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"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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File: 1738407186716.jpg ( 168.29 KB , 850x954 , 433bfea14c44ec15b3002adcbc….jpg )


Can we get a femboy stallion thread goin on?
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uyghurcoal from r/196




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can this just be a regular femboy thread?


if nobody is gonns post pony gemmies then yeah


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 No.146463[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post monsters.
Das it.
126 posts and 213 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1736543042370.jpg ( Spoiler Image, 78.35 KB , 367x576 , golgotha dancer Michael Bu….jpg )

Michael Bukowski's unflattering, but arguably accurate, illustration of another of Wellman's monsters, a "Golgotha Dancer." Great title, but the story is, frankly, pretty mediocre, and Bukowski's illustration honestly makes the monster look cooler than they sound in the story.


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A Yakubian


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An illustration for Robert E. Howard's Pigeons From Hell, about a zuvembie, an even worse kind of zombie because it has a vagina.


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Another Manly Wade Wellman illustration


Hardcore monster aficionados will know Pete Peterson from The Giant Behemoth.


what the fuck is a shemmy




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soygem.party - the deceased african american gentleman


Nice dubs btw

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>waaaaa kids ruin everything

>I'm an adult and I should have everything catered to me because I'm superior in intellect

>Nvm that I was a kid who indulged in the same thing and I'm butthurt about growing up

It's another case of failed adults blaming kids for everything wrong in society.
It's ironic that most of the slop they complain about was the result of adults hijacking it, not kids.
Also ironically, kids were part of the "old web" as well. In fact, they were the previous generation of kids who were pandered to and they're now butthurt that they're no longer young and hip.

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>tfw you will never drink mate with J. Posadas while UFO-spotting in the 1980s argentinian countryside


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>turks weren't homo-sexuals


That's Aryan Shemmypedo

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Kill wmaftards


Do this

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hi im from the shemmy thats gonna shut down, i have a question though

why do you have a fbi.gov while your an imageboard, people can talk on the imageboard fine plus ib's are better than fbi.gov


like having a diskplord is just gonna kill pph nothing else shut it down


im just not gonna join it
ez solution gg


>why do you have a fbi.gov while your an imageboard
y are u gay?


Kys obsessed shemmy pedo

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well fuck.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


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>they finally shut it down


now that the dust has settled, what was it about?


>svvt sold the domain 7 days early to some fbi.gov pedophile who made it into a loli porn website redirect without even giving a warning the website was going offline
well that just happened


The feds are right behind me, aren't they?


apparently he was just a retard and didn't revoke domain access from lee despite him not being part of staff for a gorillion years, which let lee redirect the site to atfbooru

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why can't we as common chuds get along with valid socialist transhumanisters?


tbh it's because you refuse to read


i think chuds are too ironic people

and they get easily manipulated into thinking north korea bad for example


post some list of books chuds need to read


blackshirts and reds by parenti

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