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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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>stirner on the 'log to kill shemmyfags

File: 1738097291044.gif ( 680.97 KB , 300x341 , sucy.gif )


word filter from ohio :skull:




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not your boogeyman squeakerfail


i dont have a boogyman doe you are kinda retarded
and serbia is STILL NOT WHITE


obsessed with us serbgods

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DNB of site shut it down


nobody says this or looks like this you've been reported to the fbi for being a russian agent


what the fuck does DNB mean?


Its DNB, leftypolslutta


dead uyghur baby, chinnycucks often compare boards to dead children from the snuff cp they goon to
now let's see the chinny's pph… oh wait


News page has the pph if you really care

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Whats DNB of board kek
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You are. Because you're brown


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I think you're amerimutt


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this board mogs the fuck out of the ninny tbh

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 No.128448[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

non coal edition

Previous thread: https://archive.ph/pDgN6

Soycraft 1.16.5
150 posts and 59 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.






what's wrong with opening your mouth in excitement while wearing glasses??


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gemerald ascend


Never heard of the Shemmy till today, surprised no one mentioned it itt >>140549

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Why can't America be like this?


>officer Runt reporting for duty
more like officer Cunt lol

Hate fucking pigs and army. Fucking slaves.

Only navy is Based


what about navy warcrimes


Legal fetishism. Organized warfare is there to kill, and only defeated side is ever punished for "warcrimes".

In the navy everyone lives and dies together, not like in the cucked army.


kill all poc blm protestors, advocate, and supporters


no comment




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lol did this actually air like this



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Bet how many hos did he assmog by th@ keku


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they're brazilian though


why are cissoids like this?


Imagine being so fucking triggered by University students in a fucking sex ed class on the other side of the ocean see some Impossible® roast beef.

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Honestly? Just quit this place.

I'm serious. Just quit this place. /leftypol/ is basically a board for ideologically incoherent incels and schizos who take pride in how abrasive and alienating they are. Most of the userbase here aren't really communists, socialists or anarchists in any meaningful sense, they're just illiterate losers who wanna LARP on the internet as Tim Curry in Command and Conquer while wondering while they aren't getting sex.

So, give 'em what they want, and leave them with a dead board because nobody wants to talk to them. I went nearly a month without posting here, and when I came back, the quality of posting managed to get even worse.

Rest of you wanna know why this place is dying? Look in them mirror. Nobody wants to put up with abrasive schizoposters when they can have an actual conversation somewhere else.
15 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


OP may have been right.. it's obah…




what models did you use to make this


The IRL left doesn't even surpass 40 people most states. I'm appreciative there's at least a nominal safe haven for us to chat. That said, this board is braindead, but it's more tolerable than others.


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About quit this place, thanks OP.

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>match with a guy on tinder
>start talking about the financial crash of '08
>he blocks me
why are men like this smh


I don't even


I don't get why boys don't like my sexy economic populism ;_;


He's probably a homosexual.
I jest, but, he probably is some lolbert retard type.


You were prolly right the first time

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