I'd say there's max 50 unique posters, if that.


This is all true. The mods are literally putting in that overtime on the board. SPOOKED AF


>>1767 me
Like i post spam and it gets instantly deleted. no fun allowed


you have already admitted "spam" means any opinion you don't like.


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This is not the only bunker.

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you people should stop attacking and raiding leftypol and marxist/comie/anarchist/leftwing communities and leftwing adjacent communities.
>inb4 muh foreign intelegence agencies
>inb4 "glowies"
>inb4 cia(s)
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Also, have you never read Lenin?


You fags need to o back to reddit and give our land back to us. Also, we ar probably more leftist than you are.


you realise that anyone can raid in the name of anyone because of anonymity right?


I think infighting and self-obsession with esoteric cirlcejerk lore is irreversible and causes the places to be susceptible to outside influences.
Nothing you can do, total eclipse of the heart
Also this, lots of false flagging. There was a CP spammer on ogre that the mods blame on here, but are obviously some /pol/fag from somewhere else


Far as I can tell, that spammer is an ogre mod who has it out for siberia because of the relationship general, hence why you only see that content on siberia and why it usually takes hours to get removed. It’s a plausible theory at least since /pol/yp spammers usually just post that shit on their own board.

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 No.3[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

We should raid leftypol.org.
1. They are our community. They are us and we are them a consistent and sustained effort to post there. This will have the effect of drawing more eyes on the board and maybe giving curious anons a reason to post here.

2. The current narrative established at the org for why the drama happened in the first place is false and should be combated.

3. It will produce a massive amount of butthurt and lulz.

4. If anything this can raise awareness about the situation at hand and possibly result in some type of merging, or, concession between the boards over time.

5. Diplomacy must also be considered as our intented goal should not be to troll them for the sake of trolling them, but, rather to set the record straight, make demands, and if necessary force some type of agreement to be reached and, yes, have some fun while doing it.
ITT: General thread for raiding leftypol.org
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I should’ve actually used this


what jannoids need to realize is that they should keep the fuck away from the posteriat

just be a good human spam filter and get the fuck out of my way bitch

jannies should be treated as publicly owned slaves tbh

>but you have to appreciate the low eye queue idiocy and racism

nah, you don't need to appreciate shit

you just need to embrace the chaotic nature of anonymous imageboards
all the other shit comes with the territory


Please stop this. I read a bunch of posts on org and I can't tell if they're intentionally bad as part of a raid or actual real normal common opinions..


I have created a new thread specifically for our psyops >>1351 >>1351 >>1351


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I appreciate and embrace the chaos, I literally am chaos (and highly schizophrenic)
>I can't tell if they're intentionally bad as part of a raid or actual real normal common opinions
That’s exactly the point

Also before I start posting in the psyops thread look at this shit lmao

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Let's go.
Raid these fuckers like no one else.

Also, funny enough, we can pick up ques from them
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Can I get 250 robux please




you're so mature for ur age haha. you want to play Minecraft together?

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wtf is wrong with you. get a life nazi loser.
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So are Nazis. They're full of shit and make good fertilizer.




Little known fact, they can also be used to test the depth of mineshafts and sinkholes.


>muh virgin boogeyman

reminder that majority of fascists are not virgins

so you sex-haver scum have more in common with them than us incels


Remember kids:
If you forbid rightoid ideology there won't be catfemboys to breed anymore

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I want to make a massive raid on a lot of communities in the amino app. now I am developing a script that will connect to my server and when there are enough participants who will run the script, I will send a signal through the server to all instances of the script to attack the communities. I write in python and C, the application will be written in C, and the python code itself will be stored inside the executable file. the server will also be written in python


Post this on the actual raid board you retard.

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We've grown and we have clearly taken on a bunch of new users in the last few weeks. Welcome to all fellow chads who have decided to make this their home.

My question is, what can we do to get more people on now from org? Or even just generally I guess but mainly from the cult that is org?
For anyone who was around in the early days spamming doesn't seem to work but I have had success with just casually dropping the link when necessary in relevant discussion. What is to be done?
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I'm too embarrassed to tell you.


You didn't think this far ahead did you?


Well, as someone who recently gave up on org I can tell you that the mods there are doing a great job ruining the community. The website will sink itself at this rate. Its numbers are already declining.


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My tune-out point was when I received a month-long ban on utterly false charges just for critiquing moderation. It's obvious at this point that there are jannies who think a community exists to serve their whim, rather than the other way around, and we should simply encourage their continued suicidal behavior.


They have done literally everything to defame this website and yet here we are. Only the most propagandized sycophants still trust the jannies over there.

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It was clearly made by a salty org mod and I can't edit anything on united chans. Some one needs to correct this bullshit seeing how org has basically single handedly killed the entire user base.


don't care, fuck ogre, fuck jannies, fuck faggot space, fuck transhumanistBO, fuck leftist spergs, fuck hotwheels, and most importantly fuck moot


The fact moot still gets so much hate is hilarious to me.

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Canadian gl0wie is also a ped0phile


( 一一) irrelevant…


Irrelevant+was posted last week

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Crossposting this on as many /i/ boards as I can.

Recently, Twitter art policers have started to go after Mike Inel, an NSFW artist and animator for making porn of The Amazing World of Gumball several years ago.

Mike is just one in a long line of NSFW artists who have been hassled online by terminally online and terminally fandom kids with no ambitions, goals, father figures, or pussy in the forseeable future.

Maybe it's time to start milking some lulz from them.


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>muh Twatter


lol his porn was heartless shit. an absolute shadman. fuck him.


i'm browsing through his tag on paheal and laughing out loud at the fact that you think this guy is anywhere in the same galaxy as shadman.


Fuck off with your degenerate shit.


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