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why do white women fuck dogs


Good question op. I'm the implications are chilling. <There are literal dogs who fuck more women than some posters here.


because they can have overwhelming power over their dogs
women are too sub to feel dominant even with the most beta of betas
that's why they need dogs


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Dooooonnnnn't youuuuuuuuu knooooooooow~~~
Doooooooooonnnn't yoooooooooooouuuu knowwwwwww~~~
Thaaaaat it'sssss wroooooooooooooong~~~
For youuuuuu to fuuuuuuuk~~~


>white women
this is already a flawed assumption, they arent women to begin with


Lot's of women fuck dogs not just the white ones.


>people who do things I don't like are demons




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>people who do things I don't like are DOGfookers


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Most people won't tell you this, but the white dogfucking meme has its origins in black supremacist cults from the 20th century, and along the way white incels found it and made it about white women specifically. Several of these groups would say shit about how white people are sexually infatuated with dogs to the point that the English word for god is dog backwards.
And they're right by the way


It's true that black supremacist retards are the root cause of the meme that white women souly fuck animals. No they aren't right though.

The truth is bestiality has been practiced for thousands of years across all different ethnicities and only recently have we out lawed it because we haven't had such a monolithic legal system till recently.

Any other take is just divide and conquer race baiting glow uyghur shit.


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i mean euros have especially been notorious for furries since ancient times as stated in many of their mythologies major examples being werewolves and minotaurs. The Ottomans were also inspired by euros by having their founder fuck a she wolf and have a line of furry descendants. it is also worth noting they also heavily fetishized wight women who in turn fetishized dog dick. I think you can come to your own conclusion from the historical and archaeological data


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>No they aren't right though.
This is the black version(and therefore superior) of whitoid hyperborea memes that say Atlantis was real and white, founded by aliens who were white, and nonwhites are all descendants of animals who had sex with whites. Even in their own version, whites paint themselves as fucking animals.
And I much prefer to see more Yakub instead. The irony is that the hyperborean "all civilizations were white" holds about as much ground, uses the exact same logic and evidence, as the five black people that say the Olmec and everyone else were black. It's fascinating and especially the mindsets that fall for it. I'd say the white version has done more damage, I mean Mormonism is a thing. Meanwhile Malcolm X left Nation of Islam and met Castro.


its illegal to have a human sex slave, and animals are much more appreciative of the arraignment so long as you feed them and show love.


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found a white womehn


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>When you're doggin..




>but the white dogfucking meme
not a meme


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why'd they have to repeat themselves specifically for women?




this woman's saying she started bestiality with her dog because of Stirner egoism?


Yeah that is a unique interpretation of stirner come to think of it.


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sorry guys its mandatory for anyone to be considered a TRUE believer in stirner doctrine and religion to have sex with doggos especially pasty bitches


The first thing white women do upon being liberated from the mental shackles of morality is to start jerking off their dog :/


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thesis: white women fuck dogs


I lurk a dogfucker forum and a lot of the OC vids produced by female members were from nonwhite woman albeit.




>I lurk a dogfucker forum


>my dog come out as trans


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