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If you could have three of any super powers, what would you have?




this thread post gets me a "kys", yet the certain other threads do not? why is that?

i jusr wnted to make fun post to have fun with ppl..


The superhero dream Is essentially fascism. Fascism is that dog-eat-dog strength of the individual above all. So for those who dislike the trope of the übermensch, the trope of the superhero matches it a little too well.


Matter and energy manipulation


1. big dick
2. money
3. white skin

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Would you guys rather have a harem of men/mtfs who look exactly like women except on the genitals part or a harem of AFABs who look and sound like Hulk Hogan but with killer pussies
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Hulk "Sheman" Hogan


that makes no fucking sense.

Cis is the birth setting.
Trans is the artificial


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I would rather have a harem of anime girls.


if the masculine hunk-ladies in question look like these hotties, I would definitely smash



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Bet how many hos did he assmog by th@ keku


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they're brazilian though


why are cissoids like this?


My Borindigga just got yonger, the apocalypse ist near…





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pro-NEETing and anti-work memes. Infographics are also welcome.
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>being a NEET implies someone else covering your cost of living. Usually parents I guess?
And workers who have their surplus labor stolen by the state through taxes.


Workers have their surplus stolen primarily and disproportionately by their employer.

Taxes aren't used to house people in North America so maybe that works in Europe, but I somehow doubt you can live rent-free in Europe.


>Workers have their surplus stolen primarily and disproportionately by their employer.
Be self employed then. No employer, no stolen surplus. Taxes will always be stolen from you though.

>Taxes aren't used to house people in North America

What do you think Section 8 housing is.


Don't you think it's naiive to think anyone can just be self employed when 99% of people work for someone else?


this. You cannot be self employed without having others work for you.

self employed people need to rely in services of centralised labor to afford their freelancing style.

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Just got a week long ban for posting something a janny didn't like. They said it was for "idpol," but it was in response to an idpol thread that they left up and is still up as of me posting this, albeit in an autosage. Couldn't be more flagrant.
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Because this person also left after getting unbanned:
<Just got unbanned from ogre. Can't wait to not learn my lesson, get jannied again, and come back to this shithole.

Already found the themesong to you leaving:

But in case you stick around, hope you have a good time. Looking forward to your posts :)


To be honest, I don't really have a lesson to learn except don't accidentally step on the jannies' toes, which is a lesson I can't learn because anything could be stepping on their toes and the only way to figure out what those things are is to get banned.

To be honest, though, I don't know how much I even want to post in a place where I have to tiptoe around the jannies, so I'll probably just end up crossposting.


I got banned for "spam" after making a single post for the first time in weeks. I know the jannies there hate me but damn


That seems to be really common, actually.


That site is basically a blog now given how many threads the mods anchor or delete

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/Fully Automated Luxury No Faggots Space Communism/

Idpol faggots get the wall

From the term fully automated luxury communism which suggests that automation will make work and scarcity obsolete.

Under communism the potential for space exploration would be so much greater because it wouldn’t be the privatization we are seeing now and with subsidies for higher education we would be able to have way more people smart enough to plan new space travel. Materials will be more acsessible and a focus can be put torwards science and collective gain instead of the current private companies that want to destroy not only our planet but the solar system if they could in order to make more profit.

Post your theories,larp, and anything related, comrades
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1) communism doens't boost morale by itself
2) luxury doesn't boost morale by itself
3) eugenics doesn't work either


so basically by having shit you don't live in utopia


Ancient Rome was not all good. It was good for the elites but most people were slaves.
Also most male-on-love loving wasn't homosexual guys. It was cisheterosexual guys wanting to blow off steam because women were an inconvenience.


>Also, space is fucking cold and has no air. Space sucks. I mean literally, it's a vacuum. Maybe we'll solve that, I doubt it. Earth is always the best choice.

Space is the final frontier.
Anti- astronautical rhetoric is just vain materialism (as in the sin, not the logistical worldview.)


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>faggot cocksucker h8s on homos
>claims to be anti-idpol
You know wh@ you should do faggot.

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the best thing you can do is join a clandestine vanguard organization where you can sabotage imperialism from within and serve as useful collaborators for liberating forces when the time comes. “Communist” parties in America are either completely irrelevant cults focused on idpol, federal honeypots that collaborate with the Dems, or in the case of CPUSA both, and they will receive the least amount of leniemcy up there with politicians and financial bourgeoisie
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all Superstates stick to the same centuries old tried-and-failed shit
proven to be fucking MATHEMATICALLY deficient


>all Superstates
I hope you don't mean Soviet Union here buddy.

For expected outcome, IT IS deficient.


>clandestine vanguard organization
Useful Idiots




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What is the full name of Michels? I want to see if he authored any books to read

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>stephen hawking is on the epstein list
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epstein was paying hawking to develop top secret military technology for him/israel.

I wish i was kidding but I suspect it really was something along those lines.


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kubrick knew


More females rotting in sweatshops but you're right about jails/warzones.


It depends on the kind of sweatshops tbh. If it's clothes and shoes, it's more females. But machinery, it's more males.

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