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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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File: 1713045170090.jpeg ( 120.93 KB , 1768x1787 , wifejak.jpeg )


I don't get it


WTF does this post mean?


File: 1713046106472.jpg ( 24.17 KB , 573x691 , 93a.jpg )

I keep seeing this wojak being posted alongside random phrases and lots of people relating to it, but I don't understand the joke.


Maybe it's a white woman with dreads?


File: 1713046442388.jpg ( 26.63 KB , 585x700 , b9b.jpg )

Possibly. Do white women with dreads say things like this? I have never known one.


Maybe we just don't relate because we were never in situations where we encounter such people in such ways.

Maybe the next meme will be more understandable.


That's true. I don't go outside much so it's possible I just haven't come across these people yet.


this is just "shit women do/say" from the two examples

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