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File: 1689449153814.jpg ( 186.18 KB , 1196x585 , pornstar_antifa.jpg )


am i wrong for thinking this is bad?


someone please reply


File: 1689451784957.png ( 653.02 KB , 1080x1080 , image(3).png )

nah women are horrid creatures meant to punish and curse everything with the plague of existence


okay but what do you think of calling yourself anti-fascist and then doing a hijab themed porn?


Sounds like a non sequitur


I honestly have no idea what you're even talking about.
Maybe the most confusing thing here is that you've decided to add the definition of MILF - like who tf in 2023 doesn't know what MILF means? We learned that at summer camp in like 2006, who is this for?



Ah, that's the point you're trying to make? Shit, sorry, I replied direct to the OP before seeing this.
Yeah, this is still a stupid point though. Who tf cares? It's some pornstar on twitter. You might say it seems like a dubious optical decision for a porn star to be like "YEAH, I'M AN ANTI-FASCIST," but my counterpoint is that she's already doing porn. That's the "fuck your optics" of career paths; even if she didn't express her opinion about anything, she'd still be doing porn.


File: 1713007646923.jpg ( 236.03 KB , 598x1176 , FreeThemAll Summer Hart.jpg )

Thoughts on pornstars that comment on political matters?


OP you realize that you can be an asshole with complete disregard for other people's feelings and religion and still be anti fascist right?

Personally I'm not one to get offended if people put on clothes and do porn, like who gives a fuck, are your beliefs so fragile that they're shattered by whores?


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