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File: 1640332484483.jpg ( 169.81 KB , 1125x1522 , 20211224_075239.jpg )


Post tiktok gems you find, can be screenshots or full videos


File: 1640332614052-0.jpg ( 86.75 KB , 827x1066 , 20211216_020632.jpg )

File: 1640332614052-1.jpg ( 115.92 KB , 1169x1217 , 20211209_175034.jpg )

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File: 1640332614052-4.jpg ( 106.34 KB , 828x1204 , 20211130_224300.jpg )

This is the kind of shit I'm expecting


File: 1640332914678-0.mp4 ( 6.66 MB , 576x1024 , th-2sT5LrqkwRfF0.mp4 )

File: 1640332914678-1.mp4 ( 1.1 MB , 480x480 , Wmen.mp4 )

File: 1640332914678-2.mp4 ( 7.65 MB , 640x480 , T2qs19S110EnMrIw.mp4 )

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File: 1640332914678-4.mp4 ( 1.94 MB , 576x1024 , 32kLXOhwwKls1_Aq.mp4 )

and some videos


be funny


>tiktok kino
I thought you guys were cool, tiktok is only for normalfag cringe.


File: 1640337366807.webm ( 2.05 MB , 364x720 , 1603646818830.webm )

ok boomer


you are the normie here by having the blase 14 year old redditor opinion of le tikok is le cringe

fuck off


Don't talk shit about my tiktoc bitch


File: 1640366673367-1.webm ( 1.34 MB , 540x480 , poggers.webm )



>hating on tiktok is nornalfag/reddit
What a dumb opinion.
>fuck off
No.You fuck off.


File: 1640382623965-0.webm ( 2.72 MB , 540x480 , 1626392678927.webm )

File: 1640382623965-1.webm ( 1.01 MB , 630x576 , 1624182966241.webm )

File: 1640382623965-2.webm ( 2.89 MB , 406x720 , 1603191514763.webm )



Holy fuck this thread is actually hilarious


File: 1640389863723.jpg ( 300.09 KB , 1124x1806 , D455B81E-8C5E-422C-86B9-22….jpg )

Bro hating on tiktok stopped being based like a year ago. Keep up.

Thanks anon


>keep up with normalfag fads to decide what is based.
Being based is not caring what others think.


File: 1640404013892.jpg ( 106.13 KB , 828x1356 , 20211225_033249.jpg )

>Being based is not caring what others think.
which is why it's based to enjoy funny tiktoks, despite the stigma around the app


>hating on tiktok is nornalfag/reddit
yes it is
you're a failed normie

now fuck off


>noooo you must socially isolate yourself from regular people culture based on arbitrary media barriers like a heckin' good communist!!
being aware of what regular people do and watch is a good thing for us to be aware of on top of it also being entertaining

alienation and pretentious attitudes shouldbe a thing of the past
we as communist shouldn't come off as snobbish people who are out of touch with the people's zeitgeist


File: 1640413813008.webm ( 2.76 MB , 668x1080 , 82739210771.webm )

this one's just grim


Jesus fucking Christ what the fuck.


>you're a failed normie
That's your opinion, which no one asked for.
>now fuck off


File: 1640475584062.gif ( 1.63 MB , 1025x603 , 1635894947382.gif )

Based and red pilled.


Oh so now you now what an opinion is and know what is uncalled for

Should have thought about that before disrespect TikTok

Fuck ya social credit points, xi Jin ping personally hired me

Go failed normie boy go


File: 1640530045053.jpg ( 190.14 KB , 946x2048 , 20211226_144646.jpg )



I dropped in once and it was truly terrifying


Say whatever you want i'll do as i please..


File: 1641304239114-0.jpg ( 104.87 KB , 897x1107 , 20220104_134738.jpg )

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I love the zoomer generation.


I love how unhinged and insane they are


File: 1641305706108.mp4 ( 5.9 MB , 576x1024 , C9NCtxdy5LJHIwyW.mp4 )

you would think they're all on drugs or something haha


real alienation has never been tried


i want it all to stop


File: 1641329353152-0.jpg ( 120.38 KB , 640x771 , 20211027_003818.jpg )

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Sorry if I keep bumping this thread, I just keep finding new gems on my phone and need somewhere to compile them


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Thanks anon!
Glad someone else finds these funny :D


>Why are we afraid of having birth defects.
Why, Western Women's narcissism knows no bounds.
We are afraid of birth defects because we are empathetic to the suffering of disabled people. It's not eugenic to try mitigate harm to your children. Doing that is not eugenics or dehumanizing disabled people. Holy shit, do western women think it's fun being disabled.


>Did you know something
>>No we didn't
Typical boomer narcissist.


File: 1641403271761.jpg ( 57.63 KB , 720x919 , 20220105_171916.jpg )

If I (hypothetically) got off on her kink shaming me, would that still be kink shaming or would she be partaking in the kink?


File: 1641587991096.jpg ( 143.44 KB , 896x1307 , 20220107_162010.jpg )

if any rightoid faggot ever says to me "women aren't funny" again, I've got a whole folder to prove them wrong.


