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>My name is Caragh, But you can call me Stardust or Starshine, I'm a Autistic Trans-feminine person. feel fee to Subscribe if you like my content! I don't usually upload but I try to.




Is this place less dead than the last time I checked up on it?


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no but its still dead


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2new2know but i hope not

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imo i think the middle east deserves to be converted into a nuclear hyper-technocratic state


imo you are a retard


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no YOUR a retard


you should be converted to transhumanist

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 No.154243[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>IOF soldiers when they see a Hamas tunnel rigged with explosives
155 posts and 110 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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firing squad


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Under Project 2025, Abby Shapiro will be milked live on television.


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this is who you are obsessing over by the way
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my name is squeaker


how did you know that was me kys mutt



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I have no idea what's being said here and it's still funny as fuck
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


holy f*king based


lmao these guys rule so hard


Reportedly, "the moment US-UK airstrikes hit Sanaa's central rally location today. The massive crowd instinctively roars back & then chants: "O Zionist, we challenge you! This nation's your fiercest enemy." Moments later, even more flood in, unshaken & unstoppable."


During the US-UK-Israeli bombing of the massive rally, Yemenis held a symbolic funeral for the United States of America


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China <3 Yemen

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I drew this diagram to explain the revelation I had while I was tripping on Methoxetamine

What did she mean by this


Mate that kinda looks like a gun

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Talk about universal values and a value system that defies time and space, transcends nation and class, and applies to all humanity.
Discuss Western freedom, democracy, and that human rights are universal and eternal.
32 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>Why You Should Feel Good About Allah


yeah like working in mc donalds or working in krupp steel


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>working in mc donalds or working in krupp steel


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This - and my personal view emphasizes "current state." To say that liberalism was ever without hypocrisy or (severe!) flaws would be wrong, but at least the classical liberals tended to think like materialists as far as I can tell. At the foundation of the United States, corporate law was much stricter than it is today, and there seems to have been an understanding that accumulation of private property and power would act in ways similar to states and be tyrannical if unchecked.

From this perspective, neoliberalism is an entirely revisionist project, with the aim being to remove organs of the state from any modicum of democratic accountability and raid the state for resources. The justification for doing so, the excuse, is based on (shitty) idealism and ahistorical dogmas; "the profit motive is always the best," "only the political government can be oppressive and nothing else counts as a state," "checks on monopolistic power are illiberal," "accumulation and monopoly over land and fixed natural resources is just a right." In accordance, the first American postmaster general was Benjamin Franklin, a political philosopher (among other things, many bad, some good, but you can't deny he was intelligent and had an interest in running a functioning state), and the Post Office Department was run as a tax-funded public service. The current postmaster general is a corporate raider from a private postal company bent on closing down many post offices and wrecking it, and the current USPS is required to rely primarily on financing from sales, and it is constantly subjected to disingenuous scrutiny because running a public service effectively is not actually that profitable.

It's very difficult to look at the events of the neoliberal era and not conclude that the philosophy behind neoliberal privatization dogma is precisely the same philosophy which drove the Nazis to invent privatization, repackaged as a form of "liberalism" because Americans find that more palatable than the overtly totalitarian project of the Nazis, which appealed to Germans then and still does to this day.


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i lov western democracy

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does this happen to anyone else???


never had this happen
I store all of those on an external drive which I've hidden in a secret place no one will ever find

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eternal shemmy culture thread
also what's the page limit so we don't wipe 3 year old threads off the catty with our shitty posts
9 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


no lol






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let me post


test spam filter don't cuck me

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