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What can be done to advertise leftychan and get more users? I'm sick of all new users being sent to .orge and thinking Leftypol is a bunch of histeronic hyper-authoritarian BPD troons.
Leftychan in it's current state is functionally dead. We get maybe like 5-10 unique posts in a day.


It's all because we don't have a cooking board.


Well, we sped up for a bit towards the end of 2023, but then activity in /b/ seemed to simultaneously fall off. It's honestly kinda weird, OP.

What did we do to get folks over before?


the identity of this site is intrinsically tied to .org. its users have a direct relationship to .org. an analogy would be that it serves as leftypols black market.
if you want more users, create an independent identity that can serve the needs of a broader group of people. unfortunately this requires effort, so it will never happen. touch grass.


Most of the posts I see about .org on here nowadays are just saying we talk about them too much, but oddly I don't see them talked about in many other contexts that often anymore.


not saying users here are obsessed with .org just that its identity is tied to it, most users here are or were .org users at some point
when i talk about the identity of the site i mean in the context of the historical material causes of its origin and userbase. supposing that it suddenly gets a huge influx of regular users unrelated to .org in any way, it will change the sites identity. so the identity has to evolve either way
furthermore there are structural and societal constraints on the sites userbase potential, see >>11839


I was thinking.
Pay for advertising on "left" leaning 4chan boards like /lit/ and /his/ if possible though not sure 4chan would accept advertising to another imageboard.
Make a deal with r/Stupidpol to get put in the sidebar as a Stupidpol adjacent imageboard. Stupidpol is functionally Reddit Leftypol.
Maybe push leftychan to the Haz/ACP types on Haz's Kick.


>Pay for advertising


>Maybe push leftychan to the Haz/ACP types on Haz's Kick
I do like this idea though.


Server link to Haz, Hinkle and a bunch of the Infra/Midwestern Marx people hangout. You could try get them to promote the site if anyone cares enough.


Share the site with your orgs, show it to your comrades!


>Muh Identity politics


what do you mean

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