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/i/ - Invasion and Raid

We do a little trolling
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/i/ now has a matrix room! Hosted on our own server. https://talk.leftychan.net/#/room/#Leftypol:matrix.org follow this link and you can create an account and be vetted and invited.

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We've grown and we have clearly taken on a bunch of new users in the last few weeks. Welcome to all fellow chads who have decided to make this their home.

My question is, what can we do to get more people on now from org? Or even just generally I guess but mainly from the cult that is org?
For anyone who was around in the early days spamming doesn't seem to work but I have had success with just casually dropping the link when necessary in relevant discussion. What is to be done?
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I'm too embarrassed to tell you.


You didn't think this far ahead did you?


Well, as someone who recently gave up on org I can tell you that the mods there are doing a great job ruining the community. The website will sink itself at this rate. Its numbers are already declining.


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My tune-out point was when I received a month-long ban on utterly false charges just for critiquing moderation. It's obvious at this point that there are jannies who think a community exists to serve their whim, rather than the other way around, and we should simply encourage their continued suicidal behavior.


They have done literally everything to defame this website and yet here we are. Only the most propagandized sycophants still trust the jannies over there.

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It was clearly made by a salty org mod and I can't edit anything on united chans. Some one needs to correct this bullshit seeing how org has basically single handedly killed the entire user base.


don't care, fuck ogre, fuck jannies, fuck faggot space, fuck transhumanistBO, fuck leftist spergs, fuck hotwheels, and most importantly fuck moot


The fact moot still gets so much hate is hilarious to me.

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Canadian gl0wie is also a ped0phile


( 一一) irrelevant…


Irrelevant+was posted last week

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Crossposting this on as many /i/ boards as I can.

Recently, Twitter art policers have started to go after Mike Inel, an NSFW artist and animator for making porn of The Amazing World of Gumball several years ago.

Mike is just one in a long line of NSFW artists who have been hassled online by terminally online and terminally fandom kids with no ambitions, goals, father figures, or pussy in the forseeable future.

Maybe it's time to start milking some lulz from them.


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>muh Twatter


lol his porn was heartless shit. an absolute shadman. fuck him.


i'm browsing through his tag on paheal and laughing out loud at the fact that you think this guy is anywhere in the same galaxy as shadman.


Fuck off with your degenerate shit.


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Does pic related explain the behavior of leftypol mods?


Interesting. Can you bring some more evidence on this topic?

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If this thread needs to be moved, then so be it.

It's very rare to come by /i/ boards anymore, and I'm happy to see leftychan and 94chan host them.

However, with this site, I feel like serious action and trolling need to be separated from each other.

/i/ has always been about lulz first and foremost over political causes, which was what caused so much heat during the Chanology days and led to its grave.

Maybe action that advanced the working class and action for lulz can be split into separate boards. /praxis/ or /irl/ for the former, and /i/ for the latter.

Just a suggestion. Keep up the good work and hope you guys get somewhere!


I don't think we need to sperate this into two boards tbh. We. Would just have a general for lulz raids.


>/i/ has always been about lulz first and foremost over political causes, which was what caused so much heat during the Chanology days and led to its grave.
This uyghur gets it. Trolling should never have a purpose. Raids and trolling for anything other than lulz always turn out to be self-defeating endeavors. In addition to Chanology, /pol/'s hilarious failures at raiding are prime examples.

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Any way to target them without looking like complete retards?

Advice for dealing with them…
1. Rules 1 and 2, but apply it to us.
2. Re-read 1.
3. Use a VPN/Proxy, Tor, whatnot
4. Be Anonymous at ALL TIMES.
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Nothing of value was lost when that shithole went down, except the sonichu stuff.


arguably it was one of the few places where you could get a good grasp on what gamergate actually was and who the principle actors were.

mostly how everyone involved on both sides was grifting from their involvement.


So there's this interesting conspiracy theory on /pol/ on The Real Reason^tm it went down.
They they had proof that Ghislaine Maxwell had been a major power moderator on Reddit. And that they had proven that a couple of high level people at Cloudflare had adult children participating in grooming.
I don't know how true it is but it seems plausible.


The reddit thing seems very plausible.

I personally wouldn't be surprised if an elite sex trafficker was a power player at reddit. Those faggots hate when you call them out for being faggots


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this useless cunt has a major god complex and think shes untouchable, while raping minors and animals. i want a full on raid, and any information on her you can find. twitter: Muskbby69


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more screenshots of this pathetic bitch


Who is she? Gotta give more information than that.


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all i can find are her socials, ive been searching for a while, but i dont have the programs to really dig, but if it comes down to it ill pay whoever who can either completely render her accounts useless, or find any information on her. she tried attacking multiple people after they found out about her abusing minors and animals


not your personal army lmao


Pretty much this DAGE

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8chan.moe seems like a good place to raid. They seem to be in crisis over some drama concerning /random/ and /b/.
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Can you make boards there?


Yeah you just need an account


who the hells darwin


>They have drama like daily over how jannies don't let pedo shit run free enough despite having entire boards dedicated to loli/shota/t*ddler fucking disgusting stuff
kek. Do you even know where you are right now?


>Their /pol/ is particularly schizo
>implying there is one that isnt in internet

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The need to spread our ideologies to the largest currently existing board is something that has been postulated for many years in this community. There has been back and forth over it for years, but, I find it a worth while endeavor.
This thread will be for the extended trolling, posting, and propagandizing of 4chan.org/pol/ and ideas generally pertaining to that:

1. Make at least one post per day

2. Always combat the autism that you find on that place.

3. Find gems and post them here for the lulz.

4. ??????

5. Profit!
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and remember /pol/, if you are reporting this to your fellow jewish niggers then that means that the plan is working KEK COPE AND SNEED AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH


It really is interesting it works no matter how you think about it. Even if they cry they are so dumb they will land on the org, so.


they dont even know .net exists kek the fucking state of them


this site is dead isnt it


Post something other than complaining about it being slow and make it alive then faggot.

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