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/b/ - Siberia

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there's a fucking mouse in my room, what do i do?

pretty sure it took a shit and scurried off just as i entered the room again

internet's saying they reproduce fast + carry diseases (which is also on their poop) + urinate

fuck those children's books, fuck Stuart Little, mouse/rat propaganda

the cat was the real hero in Tom and Jerry


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There was a rat in my house a few months ago, I slid one of these fuckers under my drawer and oven but I think that fucker still came back. But I haven't seen him in months so it probably did the trick


fuck man

gonna have mouse/rat corpses lying around


This. These fucking glue traps are the bomb. Period. I had a massive infestation and this and my bb gun showed em who was boss.

Just don't shoot out your window like I did.


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didnt peta say those are inhumane? also yea kiddy movies really are pretty retarded, anglos are autistic when it comes 2 combating disease


>didnt peta say those are inhumane?
The rats would do the same to us if the situation were reversed. Remember that.


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you got a point, had to kill 3 of those creepy fucks in the past.
actually killed one by accidently shutting a lower cabinet door on its neck once. thought i saw something get into the house, told fam,no one believed me, was blown off, and a week later they ended up following a funny smell…my family really gets too retarded too often


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respect the rats you fucks

without them you all would've died as a little shit because of some pox


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it's different when they crawl in ya room and spread disease, possibly chew things like cables, which could cause fires, and rapidly reproduce which could cause an infestation


>actually killed one by accidently shutting a lower cabinet door on its neck once
Lmao rip bozo


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>didnt peta say those are inhumane?
Yeah but so is dying from rat shits
>also yea kiddy movies really are pretty retarded, anglos are autistic when it comes 2 combating disease
Most Yakubians are. They thought cats, the animal that hunts and eats these things, were demonic witch pets so they gathered them around and burned them alive for fun, allowing rats to fuck freely.


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Glory to you and your wisdom


You could start by cleaning that shit up uygha damn


most kiddy movies are retarded because anglos care more about innocence than realism.

Anglos hate precociousness.


The G400 is goated, what's the problem?


So you clean em up. Wear gloves if you want. Stop being such a pussy.


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what do rats even do? we should kill all rats

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