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File: 1738178318859.gif ( 274.24 KB , 850x800 , 2340 - d9f55ef9f4de1a53e29….gif )


soytan epi thread


File: 1738179838381.jpg ( 413.26 KB , 1991x2047 , 20250113_211313.jpg )

>soytan epi thread


pls tell me that's a grill

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Hitler was a homosexual anarchist, here's why that's a good thing


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Allahu Akbar


All I get from this is that you like gay porn featuring prominent slavic figures. OP is literally a faggot (and that's fine bro it's 2025).


Русский мир ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧


gem even doe it's the other way around

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>my fursona has been a Typholsion for years of my life, and I've spent around thousands of dollars on furry commissions of my stoner typhlosion character. I am going to fucking kill myself. All a waste. The escapist passion of my life is now associated with this shitty story. All down the drain. I am going to shoot myself in the head. Been looking for a reason lately and this blow came out of nowhere stripping me of my last little hobby that's been keeping me going. The leaker will have at least this furfag's blood on his hands.

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>Romanian-Szekely Nazbolism

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hello it is me, the esoteric natsoc literally who shemmy avatarGOD
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I feel like I just spent 12 hours getting my dick shocked by an electrotransistor well over 100watts.


>white skin and light brown hair is not le white
i feel like (you) are the brownest shit skin ever saying this


see im unbothered because i dont understand what people on this thread are really making fun of me over, how is improving myself over a large period of time and trying to get rid of a mental illness (and in some ways succeeding); something to be found cringe? nothing you post will ever make serbia white :skull:


lighter brown eye are a sign of whiteness, don't worry, odin is with you


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thank you for your gender validating and kind words xir, unlike the other unwholesome BIGOTS in this thread obsessing over me you are quite nice, i was crying and shitting and pissing and cumming myself and then i saw this post and then i realized everything was gonna okay. trans rights are white rights btw thanks for your kind wholesome words xir.

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>stanning a ziongger



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can we move here since soygem.party is shutting down
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we got great replacement'd by newchads, now it's all twitter chuds who think 'billions must die' is the funniest thing in the world


we retvrn to youtube


Since when was the sharty run by the glow uyghurs? I have been out of the loop for years.


you actually have no idea how lucky you are


This is a +18yo chan.

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Post tiktok gems you find, can be screenshots or full videos
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You must be really insecure or easily disgusted by men showing platonic affection towards each other


you must be gay


It's not gay unless balls are touching.


ok I see ur point


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>NOOOOOOO!!!! you cant possibly defeat an advanced modern military with air superiority using small ar-


File: 1703779597204.jpg ( 194.13 KB , 800x1204 , Vietcong1968-1480332412.jpg )

Hold my beer.


File: 1738101068634.jpg ( 146.08 KB , 1280x854 , al qassam victory sign jan….jpg )

So crazy that this actually worked.


Sickest combo ever

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