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Pic related really does explain why so many on muh left are so unhappy

>Expect nothing from the world

>Expect a lot from yourself
<Realize you're the source of most of your problems. That's ok, since your can always change yourself

>Expect a lot from others

>Expect nothing from yourself
<Constantly disappointed and frustrating as your expectations don't allong with reality. Throw a hissy fit about how everyone else needs to change to suit your desires


Actually thats more from people on the right.

Also, having high expectations of yourself is also kinda toxic.


t. worm

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>US Military Damage Control

After years of pissing off people who may have considered enlisting, and instead opting to become a temp work agency for BIPOC lesbian single mothers, the US military is now finding it difficult to recruit.

Reality is often more entertaining than fiction:
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>Go from a Chad lite to a dumpy bleach bottle
For what reason?


Mind altering parasites probably


he looks better as a man and I say that as a straight man


Its not gay to admit another guy is good looking.
Women complimemt each others looks without any sexual intent.

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Any time someone brings up male alienation on .ogre's siberia or talks about hypergamy even if they're not blaming women or hating women and not posting blackpill shit, the post is immediately mocked and the mods instadelete the post and call you an incel or a nazi. Why? For what purpose? If the person isn't being misogynistic, then why delete the post?
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she is right though



I've got a 9oclock and a 12 oclock and 30 seconds to post about transhumanists on leftychan!


They simp for young adult women.
They assume that "woman" means "beautiful adukt female under forty years old."


From: https://7chan.org/rnb/res/24973.html#i24973

When men refer to WOMEN, the general image is an anthropoid female in their teens, twenties, and thirties.
Never ever EVER do you see men consciously acknowledge female elders

When female elders are mentioned, it's usually a different term and sentiment.

Chivalry is HEBEPHILIC.
The rules and regulations of handling women, aka chivalry?
It's more akin to handling a child.
The stuff men are told to do for women that's only appropriate to do if she's a child, elderly, or disabled. Able-bodied adult females don't need that.
Yet, they're smothered and guilt tripped into it.

Men are pathologically incapable of seeing women as independent beings, hence why older, worldly, cynical women are seen as a threat.
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go back, troon

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Womp womp



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requiring people to be nice is idpol

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When are we going to face the fact that 'the workers' (i.e., waged consumers) are reactionary pieces of shit and capital is on the right side of history?
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>I'm Blood! I'm Bloo— ACK!


I thought it was caused by redlining and white flight


That narrative was fed to you by liberal white women


I dont think drugs amd welfare alone decimated the American blacks.

White people had drugs as well. Pills,booze, cocaine, opium, etc.

Also the rap music?
White people had mafia/cowboy movies with country music glorifying the outlaws.
They also had welfare.

Redlining and white flight added to the mix is probably a more realistic outcome.

When blacks first started to gain power as American governors in the 1870s, they were lynched and pillaged by white reactionaries.


This guy has never dealt with neurotic white Karens before.

White people will shoot up the schools and malls for not getting the romantic adventurous teenage life they see in movies

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Saying 'Irish lives matter' is considered a hate crime by the *Irish* (global managerial elite) govt

<Inb4: day duznt madder

Ok faggot. Post something that does matter


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Andrew Tate> a man of strength and peace

How do we combine such principles with the movement socialism, thus strengthening the latter while drawing in support from disaffected you men?


Christianity ismt being degraded through SJW shit. Christianity is failing because it over-humanzies God into a daddy-husbando figure.

White Protestantism treats God as some form of residential insurance.

Anytime when the real world happens too close to home, they go "God is mad at us for not praying enough."


You really overestimate your understanding of what you speak on


probably but what Im saying is true.

Protestantism over-personalizes God as a daddy-husband figure

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Post em
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Christie Stevens at Blacksonblondes.

There's also Cici Rhodes - BoundGangbangs, another female boss getting gangbanged by workers, but a bit more on the rape/nonconsensual side.


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The last episode of Malcolm in the Middle shows how fucked up white people are.

I never liked how white people always treat kids like RPG characters.

Generational culturees are a result of this.

Most parenting articles written by white people are so annoying and cringey with the way they advocate for euphemising things to kids and hatred for precociousness or social autonomy of teenagers.

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