File: 1641591371594.jpg ( 63.32 KB , 716x603 , farc_tiktok.jpg )

Will do.
I just found this one, which would've made a good OP image ngl




File: 1642867009794-0.jpg ( 113.74 KB , 705x1159 , 20220122_155436.jpg )

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File: 1642867009794-4.jpg ( 55.74 KB , 828x1047 , 20220108_173834.jpg )

more kino


File: 1642952062804-0.jpg ( 169.56 KB , 593x1079 , 20220123_152431.jpg )

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File: 1642952062804-3.jpg ( 117.33 KB , 1169x935 , 20220122_165326.jpg )

yeah boomer tiktok is a goldmine lol


File: 1642954815430.mp4 ( 14.33 MB , 576x1024 , 7b15I_gCtReSgTtz.mp4 )

zoomer romcom just dropped


Keep me up dated on this giga cringe. Wanna see if soyboy gets the girl


File: 1643077485884-0.jpg ( 154.02 KB , 975x1960 , 20220124_162026.jpg )

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you're being a bit optimistic there, anon




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the brain's need for tiktok clout is a powerful drug


File: 1643474743953.mp4 ( 18.95 MB , 720x1280 , oTR9Wn-sduA2PSuj.mp4 )

>meanwhile on Chinese tiktok (douyin)


China looks incredibly more sophisticated than the United States. The streets are in near perfect condition.


File: 1670887579354.mp4 ( 2.46 MB , 480x854 , YAwK7D33LGN7WQzw.mp4 )



>3 hours later

>50 person bumfight


if you are a parent and your kid offs himself and you don't know why you are the reason


File: 1670889676359.mp4 ( 2.87 MB , 576x1024 , TikVideo.App - 71667018769….mp4 )

I'm so proud of my kid who killed himself




what a hero🙏🙏😢


File: 1670890283305-0.jpg ( 65.3 KB , 666x876 , 20221212_231335.jpg )

File: 1670890283305-1.jpg ( 154.37 KB , 828x1286 , 20221212_121848.jpg )

File: 1670890283305-2.mp4 ( 1.68 MB , 720x1252 , UMqctuzBkAzbzZZk.mp4 )

e-girl tiktok is fucking wild bros


>what an hero🙏🙏😢


File: 1670894432773.mp4 ( 8.34 MB , 576x1024 , celebrate sudoku kid.mp4 )



Great example of the mentally ill pathology underlying the pomoleft. In other words, just being a woman


The retarded roastie is correct. Discouraging pregnant women from smoking and drinking is eugenics.

You're just both psyoped retarded fags for believing eugenics is wrong.


Holy shit.

Boomers aren't this bad. It's like gen x is just a blend of the worst traits from boomers and millennials


>pseudoscience is right


>Genetics is psuedo science
Hur dur


File: 1670945991481.jpg ( 93.38 KB , 600x450 , HURR.jpg )

>eugenics is genetics


Eugenics, in the literal sense, just refers to refining and increasing genetic fitness/adaptiveness in a population. It's contrasted with dysgenics, or the intergenerational dwindling of genetic health.

If you understood dialectical materialism, you realize those are the only two options, in actually. There's no neutral scenario where genetic adaptiveness and health stays the same. It improves or becomes more refined, or it becomes stunted and fails to adapt in a positive direction.

My bad for thinking pregnant women should have clean air, fresh water, and great health for the betterment of people in the people.


>If you understood dialectical materialism, you realize those are the only two options, in actually. There's no neutral scenario where genetic adaptiveness and health stays the same. It improves or becomes more refined, or it becomes stunted and fails to adapt in a positive direction.
>genetics is a sliding scale of good and bad
>It's dialectics!


>Muh good and bad genetics
>Omg you're using the same shallow faggot moral lens that I rely on!!!!!


>It improves
>becomes stunted
>fails to adapt in a positive direction.
>in a positive direction
sliding scale

Fuck off.


File: 1671171792402.webm ( 591.32 KB , 406x720 , 1671170740207735.webm )



File: 1672669531675.mp4 ( 1.02 MB , 576x1024 , P_piSdbk57wAAw_X.mp4 )

tiktok kino


File: 1674685199925.mp4 ( 16.74 MB , 576x1024 , f05d6e7622df01250e37283a0c….mp4 )



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File: 1674745500047-3.webm ( 1.71 MB , 668x1080 , 1667471212081564.webm )



File: 1693490532823.mp4 ( 11.71 MB , 576x1024 , 0a1e18f24011ab74f6cd63357f….mp4 )



Your fyp must be depressing as shit


File: 1693541429433.jpg ( 129.22 KB , 593x647 , literally stalin.jpg )

>using tikstagrambook
nice hyperreality, fucko


File: 1693587294559.mp4 ( 6.98 MB , 576x1024 , mgx7eeP1cCtdXpDU.mp4 )



File: 1715464960345.mp4 ( 1.62 MB , 720x1252 , portal.mp4 )



Saw this GEM


damn that was good


this has almost wonder showzen energy


i have a family member who when she was 6 in the 1960s killed a child down the street by putting her mom's car in neutral and it rolled downhill and killed him. similar thing happened.


Actually, it's thirty years olds who whine about TikTok being "cringe".


They said the same about Gen X and Millennials


Actually, Millennials are the worst blend of Gen X and Boomers.


File: 1736274720913.mp4 ( 967.88 KB , 576x1024 , 4cdaa02b8d442d6debeca7c0e3….mp4 )

This could be us


kinda gay ngl


fuck you. this is why men are killing themselves. because they arent allowed to do fraternal handshakes to represent their friendship. its free to do handshakes.




You must be really insecure or easily disgusted by men showing platonic affection towards each other


you must be gay


It's not gay unless balls are touching.


ok I see ur point


File: 1738108950974.mp4 ( 10.36 MB , 720x1280 , Americans after scrolling ….mp4 )

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